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  1. Sourcerer

    Quick Wishlist

    1. Functionality to inspect players please.
  2. Trainer card definitely has a lot of improvement potential. I would personally like to inspect other players, as opposed to sharing in chat but this would be a good progress regardless of how its accessed.
  3. AFK in Vermilion Requirement You are basically in endgame at this point (1+ hours) Difficulty You could get battle requests but mostly just chill Reward Priceless (0 on the GTL) AFK in Vermillion is easier than Red, AFK in Vermillion gets unlocked 784 times faster than Red and AFK in Vermillion gives quadruple the reward as Red. Best game design.
  4. All you need is 6,000 accounts to have just 1 5x horde encounter. That's how you can reduce the time to reach 30k encounters to a second. That is what you asked right? Not sure if its worth it though...
  5. I approve this request
  6. If you really want to p2w your way through the story, you can also use the GTL to purchase better mons. Some good pokemon can be found for cheaper than consumable costs and you can sell them back when you are done. You can also purchase moves, items etc. but those still require some effort towards learning the game I guess.
  7. Gotta ramp up those rookie numbers. Devs are only interested in programming languages count more than or equal to 69, and less than 420 if you can ditch out binary.
  8. I like this graph very useful, evaluates each evolution as its own pokemon. Maybe a 2nd version that takes into account the breeding mechanic would be better though.
  9. Is this another "game is too hard" post? Is the OP also proficient in more than or equal to 19 programming languages and less than 70 something else?
  10. Farming elemental orbs is the title but you only found one orb. I think this qualifies as clickbait.
  11. So 16? Flexing with # of programming languages while having no grasp whatsoever on basic computer science, arithmetic, probability or understanding of game mechanics is something that I keep seeing in this game's forums only. Or is it always the same person?
  12. Please keep in mind that the limit also applies to NPC trainers. Would you like them to also "toggle" the setting off and keep using items against you? If that's something you would enjoy, I'm not here to judge, but not everyone would like that.
  13. Lots of people severely underestimate the population in this game.
  14. Sure RNGesus, next you'll tell us flipping a coin twice and getting heads both times is a glitch in the matrix.
  15. You can create a new account and start over right? I think what you really want is to get back the stuff you earned unfairly. Which sounds terrible to be honest.
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