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Munya last won the day on November 25 2023

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About Munya

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  1. My favorite series getting a new season in fall, I am hyped. Started re-watching the previous 6 seasons a few days ago to get ready.
  2. All damage dealing trapping moves are temporarily banned from competitive play as well now, the list is as follows: Bind Clamp Fire Spin Magma Storm Sand Tomb Whirlpool and Wrap
  3. If TC thinks any of them break the game/metas enough that they should be banworthy sure. I believe I asked about the trapping move baton pass thing because I seem to recall asking if it would make more sense to ban the trapping moves as opposed to baton pass if we needed to get rid of it, but nothing came from that so i assume its fine. Unburden I don't recall if I asked about.
  4. The future sight thing? Someone made a mistake cause it was not on the tracker, it was my first time seeing a report for this type of item interaction. There have been plenty of other future sight bugs that have been fixed in the past but this was never brought in front of me at least. It is not fixed yet.
  5. Its never been reported in bug reports at least, people need to report bugs in the proper place. The other issues have been and are known about though. And correct, its getting the boost and not consuming the gem, even when its still on the field the gem does not get consumed. Most if not all bans are done for this kind of stuff after consulting the TC. Some are done before, and some may never reach them if deemed minor enough.
  6. Psychic Gem + Future Sight interactions are broken.
  7. Please keep personal insults out of the discussion, this warning is for everybody. Post whatever evidence you think is relevant I am fine with that - the tier council will decide how relevant it is, everything else take to DMs.
  8. This is all in game, as well as Shaymin test has concluded and been decided to be okay in UU and will remain unbanned.
  9. They haven't commented on it yet really afaik, they can here though. The usage movements are done and posted separately from them.
  10. End of the season, 3.75% to go down, 4.75% to go up. To OU from UU Jellicent Gastrodon To UU from OU: Blissey Cofagrigus To NU from UU: Ninjask Ludicolo Swampert Toxicroak You know the drill at this point, discuss whatever you feel needs discussing. Stay on topic.
  11. Doesn't really matter, its not an intentional mechanic. It will be resolved in the future.
  12. is a bug, passing trapping moves when baton pass is used by the attacker is not intended behavior.
  13. https://support.pokemmo.com/ please do so here in the future. What move did you use to KO the Nosepass or whatever was before the nosepass? What platform are you playing on?
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