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TohnR last won the day on August 31 2022

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About TohnR

  • Birthday June 18

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  1. You will have better success selling that in GTL. Just look for any MALE human-like pokemon with these same 4x31 IVs and that's the price you can get off of it It being a chimchar no longer matters because you made it male, so the species will not be kept during the next breeding step I see you've already listed it on GTL for 220k actually πŸ™‚
  2. That's not an argument and actually not worth anything if the person has been flagged for wintrading on ladder later on πŸ˜‰ There are no proof he hasn't been cheating before
  3. We need to introduce PVP IP ban for long periods of time for these wintraders / ghosted players. Give them 3-6 months of inability to play ladder and tournaments (and perma if they try to play under a different account/IP), they will have enough time to reflect on their actions πŸ‘ Clearly not worth the perma in "first offense" cases but I'm not sure 2/3 weeks of ban is going to achieve anything either ... Or at least make the wintrade punishment public so everyone knows who did what, I guess that joins the "transparency" discussion ahah πŸ˜‰
  4. I agree with that but it was absolutely expected when the mon dropped tho
  5. The entire purpose of that reaction is harassement, no ty πŸ™‚
  6. These are not HAs but new gen abilities, Devs somewhat decided to add them and nobody really knows why but it is what it is ... :'D Don't think the community asked for them either actually, at least Weezing is cool to have ! Remember how I mentionned some of them from Gen5 don't have overworld sprites to be made into Alphas ? Mienshao is one of them. Volcarona only has a "front" sprite so maybe that's the reason, I don't know really. But clearly those are not strong and I never claimed so Magic Guard Alakazam has for sure been kept for a raid boss or something, it's obviously one of the "meta" HAs with the regenerators. If they released all the good stuff from the get go there would be nothing left to be excited about ...
  7. Honestly 500 Rp for every member of your team is 15k RP, it's not much but more than what TT ever gives (for the comparison with PVP) I do agree tho that 3 vanities for 1st/2nd/3rd would be better to match the PVP rewards (gold/silver/bronze) but it's the first edition, hopefully something better will come later. Also good to note that whenever you spend money to find shinies you still keep the OT shinies so it's not like you're "wasting" anything to compete in this event.
  8. Clearly you're new to this game and have no idea how it is run by its devs. Hope you still have fun despite all those requests you made that will likely not be fulfilled πŸ˜• - Weather/Screens counter hopefully will come, we have been asking for it for years tho. - PVP rewards same thing, they really need a revamp especially the Pokemon that they give for free being release fodder. - About Dugtrio ban leaving Diglet available, just know that's how TC works in general, they didn't want Arena Trap ban to punish Diglet/Trapinch which are Untiered even with the ability. I'm of the same opinion as yours that we should just get rid of trapping abilities. - About other legendaries, the next to be implemented will be the Regi trio most likely. It will take a lot of time before legendaries such as Landorus or Heatran are made available I think - About other HAs, some of them are unreleased right now because they would be over powered (Blaziken, Slowbro, Tangrowth ...) and some of them just couldn't be released as an "Alpha" encounter yet because they don't have any Overworld Sprite (mostly for gen5 ones) or are too rare as high IV (fossils, male only pokemon). These are likely coming with the "Raids" system so let's be patient
  9. I'm not going to participate but I appreciate the time and efforts that staff put into this. Feels like the type of event the community needed during the off-season
  10. I thought you meant all the bugs I mentionned, which have been reported already. The future sight thing idk but you already banned it, the other bugs are not My point was do something about all of these too πŸ’–
  11. That's a lie I did report some of them by making a ticket and got replies from staff members that it was known bugs that would be fix at one point You couldn't say that when the community actively reported these bugs many times. There's been other people making tickets too I think it's just not been fixed by devs because they haven't released a patch yet, but I'm hoping it will come sometimes this year If so I understand why it was quick banned, it seems much more problematic than another bug ! Thanks for clarifying
  12. @Munya Why did you ban Future Sight + Gem now, it has been bugged since forever hasn't it ? I know Future Sight + Life Orb interaction is also bugged and has been for 5 years despite the fact it has been reported by the playerbase. In that case why also not ban Metronome (item) which has a gamebreaking bug, and Recycle + Unburden as well. Oh and Trapping + Baton Pass too. There's literally so many bug abuses in PVP nowadays, I'm sure staff knows of many more than that. It makes that decision look arbitrary, was it deemed worthy of being banned because it's way stronger than other bugs ? Does the bug get the gem boost without consumming the gem ? If so I could understand it being such a priority... I'm not against it honestly but for god's sake can't devs give us a patch to fix all the known bugs the community has already flagged instead ? 🫠
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