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TohnR last won the day on August 31 2022

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About TohnR

  • Birthday June 18

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  1. Shame ...
  2. Lastly - we need to remember we're all living in our own bubbles especially what becomes to Doubles. In my personal bubble, people did feel that Covert Cloak being hidden is harmful. Because this represented pretty much the whole Doubles community to me at this point, I got the idea that people just don't like hidden Cloak but I will happily accept if there in fact is more people who enjoy it over hating it. Very honest reply man, thanks for that. If I sounded like I was blaming you for the whole thing I would like to apologize to you as I didn't mean to be offensive to you in particular. I mostly meant the process in general was flawed (adding an extra item that was not in the game and then making some sort of tweak so it's not broken). I know TC did what they could as well, cheers.
  3. I'm not saying it wasn't discussed I'm saying "flashing items" is a random fanmade rule that doesn't really makes sense. It sounds similar as nerfing Sharpness to x1.3 or having Trap abilities working only for 3 turns. It's a duct tape fix that tries hard to add broken content without having any bans in the PVP scene. Basically what I'm saying is that if we have to do this, then the item shouldn't have been included in the game, or should be banned in Doubles if it is problematic there. But I mean, after all, if everyone likes it like that then it's cool 😉 To me it's illogical, maybe to you it's beneficial to the game, idk
  4. The item is not used in singles, the only reason they added it is because doubles players asked for it. If we're ending up making such a ridiculous fix then we would have been better off without the item in the game to be honest. This whole situation sets a really bad precendent for balancing. If it's problematic keep it out of the game then (PVE only ?) ...
  5. Typical case of dropping a broken mon into a tier that can pseudo check another broken mon. All will amount to nothing when both eventually end up where they belong.
  6. Too long didn't read, but I gave you a thumbs up because it seems well writen. Cheers !
  7. 😞 Don't want either to lose ... Too many boys to cheer on but my predictions were shit, so I'll pass this week, currently on 44/96 with 14 last week ☠️
  8. Oh boy 8-0 ? That's a lot
  9. Yes this item is useless and a scam. I bought it to EV train on release, then I understood it's not applying EV braces (which was not specified upon buying). It's literally better to own 4/5 exp share items than using this.
  10. What a surprise ! It's as if unbanning all the BLs was maybe a bad idea in the first place. Once Lucario will be gone for long enough yall will eventually request to ban P2 or Blissey. Can't wait !
  11. @Razachu Thoughts ? Seems difficult for you guys to compete but at the same time I can understand that tournaments are hosted at the time more players are logged in.
  12. You're still 2 points ahead overall 💪 Ez nevertheless
  13. That's now how it should work man. TC can't just be like : nothing was said so it's necessarily fine / something was said so it's necessarily bad. Altho I appreciate your transparency a lot, you can't wait for people to give their inputs if you don't invite them to (via discussion threads and telling them what you intend to ban/unban soon so they know what is a priority to discuss).
  14. Love seeing bans that weren't discussed or justified anywhere. While Nidoqueen and Vaporeon are strong pokemon, they don't appear obviously broken in NU to the eye of the average player. You should at least justify the changes, give the policy that got them banned (Defensive uber ? Offensive uber ? Uncompetitive ?) and some relevant summary. That's not enough to just state they got banned lol.
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