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About MightyMichele

  • Birthday July 10

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    -Vermillion City
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  1. Hi there, Our community initially expressed a strong desire to unban ArtOfKilling. After the staff reviewed the case and lifted the ban, the community is now voicing concerns about fairness, noting that other players with similar offenses in the past were not given the same leniency. The staff have clarified that win trading is against the Terms of Service and that they will continue to ban anyone who violates this rule. They have also mentioned that they will monitor ArtOfKilling's behavior closely to ensure compliance. The community should appreciate that the staff listened to our requests. Instead of focusing on past bans, we should look forward and concentrate on future ban appeals. I encourage everyone to practice gratitude. With love, MightyMichele
  2. 💥💥💥Bump 💥💥💥
  3. Hi ArtOfKilling, I am sorry to hear about your situation. Taking a break from PokeMMO might be a good idea. If you truly love the game, you'll find your way back to it after some time. Perhaps taking a break for a few months could help you regain your enthusiasm. My friend went through a similar situation and waited six months before he felt ready to play again. It’s unfortunate that this happened, but it might have been avoided if you had checked with your friends about the Terms of Service before offering the 1 million PokeYen. Sometimes, a little guidance from others can prevent big mistakes. Take care, and hope to see you back in the game someday. With love, MightyMichele
  4. Hey Canada, To answer your question, let's consider the movie Monsters, Inc. In this film, monsters scare children in their bedrooms, but not all monsters are equally skilled at it. For example, the Eyeball doesn't look scary at all in the movie (pretty much like the green eyeball on PokeMMO) Picture: Mike from monster Inc. Back to PokeMMO context, a truly frightening Halloween will need features to enhance their design (some vanity need more features and other need less). Adding in the right amount effects, animation and even tweak colors will improve a vanity significantly. Whether the Halloween vanity is not doing good out there, it's due to poor features. As an example of feature to be added to the werewolves mask to fix desirability : - Activable Dire Werewolf transformation, including special effects. That would keep the cute werewolves masks while give a truly scary transformation. The average price alone shouldn't determine a vanity's beauty. Other factors, such as scarcity or popularity, can influence value. For example, when a Halloween mask is in high demand and players stop selling them, the price naturally increases, indicating its desirability. With love, MightyMichele
  5. Hi, I would like to express my sincere disappointment regarding the Halloween masks released in recent years. In 2021, I was particularly let down by the werewolf masks, which I felt were not as scary as they could have been. I hoped this would be addressed the following year, but instead, we received the Cthulhu masks, which also did not meet my expectations for a truly frightening mask. I love PokeMMO and have been a dedicated player for years, but this issue has been a significant letdown for me. I remember the impressive masks from previous years, such as the flaming skull mask, the reaper hood, and the plague mask with the gas effect from 2016, 2017, and 2018. These were truly memorable and added to the Halloween spirit. I hope the upcoming Halloween experience may bring something that will make everyone happy. With love, MightyMichele
  6. Hello PokeMMO Community, Exciting news! We have fresh content with an official shiny hunt event. It seems the staff have heard our requests and possibly are preparing a lot of new content for us. I’m thrilled and hope this activity is a huge success. Beautiful Dragon Wings by the way @Darkshade and @Rache. Thanks to our soverain @Bearminator for take care of the fairness of the event. Good luck everyone! I hope you all may get amazing shiny. With love, MightyMichele
  7. Hello everyone, I'm glad to hear that you all remembered me from @Summrs post. Thank you for everything! I totally agree that PokeMMO needs solid content to keep players engaged. Introducing features like matchmaking pass cosmetics, daily and weekly quests, and exclusive seasonal rewards, including vanity items and unique Pokémon, would be fantastic for the communty. With love, Your MightyMichele
  8. I’m starting to think those cats are going to demand their own login soon!
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