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Revz last won the day on November 9 2023

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About Revz

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    Roaming Hoenn
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    Revz - Revy

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  1. Xuanwu is not in the lucky red envelopes. It can only be originally obtained from the Gift Shop.
  2. This dark theme mod does not modify the default theme, so it should not be conflicting with the small notification mod. Do you have any other mods activated besides the strings? Also, the smaller notification mod only works with the default theme so it wont be active when you have the dark theme activated.
  3. Updates - Added another download link for a version compatible with the Archetype encounter counter. - Added instructions on how to get the mod to work with other mods that modify the default themes.
  4. Can you send a link to this mod? String mods should not cause a problem.
  5. I cannot reproduce this. What steps did you take to get here? Do you have any other mods that modify the default android theme?
  6. That would be outside the scope of this mod. Someone else (or you) can make a theme that removes this.
  7. I can not reproduce this. What steps did you take to get here? I do not know what you mean.
  8. Updated to work with the default android theme as well.
  9. Smaller Transparent Notifications This mod only works with the default PC and mobile theme. Theme creators (or you) can add the contents of this overlay mod into other themes but it might take some tinkering. It's just setting the background transparent and making the margins small. At the moment I don't think there is a way to have it applied to non default themes without editing those themes. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/etz4i399fpvjr1t/SmallNotifications.mod/file Default Theme Default Theme + mod Mod added into a custom theme with smaller font. Issues If you get a fatal render error, you might have another mod active that modifies the default theme. You will need to do some tinkering to get them both working at the same time. I don't know how to avoid this If you have done any modifications to the default themes theme.xml file, you will need to mirror those changes in the mod's theme.xml file. For example, Archetype encounter counter modifies the active (default in our case) theme's theme.xml file by adding the following to the list of include tags. <include filename="AC/1.0_Scaling.xml"/> So this needs to be added to this mods theme.xml file as well. Unzip the mod, find the theme.xml, add this line to the bottom of the list of include tags. (Windows) Zip the files by selecting the data folder, icon.png, and info.xml -> right clicking one of the items -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder I've gone ahead and created this while testing so here's the download for that. Archetype Encounter Counter compatible: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mftmo4eaogdmrx6/SmallNotifications-Archetype.mod/file To add this mod to another mod: - Unzip the other mod you want to add this too. - Take all of the files from this mod (except theme.xml) and transfer them to the other mod, placing them in their respective locations (e.g., if a file is in the `res` folder in this mod, it should go in the `res` folder in the other mod). - Open the theme.xml file(s) in the unzipped mod and add the line(s) to the bottom of the list of include tags. Default <include filename="notif.xml"/> android <include filename="notif.xml"/> <include filename="notif_a.xml"/> (Windows) Zip the files by selecting the data folder, icon.png, and info.xml -> right clicking one of the items -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder
  10. Updated - The exported mod is now compliant with new mod format.
  11. String mods are not against the rules and will not get you banned. The only change from the update was how they are loaded, and that removing strings for faster text speed is not as effective. Converting old strings without any other modification could have unwanted side effects due to strings being updated and changed during game updates. For example, one of the old string mods modified Halloween cookie text, then the next year the Halloween cookies had different effects. Those who were using the custom strings were shown wrong effects due to this.
  12. This is a known issue. For now you will need to log out and back in (connecting to the same session) when this occurs to continue the battle.
  13. Hola, Se trata de un problema conocido y se solucionará en la próxima actualización. Por favor, facilite siempre traducciones al inglés aquí en los foros. --------------------- Hello, This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next update.
  14. Hello, This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next update.
  15. Hello, Please try restarting your device and see if that helps.
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