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Sargeste last won the day on March 13

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  1. Any decisions on whether or not NU is having its bans reversed as UU did? I know it's still 2.5 weeks early, but as of this writing, there would be 10 pokemon dropping to NU using month 1's cutoff points. Spiritomb, Medicham, Roserade, Nidoqueen, Clefable, Venomoth, Heracross, Vaporeon, Durant, Yanmega. I feel like this is a significant enough decision for TC to make sooner rather than later, even if not all 10 of these end up dropping (Spiritomb is right on the cusp, for example) so all of us who play the tier can start planning.
  2. How about the other 3 mons that would drop this month if bans were reversed (Nidoqueen, Venomoth, Yanmega)? If we're going to make UU unhinged, might as well do it to NU too.
  3. Also on the topic of getting rid of bans, I think the only pokemon that is absolutely 100% worth quickbanning again from UU is Staraptor upon reviewing the tier further. With Bronzong's departure, UU proper has 2 Flying resists in Rhyperior and Rotom-Heat, both of which still despise CB Staraptor. Let loose everything else.
  4. Just unban everything at this point. You cannot be serious allowing Togekiss to drop into a tier already in shambles.
  5. Completely agree with you. This is what I've been telling people is going to happen. Bronzong is more or less guaranteed to move up to OU after this month given its distance from the cutoff point, which should spark a reversion to what the UU meta was when weather was first introduced. Then we likely start having the same conversations again on what seems broken there. MMO has an inherent tier imbalance, given we only have 3 singles tiers with hundreds of pokemon that could potentially be viable among them (this isn't saying they all can function in every tier, but many are certainly usable in tiers above what they are labeled). The original BW had what, 4? 5? Logically we're going to see what looks like an unnatural amount of bans because of this, which in my opinion leaves us 3 options: 1) Continue with the large ban numbers and attempt to stabilize the lower tiers through them. 2) Completely destroy (or just simply change the image of, depending on your view of unbanning everything) the lower tiers by terminating the BL bans and let everything shape itself. The Untiered dex will get a lot larger. 3) Add in another tier or two to match the amount BW originally had, let TC project what they would deem viable in these new tiers and move them(but do not ban the mons from the tiers they are being moved from), terminate the BL's, and see what happens. As far as I know the devs have flat out said they are never going to do this though.
  6. I would say Entei is the #2 hated mon in UU after Salamence.
  7. IGN + Discord: Sargeste Time Zone (UTC/GMT): UTC -4 Preferred tiers: Any Fluff: I suck ass at pokemon, but I am an entirely different level of bad at LC. Would be cool to learn the tier.
  8. 1: Great suggestion. 2: People, start using the vote function. Reactions to the post itself will not increase visibility.
  9. Swellow is the closest example, but it doesn't come close to Ninjask since Swellow doesn't have Speed Boost.
  10. Ninjask has to be suspected now that Magneton is dropping to NU right? Magnet Rise Magneton seems like it would be a busted set to support a Ninjask sweep given that: 1: Steelix is the premier counter to Ninjask and Magneton can easily beat it without EQ/Earth Power being a threat. Offensive Steelix would have to run Fire Fang to have a chance to win, which in my opinion is a complete waste of a moveslot. 252+ Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Steelix Fire Fang vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Magneton: 73-88 (58.4 - 70.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 252 SpA Magneton Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Steelix: 92-110 (50.5 - 60.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 2: There is essentially no stall meta to speak of, which already lent itself to Ninjask being an insane pokemon in this tier. Magneton's presence further bolsters this given it's winning versus every Steelix barring a Magnet Rise prediction + having Fire Fang.
  11. Are you the same person that threatened to report me for inappropriate themes because I named a Gengar "Sarge's Dead Mom"?
  12. I'd argue it's a broken pivot for offensive teams, but if we're dismissing it and not creating a separate thread, UU guys will have to live with it.
  13. Can we have a discussion thread regarding Blissey?
  14. Regardless of your stance on this individual situation's result, the worst part about this is the complete lack of consistency regarding punishment for something like this. I personally don't care if permaban is the end result for wintrades, but if it is, every single case where there is concrete proof better come with an irreversible ban without any exceptions.
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, please do not derail the thread.This should be about celebrating the time we had with our friend Art. I am sad to see you go. Very much enjoyed watching you play.
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