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Luke last won the day on May 23

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  1. Great guy, even better friend Someone who went from asking me what a tank is; to beating me numerous times & passing me many teams when I was too lazy to build. Goodbye bro rip to a real one๐Ÿ˜”
  2. Luke

    PvP QOL/Updates

    All the suggestions are fine but a knock off buff would break OU. Can't happen. I have lost countless games to a lack of a weather counter, it's so needed it's not even funny lol
  3. Damn I thought my 49 win streak was impressive, grats pls use a ground type in the future and you can go to 100
  4. The strongest argument in the Chansey conversation is the one against Teleport and that it rewards low skilled players, and brainless play way too much in general. But the Devs will never ban for that, so why even waste time arguing it. Gallade & arguably Serp are the only mons which I feel need action (or just a debate in serps case) regarding them. But Rachel said wait for the update on Gallade, and I'll do the same for Serp so there's not really much discussion to be had..
  5. This myth that he invented dug shedinja stall is insane considering gb made such a team which the Chinese copied en-masse like 2-3 years ago lol
  6. @Munya Munya, a second Arena Trapper has hit OU.
  7. Player sign ups are now closed. The thread won't be locked so people can edit sign ups, but any sign up past this point will not be registered.
  8. It's true, any time sweet said something positive regarding a change which happened during the time I was TC, Rache immediately sounded the alarm & commenced an emergency meeting; TC chat went into lockdown mode. Munya said that the action we did was probably a huge mistake. None of us were allowed to leave our PC until it was resolved. You are invaluable... A litmus test for if TC is doing something wrong
  9. Is there any way we can have some sort of verified / gated discussion alongside a public discussion? I really am getting tired of people derailing with points which get disproven if you play literally more than 3 games on ladder.
  10. And that Yen was vastly inferior to the RP they currently offer, which benefits the economy for the PVP player selling it, and more RP circulating for the huge demand it has... This suggestion won't ever happen, and this argument is pointless. Have a nice day ๐Ÿ˜›
  11. If you do this; PVP players earn no money for winning tournaments, and you can only buy vanities with irl money & by winning events. It's stupid, vanities are cosmetic. (Which is what 90% of RP is used for) Simple as that. Learn what P2W means before just throwing the word around. edit: Donator Status boosts odds, it's not a guarantee lol
  12. Terrakion can't be added so soon it will make Gallade look like nothing. We should get both Regen's, alongside other legends though.
  13. I agree Gallade needs to be addressed, but Rache publicly made a statement saying that the latest update is going to add hidden abilities tailored to handling Gallade and that we should wait. So arguing anything until that happens will be fruitless.
  14. 1) don't know 2) don't care 3) no
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