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About Floruwu

  • Birthday 09/15/2004

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    In the backrooms
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Floruwu's Achievements

  1. ~A Christmas dinner ING:Floralilia ✨Una cenita navideña con sopita instantánea sabor miltank sjjs
  2. ING: Floralilia A catrina espeon~ ✨ (No more context :>)
  3. I care more that you have finally given the results than the prize sjlzaibskj Tkm @KaynineXL
  4. Ing: Floralilia - I literally had to make a pdf in canva because the images were too heavy and it didn't want to work for me, I hope you like it and take my work into consideration u.u jhjkdjdkdjsk https://www.canva.com/design/DAFjVi_v-TQ/IaQZ_kcOM_k27zznRUg7tw/edit?utm_content=DAFjVi_v-TQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
  5. IGN: Floralilia ------•The Child of the Stars•------ '"estrañaba dibujar pokes asi sjbdjs😔.."
  6. Team name: Pendejos no duran nada Player One: Shiroecchi Player Two: Floralilia
  7. IGN: Floralilia Time Zone: GMT -3 Discord: Floripan#3538 Tiers: All (UU>>>>>>Allzzzzzz) Fluff: Te manqueo en todo pero una suerte que te cagas
  8. Galacteon (space fox) weight: 30kl / height: 1.3m type: Celestial ability: levitate hidden ability: wonder guard -eevee evolved form- The origin of galacteon is unknown, according to legend, a young astronaut takes his faithful companion eevee to explore the galaxy, sadly after leaving the earth's atmosphere the rocket had a system failure causing a large explosion which killed to all the crew, miraculously said eevee survived the explosion, being on the verge of death the only thing his eyes can contemplate was the vast space and the planet where he lived is next to his trainer, small tears flowed from him and asking for a simple wish, manage to survive to meet his trainer again, said wish was heard, and thanks to the mystical force of an unknown pokemon, this achievement evolved, adapting to the hostile environment where he was, going down to earth again to meet his trainer Eevees descending from this pokemon are said to possess the ability to evolve into this form during a meteor shower.
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