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About Ziiiiio

  • Birthday June 16

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  1. Big respect to you for saying the bloody truth. bynextdorr is a skillful player and he got perma ban in 23/02/2023, the reason was wintrade. He was the first player to be permanently banned without any warning. Before he got banned, I reported a wintrade issue in 20-08-2022, which is half year before he got banned, the answer from bear is this: Hello, players on the same team sometimes choose not to fight their duels, allowing one of them to go further. This isn't entirely unfair to the other players, as they still need to win other duels to advance. We will investigate this duel, though. Have a nice day Therefore, in August 2022, Bearminator and other managers have not taken strong measures, and obvious wintrade behavior will not get punnishment. This led to bynextdorr's wintrade behavior later. In this process, I didn't even stop him from making mistakes. The reason is very simple. Everyone is clear about the environment at that year and before. 90% of wintrade behaviors was not be punished. This means that if you don't wintrade, your opponent may, and eventually you will lose the crown, and your opponent will not lose anything. I have two questions to @Bearminator and other mods. Question 1 is mentioned by LeZenor From 22/08/2022 to 23/02/2023(even to now), Wintrade issue change from tempo ban to permanent ban without warning during this time, Has this policy change been notified to players through various clear way? Question 2: Is permanent ban without any warning too much for wintrade behavior? From Artofkilling issue, Many players posted their demand, permanent ban without warning is excessive. Finally a confirmed wintrade behavior has been changed from permanent ban to temporary ban. Showing that mods and managers recognizing the unreasonableness of this judgment, If this isn't an act of favoritism, do all the players before Artofkilling deserve a chance to make amends? Finally, I fully understand your hard work, and I'm very grateful that this game has administrators like you to maintain it. This also proves that our game uses real people to make decisions, rather than pre-programmed machines. As long as you are a real person, you will make mistakes. This makes it impossible to make exactly the same decision in some cases, but it also makes our decisions resilient and adjustable.
  2. Improved at least Thought this page going to close and ask you to write a ticket
  3. Tag team: [Oa] Team Name: Original Registered Players: ZioMOJI, XiaoSH,XingluoXX, Konishiwa Vfoxdemonmax, Roseledos, KDQ, Gragon, Angelaba, AeOKC, SJTaWJ, BeyondAmbition,zhoudaoxiangu, imperiaLHong Team Captain: ZioMOJI
  4. Wish BP can change prismatic pearl as well.
  5. Yes buddy, if chat works ban this guy as well
  6. +1 It wasn't like that before
  7. When I report a bug to them, they tell me to go to the suggestion box and then my report gets what it deserves.
  8. If someone build a stall team, been 1 vs 6 by a mon with popular set in OU, we should question the team builder's skill. Apart from this one: Also wish+tp chansey is almost the last game style of stall team aftet recover pp nerf. 90% stall team has chansey with double heal move, it should be really visible and not hard to build a team against it in rank.
  9. It's a good summary, with both sides of the argument and some calculations to support the idea. But I think it's worth banning wish+tp chansey only in case of an extreme lack of countermeasures. Your summary seems to me only to prove how powerful Chansey is and how well it fits into combinations like Weezing. It is not enough to let wish+tp Chansey deserve a ban. Why we should judge Chansey by the diversity of solutions? If Chansey reduces the variety of the game by forcing players to play a particular pokemon or combo, then I think Chansey deserves to be banned. But in fact you can even cite quite a few solutions yourself, lemme answer some of your idea: Taunt is quite predictable? no please chansey itself should be even more predictable, facing hydregon/kingdra/starmie why not just switch chansey in. Back to taunt, Taunt user normally can taunt chansey with a low risk because chansey only has Seismic toss to hit back, it does not like blissey you need worry about ice/flame/thunder/toss attacking move. It is common set in rank, combine with other walls to heal them, but you should realize that without toxic, volcarona/hydregon/serp win it easily. Life orb mix dnight? and infernape has grass knot. And please dont say grass knot is niche set, Jellicent is even a UU mon, and many of your argument ignore UU tier(when you mentnioning taunt user etc). Apart from mix, taunt, fighting type attackers.... -You can roar it, so chansey can only heal a random mon. -You can use weezing to block it's natrual cure, keep it on toxic. -Set spikes, T-spikes because Chansey does not have leftover to heal. -Knock off, trick damage chansey alot. There are many wallbreakers can win Chansey+weezing, Chansey+skarmory, +Glisgor +Jellicent etc... And there are many solutions to deal with wish+tp chansey, define this combo as broken is not correct. imo, tp+wish chansey does not need to be banned. it didn't stop the diversity of teams, it is strong but we have plenty plenty plenty of solution to deal with it.
  10. Rache gonna reverse the ban if dugtrio drop down to UT? Will all bans work like this? Just like Gallade before
  11. Exeggutor could learn move [Growth] in gen9, it is a move learnt by reminder. But this adjustment seems to have been forgotten at last move pool expansion. https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/exeggutor This move can be find at pokedex-moves-moves learnt by reminder. I hope we can get it in the next update
  12. IGN: VFoxdemonMax Tiers Played: OU Timezone: GMT+8 Open to playing BO3 OU?: Yes Discord: VFoxdemon#8553 Fluff: IGN: Roseledos Tiers Played: OU Timezone: GMT+8 Open to playing BO3 OU?: Yes Discord: Fluff: IGN: rotthot Tiers Played: OU Timezone: GMT+8 Open to playing BO3 OU?: No Discord: Fluff: IGN: Paddyrice Tiers Played: OU Timezone: GMT+8 Open to playing BO3 OU?: Yes Discord: Fluff: IGN: xdvd Tiers Played: OU Timezone: GMT+8 Open to playing BO3 OU?: Yes Discord: Fluff: They ll create a discord account if they have been picked, please find me(Discord: markzhi) if any manager buy them 🙂
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