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Bearminator last won the day on February 1

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About Bearminator

  • Birthday 11/07/1992

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  1. As long as I will be able to, or any host that will take over eventually, we intend to keep TT as manual one, yeah. It will never be fully fair for all timezones due to some issues, sadly
  2. No, im sorry but we are not interested in bringing outside of staff refs unless staff members will be present. Sucks for tt, but unless we want it automated somehow, it will be based on what we have. Im open for trying different times than what we have as standard now tho, need to organise some stuff around it first.
  3. Unlocked due to request
  4. Speaking for TT, its complicated cause for some timezones, we could have issues with refs. One of reasons why we got automated ones instead. About automated ones tho, I will rise this issue to event coordinators and we will talk it over
  5. Hi! From a personal pov, I understand your struggle. My inner circle has some ADHD-diagnosed people, and dealing with tasks that require a specific timeframe is something that a person can struggle with, especially pre-diagnose; and even after, some things take time to adjust to. However, from a game design perspective, MMOs can rarely have the luxury of adjusting the mechanics to compromise for neurodivergent players, IMO. While our world moves to quick-dopamine-injections, games don't always fit the style. While some, for example, gatcha games, can go well with short activities, an MMO with a core of turn-based gameplay will not always be able to adjust to refocus players' attention to different activities every 10 minutes. It can, in some of activities ofc, but not in everything. Don't take my words as definitive "no" to your suggestion, as I am not a dev. However, it might be impossible to introduce very short-duration items without messing with the around-item-based economy and core of gameplay. At least I don't really see a solution rn. I'm quoting this as one of the examples of change, where the alt+amulet coins method of making money put other money gathering into a bit obsolete position. Those gameplay cores are affecting each other a lot. While logging out to do something else on another character might not be the most optimal solution, it might at least give you the needed break. Forgive me if Im harsh in wording somewhere. _______________________________________________ That's being said, players can agree or disagree with suggestions, but we don't allow personal attacks as arguments. That goes for both sides. You can tell the suggestion maker why you agree or disagree without attacks. Lemme clear that thread.
  6. Go Miltanks!
  7. Congratulations to team [NORE] NoRematch ! They start the year as strong as the last one, and we can only wait for the competition to catch up! Well done again Big shout out to [Fv] Fv, who came close today. Good luck next time! As always, thank you to my team- @Enzo @Cosmooth @CommanderBlue @Soygi @Austin @DeusBrunoand @Elizn Jan statistics: Name of the Team Champions 2nd Place Semifinal 3rd Round 2nd Round 1st round Won fights Lost fights Penalties 1 [NORE] NoRematch 1 11 4 2 [Fv] Fv 1 9 3 3 [Sia] Sic Itur ad Astra 1 8 4 4 [Lo] Romantic 1 7 5 5 [läva] Läva 1 6 3 6 [Aw] Asgard warriors 1 6 3 7 [SLSY] SoulSociety 1 5 4 8 [Oa] Original 1 4 2 9 [DD] DarkDragons 1 3 3 10 [Rmw] RedMarkWarrios 1 3 3 11 [AIP] Anything is Possible 1 3 3 12 [VOW] Solemn Promise 1 3 3 13 [TYGO] The Young Goats 1 3 3 14 [AVL] Ävalanchė 1 3 3 15 [SVR] Seven Roses 1 2 4 16 [OU] OverUsed 1 2 4 17 [ENIX] Phoenix 1 1 2 18 [Exu] Penguins 1 1 2 19 [LÂB] LabËxperiments 1 1 2 20 [NWÖ] ProjectBlueBeam 1 1 2 21 [Mr] HelloMister 1 1 2 22 [BR] Brasil 1 1 2 23 [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors 1 1 2 24 [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions 1 1 2 25 [RKLG] RagnarokLegion 1 1 2 26 [MS] MetalSlug 1 1 2 27 [HØRî] Culto del Victomy 1 1 2 28 [LØRD] LordTheLordsOfTheHax 1 1 2 29 [PØRY] PorygonFactory 1 0 3 30 [RHT] Rare Hunter Team E-Sports 1 0 3 31 [MGMA] ATOMIC MAGMA 1 0 3 Also, the new registration style- I appreciate you guys taking time to do it in a list. Next month I will likely start to require, as it saves ton of time for me.
  8. https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TTJan2025
  9. [Mr] HelloMister CNuz [BR] Brasil makarovmaster [HØRî] Culto del Victomy LissFer [AIP] Anything is Possible MiracleResurgenc [MGMA] ATOMIC MAGMA MATEMMC [Aw] Asgard warriors Enchanteeur [TYGO] The Young Goats Alesic [OU] OverUsed PCGM [Oa] Original SzPD [PØRY] PorygonFactory VadimEmpoleon [LÂB] LabËxperiments Mickzl [RKLG] RagnarokLegion julenra [NWÖ] ProjectBlueBeam TiburoncinDS [SLSY] SoulSociety luijoo [MS] MetalSlug ManzaG [Sia] Sic Itur ad Astra gbwead [LØRD] LordTheLordsOfTheHax Chopyta [NORE] NoRematch LeJovi [läva] Läva xSparkie [UMT] Unified Minds xNostradame [ENIX] Phoenix GautSam [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors IncursiónZ [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions Cristi [DD] DarkDragons KokoOP [Rmw] RedMarkWarrios LokiID [RHT] Rare Hunter Team E-Sports Hakaimi [Exu] Penguins bobliu [SVR] Seven Roses GabrielAZ [VOW] Solemn Promise Sargeste [Fv] Fv OU [AVL] Ävalanchė OpaDead [Lo] Romantic BMtirpitz Reserves: Ro
  10. Mr Br Hori Aip Mgma Aw Tygo Ou Oa Pory Lab Rklg Nwo Slsy Ms Sia Lord Nore Lava Umt Enix Zero Vgc Dd Rmw Rht Exu Svr Vow Fv Avl Lo Reserves: Ro
  11. Registration starts in 4 hours and 18minutes
  12. Please if possible, keep registration format as: Example: [GM] GameMasters Registered Players: SecretDjinn Seth Xi Team Captain: Munya Even with using a spoiler, it helps a lot when making list for players and for you to check spelling on players. Also, please remember about rule of 3 players in playing arena: If we will notice THREE players will be lined up, we will consider the team ready and announce the start of a match. If a team will then suddenly shift players, its dq for said matches
  13. Welcome to the Official PokeMMO Team Tournament of January 2025 These are monthly competitive tournaments where teams can test their skill against each other. Players battle as teams (3 at a time). Teams can switch out which members compete between rounds. [Aw] Asgard Warriors will be given the opportunity to defend their title from December 2024. They have earned a registration slot. In each round, three players from each team will be placed in line in the following order : The top spot will be an OU Match The middle spot will be a UU Match Below, there will be an NU Match Details : 32 Teams | 6v6 | Tournament Mode Duels Date & Time : Saturday 25th - 8PM UTC TT Start  Registrations : Thursday 23rd- 8PM UTC -> Registration START -> Friday 24th 8PM UTC Registration END 2. Tier Rotation 2. Guaranteed spots in 2024: 2a. Guaranteed spots: January- Cup of the year 2024 winner + Dec 2024 TT winner + Teams that attended all TTs in 2024 [VOW] Solemn Promise [Aw] Asgard Warriors [NORE] NoRematch [LO] Romantic [VOW] Solemn Promise [Lâst] TheLâstOrder [läva] läva [NWÖ] ProjectBlueBeam [PØRY] PorygonFactory [ENIX] Phoenix [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions - some double ofc, just wanted to list them. [NORE] NoRematch [Aw] Asgard Warriors [Oa] Original During last three months, 1-8 teams register with priority for whole registration. They still need to make it. 3. Registration Time and Entry 3a. Further registration Rules: 4. The process of TT 5. Penalties 6. Time to start a duel + penalty Location: Lilycove Contest Hall, ch4 ( also ch3 for matches) Clauses: Sleep/OHKO/Pristine/Species/Evasion/Bag Item/ Prize: The winning team will receive: 1500 RP given to 3 winners OR 4500 Given to team captain Guaranteed spot in next month's Team Tournament Team Screenshot as a poster for next month Entry into the PokeMMO Hall of Fame Notes : Disconnecting during a match will result in a DQ. Do not block the Staff running the Event. If you disregard requests to unblock staff members, you will be disqualified. Please listen to staff members' instructions during the tournament. The behavior of ruining the event for other players on purpose will be met with a yellow/red card system of penalties, as explained in the main thread HERE Host Bearminator Refs
  14. Lets roll miltanks!
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