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Poufilou last won the day on August 29 2023

Poufilou had the most liked content!

About Poufilou

  • Birthday 01/20/1998

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  1. 您好。这是一条为我的中国朋友翻译的消息。我是 TheFishingBoiiis [TFBO] 组织的成员。我们早就知道有一位和我们一样的传奇玩家和钓鱼爱好者,他正在 GTL 上以 18.88 亿 pokeyen 的价格挂牌出售 Finneon Shiny (荧光鱼)。我们有理由相信这位玩家是中国人,我们想知道是否有人知道这位玩家的身份。这是一个我们需要揭开的谜。祝您钓鱼顺利。
  2. clown title/role when you are in the top 5 of players with most clown reacts on ur posts
  3. A competition to see which group of gambling addicts will sacrifice the most time in front of their PC triggering the slot machine button, that is definitely a sane idea that this community deserves ! Love it
  4. They say IA gonna take over the world but they dont even know basics of economy
  5. The whole point of me posting in this thread is to warn of a possible issue regarding this specific feature not functioning properly. Please stop quoting me to add literally nothing to the conversation.
  6. I am aware of this but it doesn't explain the mail thing which indicates another issue at hand.
  7. Are there any exceptions to banned players from before cos the guy I want the nick of (Pouf) I can send mail to him but I'm 99% sure he hasn't been active for years and it shouldn't be possible to send mail to these players. So my guess is that they got banned a long time ago but somehow the nick didn't free itself and even bypassed the inactive status.
  8. https://discord.com/invite/JRDdk4hA Little Cup PokeMMO discord the club with info
  9. LC: Darkquiler vs TheDH 300k MC 1: Hellskream vs Smadagos (LC) 1M LC: QuinnW vs Forfour 200k MC 1: Azphiel vs Asmodeusro (LC) 200k LC: Nagahex vs Skylux 200k MC 2: WarwitoX vs BMTirpitz (LC) 300k LC: Cristi vs Gasyflour 200k
  10. If they make their own mount art isn't that fine ? There are already many vanities "featuring pokemons", is there a difference between that and showing a pokemon mount ? Cool suggestion though
  11. LC tournament in 30min from this message will be held at Lilycove contest hall ch4 hosted by TheDH 1.5M first prize 500k second 125k 3rd-4th Whisper TheDH to sign up
  12. @Kyu piss off bro refund us a heal powder!!!!!!!
  13. walk and take the time to enjoy it
  14. Hello, it has been brought to my attention that someone was pretending to be the tallest person in the game. I thought that this person didn't know me and my twin sisters standing at an average of 110 pixels (the eldest without dragon mount!). Here are pics for proof.
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