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razimove last won the day on October 21 2019

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  1. You know what makes your investment good? Generally speaking you dont want too many people speaking about it. But nowadays nothing is a good investment, things were great investment cause they either have very unique effects, like an alpha starter or they are from a time where the community was 1/10 of what it is today (before the chinese invasion). From then on, its pretty much a bet, you can hope for it to rise, doesnt mean it will rise.
  2. Ye just put rare candies on slot 6 of your inventory, then do the missigno glitch and they become infinite
  3. Actually thats a very good point to help people understand if they can or not get a shiny early on, there should be someway to confirm ingame if they are shinylocked or not.
  4. Probably dittos, maybe male fairy types and leppas, although I wouldnt bother with leppas
  5. Could you please try and play the game before all this? You'll see what we mean
  6. just like him there is a certain chinese that spams doubles and win trades, idk if he ever got banned, his friends used to quit on him turn 5 with perfectly viable win cons still here, in fact still talking in this thread
  7. They could even make this a RP item, like a PC expansion, and there would still be people happy to buy it, its a win win situation. Also +1 for summrs suggestion
  8. I agree with you 100%, I know for a fact that favoritism is a thing, but that will happen everywhere, there isnt a perfect system anywhere that protects the user fully. The main thing we need is transparency imo, which is something we probably will never have if people dont gather to speak more about it
  9. Are there that many with punishments as severe as Art over something like this? At best I know of some that got permad without warning (or so they claim, im not gonna defend what Im not sure of), over being toxic. If they were to keep Art banned, I expected them to do the same, and especially make an example of the TC members who did the exact same, I dont care if it was today or 3 years ago, its the same principle, judge people equally.
  10. You could just not play the game you know? They are developers for a reason, and you are a user for a reason. The game is striving for 12 years now like this, why does it need to be easier? Its already piss easy.
  11. balance image link seems broken for me, but other than that, good job!
  12. There have been people that beat the game with 6 pidgeys... 6 spindas aswell, its really not that hard, here you just gotta learn that maybe typings matter, maybe natures actually make a difference, and that EVs and IVs are helpful (you can beat all stories with poor IVs/EVs), given how easy it is, I struggle to see any value in a 2nd server like that. The only value of a 2nd server would be to see how economy would develop overtime in a new server without so much pokeyen circulating imo
  13. You see, sadly im not wrong and this is exactly how the world functions today, why would you re-invent the wheel just because some oogabooga couldn't figure out how to use it?
  14. I'll assume you use google chrome, you see the search bar on the browser? What if you were to type, lets say PokeMMO, OU comps? What if you do that but on google? And what if you add 'forum' to the first phrase? Also assuming you have discord, on the official one, I'm not sure if someone kept updating the link but I left there a pretty vast list of viable links. Wow so hard, and such a scarse amount of resources available smh. Wait wait, what if you simply joined a comp team ingame and learnt to engage with them and learn? Or wait even better, watch tournaments, and check statistics? Damn so hard q.q
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