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Enzo last won the day on July 15

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About Enzo

  • Birthday 11/09/1999

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    Fullmoon Island , Sinnoh
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  1. The scoring says: Tiered + bonus OR Untiered + bonus Shiny alpha's are Untiered so it's flat 50 + 10 points if it's a secret shiny
  2. There is no way to have multiple GTL windows open on the screen. There are no mods that affect the client mechanics in such a way, and if they were they wouldn't be allowed since client manipulation of that kind is against the rules.
  3. Hello, Racial discrimination is prohibited by our code of conduct: https://pokemmo.com/en/code_of_conduct/ The forums are not the place to discuss such topics but you can always report any instance of that happening by making a player report ticket on our support platform here: https://support.pokemmo.com/
  4. The 1st Official PokeMMO Shiny Wars has now STARTED!!! The event will end on September 22nd 00:00 UTC+0 Please re-read the event post if you need to make sure you are familiar with the rules and details, you can also message Parke or myself if you have any doubts or questions. The teams that successfully registered have been listed here. You can find the separate threads for each team in the shiny wars section here as well. The threads in question will not be used for the purpose of keeping track of scores but feel free to use them if you want to keep track of your team's scores yourself. We are hoping for a great and memorable competition, a golden experience. Good luck hunting!
  5. The Official Shiny Wars Registrations has been CLOSED, due to that this thread will also be closed now as well. We hope this thread has been helpful for players to be able to find teammates and if they managed to register we wish them best of luck in the event!
  6. The Official Shiny Wars Registrations are now CLOSED. Today we will look through the registrations that were submitted and once we confirm the valid registrations in order of sign up we will announce which teams will be participating in the event. Look forward to that announcement! First 55 team registrations in order of sign up will be the teams chosen to participate, assuming the registrations remained valid and no rules were broken. We want to thank all the teams that followed the rules and also apologize for having to make changes and clarify rules while the registrations were still ongoing. When it comes to teams that lost a spot due to posting too early, we can only suggest to be more patient in the future and we will also try to improve and avoid such things happening again in future events with similar registration process.
  7. Hello everyone, Quick reminder that if you are one of the players planning to participate, you should check the other registrations to see if your name is registered in multiple teams. The team leaders should also talk to their teammates to confirm their participation in the team, and any issues can be reported to me directly. If you registered for multiple teams and you are telling both sides that you are only with them, you will get disqualified. You can only participate on one character and with only one of the registered teams. For team leaders that have been requested to remove a player from their team by the player themselves, please do that prior to the registrations finishing. Also a reminder that registrations end on 21/07/2024 - 00:00 UTC+0 . You can find the timezone converter in the main registration post.
  8. Hello, If you want to appeal a ban you may do so by raising a ticket at our support portal: https://support.pokemmo.com/support/ No one deals with appeals for any punishments outside of the support platform. Please ensure that you log in using the credentials of the affected account. If you have already raised an appeal ticket, please wait patiently for a reply. If you have already appealed and your appeal was rejected, then the decision is final and the ban is irreversible. There is no further line of appeal. Thanks.
  9. As long as it hatches during the event itself and it was bred from non-shiny parents, it should be valid.
  10. Hi, 6 out the 11 teams in question reposted within the first 50 regardless at the time, so they weren't affected by the change at all. It was mainly the 5 other teams that were affected by their registrations being removed and they were reinstalled due to the change. The reason participation spots were increased by 5 was for the purpose of fairness towards the "last" 5 teams that were in the top 50 prior to the change, not because we are free to increase the event spots as we want. No more teams will be added, adding 5 additional teams already added up to 150 more players whose shinies need to be verified at the end of the event and it is already expected to be a considerable effort on our side to effectively manage as a small group, with which we will do our best. Thanks!
  11. This was definitely not the problem, only 2 teams posted way before the designated time and then reposted on time later, most of others were closer to the actual start. Parke also commented on the main event post 5 hours in advance that the registration thread would be unlocked closer to the sign up. And as shown there in the comment, it was unlocked so players can prepare but were told to not post registrations to prevent the early submissions, which is why initially that was taken as a way of measure for which registrations were valid, but afterwards we decided to allow anyone who registered on time regardless since the rules technically have the designated time as the start of sign up instead of my comment being the final measure. So no one who properly signed up was disregarded, now, if the issue is not accounting for players not checking when sign ups start for an entire week since the event was posted, that is something outside of our control and the team registering had that responsibility instead if they want to properly sign up.
  12. You can see on the event post when registrations were stated to start (and on the registration thread as well) : So i'm assuming you are suggesting we accept sign ups for teams that didn't sign up on time. We appreciate all suggestions and concerns but unfortunately that is obviously something that we won't be able to do, we are sorry if our handling of registrations seemed irresponsible or inappropriate to you.
  13. There are none that were sent on time but excluded. If their clock was rushing at the time and they thought it was on time that's irrelevant.
  14. As mentioned in the registration thread, if you still don't see the post that means it was posted too early, in this case 1 minute too early on 14th July 23:59 UTC+0. So, a post that wasn't on time will not be counted. Their post was actually right above the 1st valid registration, they likely missed the valid time by milliseconds, but rules are rules and we cannot allow it, 23 teams rushed ahead of time posting when it wasn't time to do it yet and all of those will be treated the same.
  15. They may not. We cannot share information only staff members can see for obvious reasons and we have no reason to disregard registrations that were done on time. They are free to believe that we do, but it will not change the outcome. However, they are free to ask us about the time and we could tell them.
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