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  1. I agree that we have to put things into perspective. But I feel like they could make a little more effort to respond to the community on the forums, and keep us all informed about where things stand and what's to come, which they never or very rarely do, unfortunately. It can sometimes be likened to a form of contempt towards the players, to be honest It's true that there are things that require time, investment, and work, and we don't complain that these things can take years to see the light of day. What we complain about, along with many community members, is that minor and major changes are not implemented and remain unaddressed. A simple example, for example, a lap counter in a match for the rain, trickroom, etc., I don't think it would take much for them to do.... If they lack the manpower to introduce changes as small, I also think that they are easily able to recruit new efficient people who will be able to improve the game on these few small important details, and the big news takes years to arrive, it is legit and not a big deal
  2. The staff largely has the knowledge and technical skills to quickly implement some progress that would greatly change the quality of the in-game experience for everyone, without it costing them any sacrifices. On the contrary, if they improved the game a little, they would be the first to benefit. I think they're already getting rich enough and that doesn't encourage them to make an effort for the players. The problem is that they don't care at all and they don't want to make any effort to please the community, they want to make the minimum effort and it's a shame because with a little work but not too much, they would be able to greatly improve the quality of the game. But it is not their priority, and it will surely never be, as long as the minimum continues to make the game survive, they will continue to do as little as possible. The community's investments and their ideas are of no use, since they are never listened to, nor even responded to, let alone applied. Objectively, it's rare to see a game who regards his community so much with contempt, it's a real waste.
  3. I'm not saying that moderation is always right to be so harsh, because I think she's too harsh in general. What I'm simply saying is that everyone should be treated the same through moderation, regardless of who our friends are in the game. There are a lot of players in game who have been banned for the same thing, or sometimes for less than that, and who haven't been afforded that same favoritism, probably because they don't know the right people... either it's bad luck for them or it's just unfair, I can't say
  4. That's totally right, logically, if Art is unbanned then there are dozens or even hundreds of people who should be unbanned as well, I don't see why one person would be favored over the others. In addition, I know for a fact that this is not the first time that he has won a match/tournament through cheating, which is all the more unfair for the other banned players when we know that.
  5. There will still be pokes like also Vaporeon, Salamence, Quagsire, Swampert to battle against Entei. Also, defensive Arcanine and defensive Snorlax may be a good help too. Right, the options will be more limited, already that they were not legion If we look among the NU pokemons without considering those we have in UT, there are also pokemons like Altaria, Qwilfish, Slowbro, Mantine, Druddigon, Milotic, Alomomola and Gigalith that can help against Entei also, potentially. But indeed, they also fulfilled other roles and they will be missed a little inside the tier What I mainly see in these changes is that both Ninjask and Rain are going to be painful for the NU.
  6. Imo it's easy to deal with chansey wish/teleport in the current state of the metagame For the moment it's not needed for anything to be done about it
  7. There is nothing impressive nor anything that forces respect, moreover the team he played this season on the ladder has ingame existed for like 1 year,and other variants for even longer, it's far to be the first that we have seen stalls with Shedinja being abused on Pokemmo's ladder.
  8. IGN: Hellskream Tiers Played: All Timezone: GMT +2 Open to playing BO3 OU?: If needed Discord: Selecaonatural Fluff: I've never ever been cancer
  9. We're bringing Shaymin back down, why not, but for sure we'll run into exactly the same issues as when he was banned a few months ago. Seed Flare's SpeDef drop will still remain problematic. It's good that Yanmega stays in UU, he had no place in NU. Regarding Dugtrio, something should need to happen, especially since recently Dugtrio's movepool has ridiculously increased by gaining an inappropriate access to Endeavor, among other things
  10. Hellskream vs DoubleJ 800K on myself
  11. MC 1: Hellskream vs Smadagos (LC)(300k) NU: Tawlaa vs DrTylerGrey(300k) LC: Nagahex vs Skylux(200k) Dubs: Mislandier(200k) vs Yjos @skyluxNG i take thhoses
  12. MC 1: Hellskream vs Smadagos (LC) LC: Nagahex vs Skylux take them both @Shadow
  13. MC 1: Hellskream vs Smadagos (LC) MC 2: WarwitoX vs BMTirpitz (LC) I take thoses two @CaptnBaklava
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