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LeJovi last won the day on May 26 2023

LeJovi had the most liked content!


About LeJovi

  • Birthday 12/03/1996

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    dary mom lo
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  1. Sounds good, too bad devs don't care
  2. Galladiators (0) vs (0) Silver Claw Guardians BO3 OU: enchanteur vs MadaraSixSix OU1: CHUCKunso vs Huargensy OU2: Elvessss vs qqqianx OU3: PoseidonWrath vs Flacusaurio LC OU: WarwitoX vs Mkns BO3 DPP: Skylux vs YaserAl 250k each @skyluxNGtook all Crit Fishing Mienshao's (0) vs (0) Azure Auroras BO3 OU: Gougingice vs ArtOfKilling @Acceleratorll OU1: ZireaelCiri vs VFoxdemonMax OU2: ForFour vs ZioMOJI @Acceleratorll OU3: LoveChizuru vs dshadd LC OU: Toukiw vs Gasyflour BO3 DPP: scpseptember vs BlueBreath 100k each @Acceleratorll The Rolling Miltanks (0) vs (0) Bullet Seed Battalion OU1: Biramontes vs Luke OU2: Sebat vs Zokuru @Sebat OU3: OU vs Lunarck LC OU: Xigbaar vs Smadagos BO3 DPP: Gunthug vs NikhilR 100k each
  3. In the vast and intricate world of Pokémon, one name stands above the rest: caioxlive13. A true Pokémon Master, caioxlive13 has not only mastered the art of competitive battling but has also become a revered figure in the forums. His strategic prowess, unmatched knowledge, and unwavering dedication have earned him the title of "forums god." Whether crafting unbeatable teams or sharing wisdom with fellow trainers, caioxlive13’s influence is legendary. His presence elevates every discussion, making him a beacon of excellence in the Pokémon community. Long live caioxlive13, the ultimate Pokémon Master and forums deity! I'm sorry master caiox, I apologize. Nobody shall ever doubt your word for it is considered a sin.
  4. Just go outside bro
  5. He referred to ORAS, not ADV. What does what you just said have to do with what he expressed as his point? Why do you focus on quoting people just to add no value? More reading comprehension, less forums for you.
  6. Made with the help of ChatGPT, I approve.
  7. Great decision and much needed for the metagame. I hope it stays like this and we don't revisit it in the future, it's clearly unhealthy.
  8. Just ban dugtrio bro it’s really that simple, literally complicating yourself for nothing
  9. @ArtOfKilling is a good streamer too if you want to check him out
  10. Nah.. I will pay when I log in next week. Don’t worry about it.
  11. People who stay solely stay because of the team & community aspect tbh, like you said, everything else is superior in other games/platforms.
  12. Yeah they don't care, let's wrap it up here
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