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About skyluxNG

  • Birthday 01/18/2006

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  • Discord

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skyluxNG's Achievements

  1. Non
  2. IGN: Skylux Name (Showdown/Smogon Forums): Skylux1816 Time Zone (UTC): -5 Discord: skylux1816 Preferred tiers: all Motivation: none Accolades or experience outside MMO (Showdown, Smogon): nobody cares
  3. IGN + Discord: Skylux - Skylux1816 Preferred tiers: All Fluff: I'm bad at all anyways
  4. Take
  5. IGN: Skylux Tiers Played: OU, LC OU, DPP Open to playing BO3 OU?: Yes Timezone: -4 Discord: skylux1816 Fluff: Hopefully someone picks me?
  6. Awesome idea but I don't see working for something like lc which you have no ladder or no tours whatsoever. If you would like to include some of the tours made by the lcpl community is fine I just would say the level is pretty mid overall unless you see already established players. Same thing goes to showdown tiers imo, you don't know who is good or bad unless you follow closely smogon people which most likely be the same players that has been there for years (possibly adding good PokeMMO players that could adapt fast to these tiers without problem). It reduces the chances of new people to come in and show what they are made of giving us the same matches probably all the time if the same players sign up and get picked.
  7. @Godhelll please mail the 400k you owe me to @Edstorm You owe me 200k @Yaser mail them to GodXebec
  8. Nah no need
  9. 2m Straw Hat Crew wins the week 1m Nickitis in Paras wins the week @LeJovi
  10. Take Akaru, Facursa, Mislandier, Forfour, razachu, qqqianx
  11. Cinderace Flame Knights () vs () Chattering Chatot OU: Miloticc(200k) vs Yaser @Yaser W MC 1: Hellskream vs Smadagos (LC)(300k) @Godhelll W Vodka Juniors ()vs ()Straw Hat Crew NU: Tawlaa vs DrTylerGrey(300k) @Godhelll L LC: Nagahex vs Skylux(200k) @Godhelll W Throwing Tyrantrum () vs () Inazuma Eleeveen OU: Qqqianx(200k) vs Pablobacas @Yaser W NU: Facursa(200k) vs IHavsik @Yaser L Dubs: Mislandier(200k) vs Yjos @Godhelll W Only one take per duel. Void if act, sub, etc.
  12. take art and gabuchox
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