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About Latiosrol

  • Birthday 04/03/2003

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Latiosrol's Achievements

  1. Ign: lLatios Tiers played: All Timezone: gmt -6 Open to play BO3: Ye Discord: latios4547 Fluff: xd
  2. ING: lLatios Time zone: gmt-6 Discord: Latios4547 Tiers: All Fluffy: I'm a good patch to make sub Donation: @MathewMatpaid
  3. Germany (0) vs Mexico (0) OU: TrqstMeOW Vs Gondra OU: CaptnBaklava Vs FrancoFts UU: Gautsamm Vs iYaseer NU: katangaaa Vs IHasvik Dubs: Bienenstich Vs Akarukokuyo LC: Bartekdolar Vs KokenoCastro 200k All matchs in a favor of Mexico 1M Mexico win the week
  4. IGN: lLatios Preferred Tiers: all Competitive accolades: poke from profeinstein in lc? Discord contact: Latios #4547 Fluff: I want a third season on the bench
  5. I'm a gossip and a copycat Put a "Crab" if you support Stark Tyrants Put a "Thanks" if you support kangaskhan's Golden Horde GL both
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