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Everything posted by ChrisChris

  1. Most "blockbuster" games nowadays are multi-million dollar budgets that fill up 20-40 hours of "playtime" of your life that includes running from Point A to Point B which takes upwards of 15-20 minutes of that total playtime to give you a false sense of how much content is in their game when its just wasting your time in actuality. And people eat it the fuck up because they believe they're getting more for their dollar. And then scream they want more with DLC which is why extremely long and increasingly frustrating games are going to keep coming out with mass quantities of DLC. The game industry right now is a joke. Every few months there comes an actual gem of a game but its like finding a mouse in a field full of sheep shoulder-to-shoulder. To me a "good" game is one that is only 5-8 hours of playtime. Every level is streamlined with minimal travel between each one. Along with the cutscenes of the game being kept to a short minimum only for the utmost of important moments to the storyline itself. You can shove all your nonsensical dribble of dialogue you think is "awesome because you came up with it at 3am while sleeping in a dream and wanted to shove it in" bullshit into speech going on while I play the game. People/Characters CAN, believe it or not, interact while moving around and fighting or solving puzzles, etc. They don't need a cutscene for 5 minutes worth of talking just to go into a 10-15 minute fight or puzzle with 0 talking or interaction. That's not how life works. It never has been. Give me a relatively short campaign with everything presented in a natural flowing way and hit every single high beat of your story one after the other. Don't lull me into a deep sleep with running from the Forest Of Jackassdom to the Volcano Of Bullshit that are different sides of a continent and make me want to take your disc and see how far I can throw it off my balcony. I don't like games that waste my fucking time. Looking at you Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Borderlands, and every other major blockbuster game that has way too much money invested into it that could've gone into making THREE or FOUR games of similar or better quality and made you far more money.
  2. I draft the entire Toronto Blue Jays team. I win. Go fuck yourselves.
  3. Highest I could find was a 171 Nidorina. I'm fairly sure early on someone had a Pinsir and Scyther with great IVs. No doubt enough to easily break the 180 mark. They definitely are frontrunners.
  4. [quote name='Plizard' timestamp='1364147045' post='243916'] [size=5][color=#FF0000][u][b]Attention Please Read:[/b][/u][/color][/size] Thanks to the new IV calculator, we no longer need to keep traded Pokemon. Just throw the Pokemon in the trade window, and let the staff member write down the time of capture, and player name. Then when the staff member closes the trade window, you have been counted. [/quote] Now the contest actually seems fair and worthwhile.
  5. Suggestion: Make the Prize a worthwhile trade-off for what people are going to be submitting. You're gonna be taking handfuls of probably good to great IV Pokemon (possibly with the preferred Nature) and then just trashing them afterward. Its a waste. Especially those who find a Poke with phenomenal IVs and hand it over thinking they'll win and somehow someone has something better. The prize is nowhere near good enough to warrant what A LOT of people are going to put themselves through. And you KNOW there's going to be those handfuls of people who idiotically hand over a great IV Poke to win and lose and get angry. At least with the Tournaments you don't have the risk of losing your Pokemon when you lose. Next time I'd say make the Prize something people will actually want to clamor over and punch other peoples' great finds in the face for. This isn't about "oh what a dumb prize", its about "that prize isn't balanced with the contest". So don't take this for bitching or whining about it. But that's just my opinion. Good luck to everyone who participates.
  6. ;-; I just wanted to love
  7. Good luck in the Team Tournament guys!
  8. When you queef in someone's mouth and they don't wipe it off... does that mean they then have teef?
  9. I'm the best at what I do.
  10. [quote name='Evesa' timestamp='1363814653' post='238275'] Team Fuck yeah seaking Tag: [FYS] Members: ChrisChris, Neekz, Grenoth, Siege, Jorcal. Members may change. [/quote] *Seaking Stamp Of Approval*
  11. Guys... I really hope we get that porno forum! Fingers crossed and possibly inserted based off NSFW potential!!
  12. [quote name='iSmashbro' timestamp='1363656845' post='235028'] If they rejected invites from anyone but that play, wouldn't that count as a forfeit if they refused to play? [/quote] No, the battle actually has to be triggered then either D/C'd/"crashed"/etc. for it to be considered a forfeit. It just seemed pretty blatant two teams have been doing that to their advantage the last tournament. I think removing the possibility altogether means a level playing field. And eliminates any "quick hand me that and switch with this" absurdity by PCs. Remove that and leave it to surprise/chance for once.
  13. [quote name='Munya' timestamp='1363656702' post='235024'] Both teams have the opportunity to do this though, and it adds an extra layer of strategy to the game. [/quote] Except one team usually swaps around in place and reject duel invites. There was one team specifically doing that last time so they had teams specifically prepped for one individual and wouldn't start until they made it so they fought them. Randomizing it removes that advantage.
  14. Request: Randomize who from each team is facing who before the match starts. And then assign people to each spot when its time. Some people got to "choose" who they fought every Round and it led to them doing better because they specifically swapped Pokemon around their teams to deal with the people they chose. Randomize it so they don't get that opportunity. If that makes any sense at all the way I said it.
  15. Fuck it. I made all my picks. I don't care.
  16. [quote name='Jorcal' timestamp='1363474953' post='231965'] try it and ill squirtle all over your Desu [/quote] Shu! Shu!
  17. [img]http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/4949/ceefece334d7fa438d42f7b.gif[/img]
  18. [quote name='Jorcal' timestamp='1363214207' post='228022'] Thnx man . I can move a little better today ..neck and head hurts but I can sit up now. I have bin in bed for like 2 days ..sucks [/quote] Glad to hear you're feeling at least a little better man.
  19. [quote name='Jorcal' timestamp='1363017257' post='225340'] [/quote] You were in charge for less than a day and I've already become a Heavyweight Champ. GREAT JOB, BUDDY.
  20. [quote name='Rae' timestamp='1362954883' post='224740'] [font=georgia, serif]I'll be back in a few days, Jorcal is mommy fishy until then.[/font] [font=georgia, serif]Also I leave you with this[/font] [font=georgia, serif][img]http://i.imgur.com/zbfQMdD.png[/img][/font] [/quote] Uh that should be: "Reigning, de-fen-ding, World Heavyweight Champion of PokeMMO" ChrisChris. Get it right, game.
  21. Thanks kindly to everyone who wished me well afterward. I appreciate that a lot. Thanks to everyone else after who ran in circles with me as well. Also... 14 years later, I finally got my first Shiny. Wooooooooooooooo
  22. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_miGclPFGs[/media] seaking theme song official
  23. I can't remember because I'm a lame newbie ;-;
  24. Kind of disappointed in it not being 4v4. There was staff prior to this stating that you'd be pushing for 4v4 this month and from now on. Oh well.
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