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Posts posted by Acertijos

  1. Are you sure?


    As seen in paragraph 16:



    So, technically, it means that you're only allowed to link to his content, but not modify it or use it, if you don't have permission.


    Not that I have anything to do with it, I just noticed this and was curious, considering how I've seen Darkshade handle these kind of situations in the past. But I hope I'm wrong :P


    Other than that, keep up the good work. :D


    Sorry my bad :v

  2. Does he give people permission to use his work? Just wondering.


    Edit: Just adding that Darkshade takes into account whether or not the author gives permission for others to use his work, so just giving credit isn't enough if the author didn't say he allows it. At least, that's how he handled things before. Just letting you know.


    When you upload something to deviantart these accepting the use of your content in any other site without autorization im giving credits because its deserve.

    Check terms of service :v

  3. :3 muchas gracias! esta genial 


    no c las reglas de cada cuanto tiempo se puede pedir jaja pero ahi va porsiacaso xd

    - idk the rules if i can ask for another signature, but here it is anyway just in case xD



    Name: IjenMD  (gif plz)
    Team: AW
    Pokémon or Link render:https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/548388_10200821810132692_2117325162_n.jpg


     y  http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/257/6/f/dr__quagsire_in_the_house_by_pdxyz-d2yqm6f.png  estos si estan faciles de usar =) 


    Background: blanco =P - white


    Here you go c:



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