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Everything posted by TheOriginal

  1. Anyone here play MTG?
  2. Got to rank 19 using my warlock, last time I will play ranked for this season since it ends soon.
  3. The base game is emerald, and that is about all we know
  4. Played 8 games of rank, won the first 4 in a row and got to rank 23. The next 4 games were people playing decks I believed I wouldn't play till around rank 10 - 15, like handlock, and containing every good legendary, always golden as well. I could have beaten the handlock, but earthen ring farseer and alexstraza won him the game.
  5. I just go on imgur and see the best from tumblr, and other sites, so I don't have to go through loads of crap to find the gold
  6. 4th of November 2012 master race
  7. Literally this for me or I am a psychic.
  8. If I called you a demon would that also brighten your day?
  9. What are the teams, seems like it will be Marley and Gilga, but who else?
  10. In time, most likely the weekend
  11. Nope, found on imgur and when I reversed image searched it came up with reddit
  12. I thought devpro was the one that did not have tag duels?
  13. Speaking of McDonalds http://imgur.com/gallery/wAhJGAz
  14. I don't like McDonalds either
  15. I actually used Harrison Jones as well, which was surprising, against a shamans doomhammer on my turn 5. He conceded right after.
  16. what I drafted, thought I would win 0 games. Won 3. I was impressed.
  17. 0 point mustard race, but I have 3 warnings from spam and spiderman
  18. But that is why they are good, you can watch them, criticize them, and make fun of them all at the same time. It also helps if you watch with friends. Natural disaster + monster ones are good though. Ex. Sharknado/arachnoquake
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Syfy_original_films I could honestly watch all these and not lose interest during any of the films
  20. Why are SyFy shark movies so bad, but so enthralling?
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggyC0FOzqHM&feature=kp Like this?
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