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Posts posted by MyLord

  1. 于2020/3/29 AM11点37分,Zn 说:


    1. 只带一个项圈, 锁一个最高, (另一只精灵带了不变石), 剩下五项随机两项最高,两项平均,一项有可能最高也有可能平均。
    2. 不携带项圈时, 随机两项个体取最大, 剩下四项其中两项取平均,一项取最大或者平均,一项取最小或者平均或者最大。(没尝试不带项圈)




  2. I always think farming benefits(trade with other players) is not the direct factor of inflation. Trading with NPC, which means the currency is overdone, is an important factor of inflation, so why we not choose to limit the volume trading with NPC, and restore the original berry price. That can consume the player's coins, the total amount of money issued can also be controlled.

  3. 2 hours ago, CHUCKunso said:

    Okay now holy shit, stop all this crying!

    In PokeMMO history there have been so many changes that fucked people over way harder than this. Sometimes fewer (RIP TeamUnicorn!), sometimes more players. The change to Yen from mainly Lucky Eggs, most of the breeding changes, etc. We never got something to compensate for it or an early warning, that's how the game works. And to be fair, some of these changes were way more arguable than this one. 

    Just adapt and move on!

    I can not comment on what happened before I touch this game, but sacrificing player’s vested interests,not potential profit, to balance the game is definitely wrong.

  4. First of all, I lost at least 5M(almost 99*60 seeds, market price $2500->$1500 per unit) in this 'berry cut'.

    Officals may think that ’berry cut' can curb potential inflation which is understandable, however that officals chose this  unpredictable update with no transitional period makes me feel terrible. We could have berry consumed at the market price If we were in transitional period, even 1 week, in which we can balance our inventory and cash. I know there is no help to what happened, just protest AGAINST  ‘berry cuts' with pale words.

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