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Everything posted by yuerbusi

  1. 11.21 刚考完期中,回来一下子肝了4箱,然后无钱了
  2. I just made a shiny Hippowdon,which is 3v0s . I was happy to see the forum today toss and turn; .Because of using my mobile phone, I need to use my fingers to turn pages.Suddenly, my Hippowdon disappeared.After that, I did experiments with a little used pokemon. Then I speculated that it might be the frequent page flipping that caused me to accidentally touch the release button and lose it directly because there was no pop-up confirmation. I read the previous cases of false touch release in the forum, it seems that I can't find it back. So I hope to appeal to the authorities to add confirmation pop-up window for the release of forum before I completely leave the game,as I've spent a lot of time on it and now I'm frustrated. Avoiding another tragedy like mine!!!
  3. 希望发帖有出闪加成 目前是回坑后3000只野怪出死神棺,然后刷pp加单遇共34000只野怪。消耗200组喷雾。 9-10月一共野外遇到2532只利欧路或其他野怪,消耗78组黄金喷雾。 10.14日花费300w,连续孵蛋九小时给30只水母做了镜面反射,黑雾,高速旋转。做遗传过程中孵的蛋计入野怪。 假如水母闪了的话大概相当于闪了珊瑚,信使鸟,化石盔加海百合。 11.08 花费了800w给30只水母,5只小火龙,5只伊布做了南瓜小孩馈赠质子,瞬间没钱,不知道现在的钱还能用多久,QAQ 截至2019.11.13日 孵蛋30箱,黄金喷雾86组,野怪35444只 截至2019.12.12 野怪37000 截至2020.1.12 野怪41000 截至2020.2.3 野怪43000 孵蛋改为30只水母,20只吉利蛋,5只伊布,5只小火龙 截至2020.2.5 野怪45000 截至2020.2.7 野怪52000 截至2020.2.26 野怪54000 截至2020.3.1 野怪57000 我也是奇了怪了,怎么就是不闪呢 截至2020.3.24 野怪58000 截至2020.6.16 野怪60000
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