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Everything posted by Kimikozen

  1. Good luck from Team Bushido! Germany is awesome
  2. Kimikozen


    [quote name='Lucas' timestamp='1362521429' post='219293'] what happened to cyan fratley D: [/quote] ded, actually Idk. But is anyone on?
  3. Kimikozen


    [quote name='kloneman' timestamp='1362502638' post='218881'] Wow a lot happens when you go to sleep early and then do a full 7 hour college day. Anyway, Welcome back Hamburgular, and welcome to the team fratley! [/quote] F...FF..... FRATLEY!!!! Feel-good thread Memories.....
  4. Kimikozen


    [quote name='DeleteMePleaseDesu' timestamp='1362449452' post='218465'] derp [/quote] THAT WAS THE 1001 POST YOU WASTED IT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Edit: Who are you?
  5. Kimikozen


    Yknow, I should probably make it something different. Because lucky egg finding is stupid. SO... very stupid.
  6. Kimikozen


    [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/a4d1g.jpg[/img] EVERYONE GET YOUR GREEN BUNNY HATS ON FOR A SURPRISE ON FRIDAY! (Lol Clubpenguin) Because after are AMAZING TOURNEY, WE WILL BE LUCKY EGG HUNTING IN CELEBRATION OF EASTER (You are probably thinking, why are you not doing that in easter, well I am bored) Yay! We will be bored to deaths by finding eggs! THEN PAINTING THEM! THEN WINNING! Prize for the first one to find the lucky egg (If we do find one : Well, you get to keep the egg. SO WHY ARE YOU STILL READING? Well, I guess post your IGN below. Edit: Sorry, I am bored I would have made it more official but stupid Gimp will not work. If you want this to become a real thing, then give me feedback.
  7. I like this idea, and would give me something to do for that needed shadow ball, ice beam, or tbolt. The whole idea is good, and it counters the constant botting problem. +1
  8. Kimikozen


    [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCdbcPxNfc[/media] Edit: Anyways, I got something planned on friday if your bored of a tourney every friday. I am trying to make a logo for it, but my Paint is crappy
  9. Kimikozen


    [quote name='JS6786' timestamp='1362350236' post='217253'] HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLARGGGG ;D [/quote][quote name='ThinkNice' timestamp='1362350247' post='217254'] Congratulations! Want a Zubat? [/quote] Thanks guys And you can keep your zubat
  10. Kimikozen


    Sorry I have been busy, I just had my Bday yesterday, and I have crap tons of testing D;
  11. Kimikozen


    Nobody really showed up, in fact... I have not seen Raichufan today. We did get a good 4 man tourney up :3
  12. Kimikozen


    OH SHOOT. The tourney is in an hour ;-;
  13. Kimikozen


    Raichufan Kimikozen IslamLies Krsve [s]Schreiberman[/s] Kloneman Spxter TWDaryl Dirkie Thats 8, and its hard to make a bracket with more then 8 until it hits 16. So, if you have friends,rivals,family or whoever and you want to make this a 16 man tourney, invite them
  14. Good luck to Team Bushido! Vaporeon was always on my top ten list of favorite Pokemon.
  15. Good luck with your team from Team Bushido!
  16. Kimikozen


    Alright, that will be good. I forgot to add in its a competitive lvl 50 4v4 :3
  17. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG That Flygon sprite.... Must have!
  18. Kimikozen


    Ok fellow Bushido-ers, I am editing the members participating list in my original tourney post
  19. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/7977-bushido-recruiting/page__st__925#entry212713 Look no farther then Bushido We welcome a good welcoming environment and we are always looking for a good competitive battler!
  20. Kimikozen


    [quote name='spoonything' timestamp='1362001658' post='212569'] [/quote] Good idea! And if you did not know, there is a friday tourney, EVERY friday now Spoon ^.^ So Raichuftw wanted me to list clauses so.... (Any objections,concerns or whatever else just comment) Evasion clause (to stop that annoying constant RNG , less luck based) Sleep clause (Ovbious spam sleep maneuver is annoying) Item clause (MAYBE) 1Ohko clause (Horn drill, Sheer cold etc. None of this, its too RNG based.) Species clause is [color=#a52a2a]OFF[/color] Sooooo.... Yeah. There is it. If someone can supply a prize, (Just a Tm or whatever) OK... If you want to register (Open to allies, and if you are just visiting and Bushido knows you. You are welcome) post down here. We will take last minute calls. Its a [size=5]lvl 50 4v4[/size] Where: Mt. Moon Pokemon center [color=#b22222]CHANNEL 8, [/color]top floor When: Will update this, but for now its 5:00 EST. 10:00 GMT. (Try and show up 15 minutes early for role call) So far, its a 8 man tourney. But last time we had like 14 people, and I screwed the system up and Raichufan and The Koon did not get to participate. But! I am really hoping for a 16 man tourney. Alright start posting your Igns. If this is a 8 man tourney I will resign, I am still mad about a snorlax critting in the semis of some other guys tourney ;_; If this is a 16, I am in Current participants: [s]Raichuftw[/s] Raichufan Kimikozen IslamLies Krsve Schreiberman
  21. Those are really great! Dang, that Quagsire is really good. I may use one against those common threats.
  22. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDi7rWDyLfs[/media] Duuu bomb Edit: No seriously, you must watch at least up to 3:00... Flea is the ultimate bassist
  23. My Exeggutor=Coconautical I am at a loss of words for a gyrados without relating it to its previous evolution. BTW its adamant
  24. Kimikozen


    YAY! We are glad to have you back. Talk to you in game ^.^
  25. [quote name='Pianoasis' timestamp='1361753524' post='209478'] I named my lonely cubone Batman Thoughts? [/quote] Lol, It literally took me a minute to understand. +1
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