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Everything posted by Kimikozen

  1. [quote name='Chestbrah' timestamp='1360620394' post='193812'] oh hey siege im posting from the future, what do you want for your shiny venusaur? [/quote] Lol shiny farfetched :3
  2. Two days to get ready. Playing 24/7 to get my team ready. Basically me waiting for my team to lose against Siege or LeVolpe :3
  3. Good luck from Team September
  4. GG Rng hit the LAST, THE LAST BATTLE. Actually idk if thunderbolt/thunder woulda killed. Anyways, gg
  5. Glhf to others in the tourney Get ready for some amazing battles
  6. Kimikozen


    I am moving on. Cya Bushido and sorry Islam. My fault, it was abit of a rude post. Sincerely, Kimikozen
  7. Kimikozen


    [quote name='BradleyHo' timestamp='1360386437' post='190714'] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][background=rgb(247, 247, 247)][color=#282828][size=6]First Name: [/size][/color][color=#0000cd][u]Bradley[/u][/color] [color=#282828][size=5]Last Name: [color=#FF0000][u][size=4]Ho[/size][/u][/color][/size][/color] [color=#282828][size=5]IGN: [color=#0000CD][u][size=4]BradleyHo[/size][/u][/color][/size][/color] [color=#282828][size=5]Skype: [color=#FF0000][u][size=4]Bradleyh0[/size][/u][/color][/size][/color] [color=#282828][size=5]Why you want to join: [/size][/color][color=#282828][size=3]I like being in a team.[/size][/color] [color=#282828][size=3]Practicly every[/size][/color][color=#282828][size=3]thing pokemon related + skype is my name[/size][/color][/background][/font] [/quote] Ok cool your in. [quote name='kloneman' timestamp='1360408890' post='190893'] I'm off to hang with the Brahs for a bit, so i've put raichufan in charge for now. [/quote] ;[ ok
  8. Guys it seems manny actually has been banned for reasons unknown. So maybe you should stop posting request until we can get this situation taken care of. Thanks, Sincerely, Team Bushido and Kimikozen
  9. [quote name='Atuan' timestamp='1360370312' post='190492'] Like you'd run from Chansey if it didn't have an egg. [/quote] And it would make you cry if it did have an egg and you did not catch it. ;-; CHAOS Edit: Also there are way more cons then pros... Almost no predictions on Catching,Dueling,Lucky egg finding... It would take lots of coding Grinding is in almost all Mmos, this takes away 40% of it. Pros: I really can not find any, unless you are a new player.
  10. [quote name='Lust' timestamp='1360367166' post='190439'] Strategy for this event, collect all the Unowns fast, and wait for someone else to turn theirs in so I can get the second place prize. [/quote] Unless you can not donate ;-;
  11. Glacius BROOOOO your so amazing!!1!!! Those sprites! Lol Anyways, welcome to Pokemmo!
  12. Good luck from Team Bushido [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=1]And team september[/size][/font]
  13. Uhhh.. Hi My name is Kimikozen ;-; Welcome to Pokemmo I guess... Heheheh..ehh....
  14. Support, except you could predict sets by knowing natures in duels. Modest Starmie? *switch to something faster* Yes, I know no one uses Modest Starmie, but meh
  15. [quote name='Edward' timestamp='1360279461' post='189074'] The sexiest people in existence roam here. [/quote] Edward is talking about Orangeslash. As he does in half of his posts Anyways(Inside joke), Show us the results, and we can give you more feedback
  16. Kimikozen


    [quote name='LordToadD' timestamp='1360217350' post='188100'] [center]Name:Dennis[/center] [center]Last Name: Borowski[/center] [center]IGN: LordToadD[/center] [center]I have not Skype but Twitter is:ToadAndMaster[/center] [center]Reason I want to join: Sense I joined Pokemmo I have been helpful, plus I know basically everything about the game and have played it sense the release of Red/Yellow/Blue[/center] [/quote] Welcome to the team, I am logging on right now.
  17. Well, I hate to say this but... I have to be honest and the community here is not the best. If you stay away from the forums, do not allow the Global,channel, and shout chat he should be ok. Yeah, I suggest not playing this. Yet its a very fun game. Edit: yes there are many nice players too.
  18. Thanks man How bout a Shiny Weavile,scraggy,Yangmega eyes and Alakzam spoons
  19. Kimikozen


    Around 3:00, I can get on it. I do no have much time. But I am on right now Edit: Really? I did not get your message
  20. If I did not say good luck from Team Bushido Kloneman would slay me
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