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Posts posted by Duskmare

  1. So, I've tried looking on here and elsewhere for what exactly the capture calculation is for PokeMMO and I've come up with very little.


    Apparently they use the same capture calculation as Gen3/4, however I can't seem to get consistent capture rates using the gen 3/4 setting on this website (which has been accurate and helpful when playing other pokemon games before):



    I've also heard that the numbers for specific balls has been changed but never what they were settled at.

    So I have no idea what values each ball has and whether one ball that should be more effective in a situation is actually more effective in that situation than, say, an ultra ball. 

    For example, I saw on a thread from back in 2018 that the quick ball had been reduced to 2.25 instead of it's original number (which I think was 4). I haven't found any number for the Ultra ball but if it's the same as most pokemon games then I think it's 3. So using quick balls would just never be worth it. 


    (Slight side note but also what was responsible for this thread: I had 3 quick balls fail to catch Abras without any wobbles when their catch chance should be 100% at level 5 using a quick ball on the first turn.)


    As a result of all this I'm hoping that someone, either a dev or someone better at searching for hard to find answers, can lay out exactly what the calculation is and exactly what each ball is worth. No guesswork please, certain answers only. Also no shorthand like "we use gen 3/4 formula" or "the pokeball number hasn't been changed", just straight facts so that it's written somewhere where it can hopefully be found quite easily. 

    I'm hoping to have a list like this by the end of this thread: 


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