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Everything posted by Polaraves

  1. 这游戏要的不是钱,要的是我的命哇(泪目) 以及Chara好评ヽ(;▽;)ノ
  2. 好的,那听起来草钢可以快乐退场了∠( ᐛ 」∠)_我带上镰刀盔吧。我昨天试着做了一只6v迷你龙,结果你知道吗.....最后一步2个5v合在一起的时候...我锁反了....我....锁反了....呜呜呜呜呜呜....结果就变成了5v+5v=4v,我直接原地螺旋上天了.........短时间内再也不想看见迷你龙了....呜呜呜
  3. ok,我最后一个精灵已经确定为河童了。双弱火我还没想好取下哪个换上哪个,感觉挺纠结的。如果去掉螳螂那就需要一个优秀的物攻手,如果去掉草钢那就需要一个双防优秀的盾。感觉地鼠会是一个好选择,既是工兵也可以输出,但是弱火... 那河童求雨就可以换成真气弹了,一发一个草钢(bushi)。然后双刀快龙我觉得也可以加上去,打击面大,或许可以替换掉螳螂。但是快龙是双刀的,整体队伍还是物攻输出奇差无比。 感觉哪个精灵都换不上来,蓝瘦,香菇
  4. w(゚Д゚)w *scared noise* 这么一说,我之前就做过很多这种弱智行为 okkkkk记住了!
  5. 好,谢谢大佬鸭,我会加油努力der!我昨天就是被对面的龙王反杀了,因为我龙王水炮miss了(我先手),对面不是眼镜的龙王后手龙波打出了命中要害我就没了(这么一说大概是狙击手龙王),我也没太看出来对面什么队伍哈哈哈。谢谢了!
  6. 0秒前捕捉~有道理,我昨天被指出双*4弱火后又看了看雨天队指南文章。地鼠的确是一大热门工兵,同时也可以与雷布组成联防。或许我应该把地鼠提上来,然后把一个*4弱火拿掉?如果我的思路正确的话,推荐拿掉哪个? 我昨天打了3场,就一场赢了嘤。排位我不敢打,据说神仙横行,大佬满地爬(>人<;)
  7. Ask it in the "normal" or "shout" channel chat for trade evolve request, im sure somebody will be willing to help you. Remember don't choose a newbie to help you or he/she might just take your pokemon away for free.
  8. 是的,我今天实战了几场,发现真的双*4弱火真的不舒服,基本上每场都是最后剩下这两个4倍弱火然后被打成傻子。我这一次第六个精灵带上了命玉河童,冲浪+百万吸收+冰光+祈雨,但是感觉似乎对严重弱火的局势没有什么改变。我或许应该把草钢换成细胞? (默默的再说一句我今天第一次赢了!!!!得到了500bp,我好兴奋)
  9. 但是大嘴欧弱岩钉诶,踩一下可能就和踩乐高一样升天了
  10. 嗯,我感觉是应该带一只命玉河童,详情看上面的两位大佬,都很有道理的亚子
  11. 一针见血。我昨天实战就对上了蝶舞蛾子盾和电磁波小蛋,真的很无力(第六个格子随便放的美纳斯)。蛾子百万吸收碾压我,龙王也是想你说的正正好好被麻痹了。Ok,我会把雷布换成围巾。还有我带上草钢是因为似乎大部分大佬都是带着的,首选盾之一(捂脸)。河童感觉也不错,我也在想快龙行不行,或许我应当先把它们两个都做出来,然后再一一实战来选择会不会更好一些?(就是快龙好耗钱,能不做就不做,我先去做河童好了) 然后哈哈哈哈哈哈,听起来像纯攻队的思路jpg. 只要够暴力,联防就不重要(滑稽)
  12. 有道理,我昨天实战了一下(第六个精灵放的美纳斯),真的破不了蝶舞火蛾子盾,后面百万吸收打一个死一个(嘤)。那个,那有什么推荐的好的破盾精灵吗?感觉按照这样子的话双刀快龙可能是最好的选择,不弱草,打击面广,看起来也可以有效压制你列举的那几个精灵。 Ok,迫害灯鱼,达成共识(滑稽)
  13. 500快600小时没有1闪,所以我用钞能力孵了一只2v闪喵喵,然后,然后,代刷等级的给我他喵的进化了,呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 最后只好再回炉孵了一个...然后自己刷...再也不敢给别人刷了。
  14. 嗨嗨,各位Pokemmo大佬们你好哇!你现在看到的是一个特别菜鸡,零PVP经验的萌新Pokemmo玩家的第一个PVP队的思路和配置。这是我第一次尝试构造一个有用的PVP队伍,所以绝对会有特别特别多的缺点。下面请听听我的废话~ 由于之前有过大段时间的退游,导致我对现今PVP环境和热门的PVP宠了解非常不足。而在经过好久的咸鱼时光后,我今年终于准备一脚踏进PVP辣!我从来没有打过PVP,唯一一次PVP是几个月前用自己随便乱凑的精灵在OU匹配里被大佬狠狠教训了一顿(泪目)。被打击后转念一想,作为一个Pokemmo玩家,居然连PVP都没玩过,实在是太丢人了。便产生了进军PVP的念头。 在收集了好久的攻略和看了好多篇大佬总结的思路后,我发现天气队似乎比较适合萌新操作,我便选上了看起来强力(成员大多颜值高)的雨天队。雨天队节奏紧张,似乎容错率不是很高,但是我认为十分适合我来攒集PVP经验。 于是,在捣鼓了好久的队伍后,我终于拿出了我的第一个雨天队配置!我同时也把这篇文章的前身发到了B站上面,也寻求了B站小伙伴们的帮助,并且关于思路和努力值技能的搭配,我有参考大佬: x急x 弑神-法 的文章 关于队伍整体和技能,我有大量参考: 在B站的评论区小伙伴们 我真的真的非常希望各位看完后,能够给出一些建议。例如指出打击面,克制,联防,打击手,盾牌等等的缺点。 非常谢谢各位! ———————— 1. 唯一天气手:大嘴鸥 大胆 hp252 防御252 特防6 降雨 潮湿岩石 热水 极速折返 暴风 羽栖 我的菜鸡思路: 努力值和性格是为了做肉盾,毕竟是全队唯一一个天气手,不能随意凉掉。暴风可以干全队大部分都很怕的草系,带上一个水本增加输出。而急速折返先读蹭伤害换人。 这一次我把原来的清除浓雾换成了羽栖来保证续航,在B站小伙伴的提醒下我明白了大嘴鸥弱钉(...),自己真的太蠢了。 注:特防低 2倍弱岩 4倍弱电 2. 全队MVP特功手:刺龙王 内向 hp6 特功252 速度252 悠游自如 选择眼镜 龙之波动 水炮 龙星群 冲浪 我的菜鸡思路: 特性使它在雨天下速度翻倍。我在B站小伙伴的提醒下明白了雨天龙王如果不带那些高伤害的技能的话输出捉急。比起赌热水烧水,一路龙水爆破会是更好的选择(感觉好莽啊哈哈)。所以这一次把热水和急冻光线换成了水炮和冲浪,而换成了龙星群,道具剩饭换成了选择眼镜。 注:2倍弱龙 3. 特功联防手:雷精灵 胆小 hp6 特功252 速度252 储电 讲究眼睛?或者磁铁? 打雷 暗影球 觉醒冰 伏特替换 我的菜鸡思路: 讲究眼镜威力大但是不灵活,磁铁的话虽然输出好像有点捉急但是够灵活,或许还可以假装被锁住一个技能然后打个对手措手不及...?打雷雨天必中,干就完事了。伏特替换退场蹭伤害,剩下的补充打击面。 注:脆皮一个 2倍弱地 4. 破盾物功手:巨钳螳螂 固执 hp108 物攻252 速度150 技师 剩饭 子弹拳 剑舞 极速折返 蛮力 我的菜鸡思路: 剑舞保证破盾能力,子弹拳肯定是必备的,蛮力扩大打击面,极速折返这个技能在B站小伙伴的建议下我换掉了虫咬,可以干克制水系的草系+换人。还有羽栖这个保证续航的技能我也很想加进去,但是不知道从何下手,于是只好退一步带上剩饭。 注:速度慢 4倍弱火 5. 盾牌:坚果哑铃 悠闲 hp252 防御44 特防212 铁刺 美丽空壳 陀螺球 隐形岩 保护 寄生种子 我的菜鸡思路: 全队暂时的唯一真正的盾牌(草)(这里的“草”作为语气词使用)同时也是唯一的撒钉手。听大部分大佬说雨天队一般草钢都是特盾。陀螺球肯定是必带的。在B站小伙伴的建议下我原来带的重踏换成了寄生种子,虽然听起来遇到磁怪会很舒服,但是他表示大部分时间都在吃灰(捂脸)。所以为了一个小概率事件而牺牲大局或许不是太值得,道具带上空壳防止被抓。 注:2倍弱格斗 4倍弱火 ———————— 以上都是我基本已经确定思路以及大概率绝对会放进我的雨天队里的精灵。前5个位置我已经大多锁定,而最后一个精灵还暂时还不是很确定,有一些思路,但是不知道该选择哪个(双刀快龙啊,细胞啊,镰刀盔啊,河童啊还有很多很多)。请务必提出一些关于如何确定第六只精灵建议! 队伍的主轴应该是刺龙王+巨钳螳螂,我不是很确定。但是它肯定是这个队伍里目前最重要的打手。 精灵做好后我就要带着这些精灵去匹配上挨打了:D。如果各位偶遇到了这个队伍,请好好教我做人,打击我的自信心! (受队还是算了 快点解决战斗吧)
  15. *Super Long Writings Warning! Hello! What you will see next is a newbie's first trial on building a PVP team. This is my first time doing it, so there will be a lot of dumb mistakes and weird groups. I'm still not familiar with Pokemon PVP terms and English is not my mother tongue, so you might see some "make up words". Now the next up is my blabbering about myself and what's Pokemon PVP to me. You can skip next part if you are in a hurry :PPP. Due to the fact of me being AFK from the game not long ago, I'm have a little understanding on the current popular used Pokemons and the environment. And now, I'm finally ready to step right into the PVP! I have never played PVP before, the only trial I have done is being dunked by a player super hard in OU tier matchmaking with my "weird mashed up team" around some month ago *Sad Noise*. As a Pokemmo player, I was suddenly feeling very ashamed that I have never even tried PVP before, I sucks so much oof. And this is where I came up the idea of stepping into PVP seriously with a good team and improving my skills. After collecting many guides and articles about PVP, I found out the weather team kinda fits me the newbie and it's very popular, so I've chosen the rain team and most importantly with many good-looking Pokemon. The rain team has a tense rhythm and the fault tolerance rate is not very easy to do, but I think it's a good start on gaining experience. Now, I will proudly introduce you my first rain team! I did reference some of the Pokemon groups, EVs, move arrangements from the other PVP players. I really really hope you can give some tips and suggestions on my team. Such as the disadvantages on movepools, coverage, core, and blah blah (I did searched up for all of these nouns). Thank you very much for reading all my blabbering! ———————————— 1. Pelipper, The only "weather guy" Bold EVs: HP 252 / Def 252 / Sp.Def 6 Drizzle Damp Rock Scald / U-turn / Hurricane / Roost My own thoughts: I'm trying to make it a shield as it's the only drizzle ability pokemon in my team (or the rain dance move), Hurricane can do against the grass type while the scald is a hax for burn. U-turn can switch while making a little bit of damage. I didn't take defog with me as it's weak to stealth rock, but I'm not sure who can do this job for Pelipper. Notes: Low on Sp.Def, *2 rock, *4 electric 2. Kingdra, MVP special sweeper Modest EVs: HP 6 / Sp.Atk 252 / Spe 252 Swift Swim Choice Spec. Dragon Pulse / Hydro Pump / Draco Meteor / Ice Beam My own thoughts: I'm doing a really harsh sweeper here. Comparing to Scald, Hydro Pump is a much better option as there's no need to wager for the add-on burn effect that Scald gives. I changed the item from Leftover to Choice Spec. too to make heavy damage. Note: *2 Dragon 3. Jolteon, Special core sweeper Timid EVs: HP 6 / Sp.Atk 252 / Spe 252 Volt Absorb Choice Spec.? Or Magnet? Thunder / Volt Switch / Shadow Ball / Wish My own thoughts: Choice Spec. produces a lot of damage but not flexible enough, the magnet doesn't give a lot of damage but are flexible. Maybe you can even do a bluff on pretending carrying Choice Spec. but actually you're not??? Note: Squishy, *2 ground 4. Scizor, The wall breaker Adamant EVs: HP 108 / Atk 252 / Spe 150 Technician Leftovers Sword Dance / Bullet Punch / Superpower / U-turn My own thoughts: The EVs for speed is over 150 to make sure it's faster then milotic. Sword Dance makes sure it's a successful wall breaker, Bullet Punch is for sure on there, and I changed Bug Bite to U-turn because it gives a better flexibility. Also I really want to add the move Roost inside too, but not sure of where to put, so I put Leftovers instead. Note: Slow on speed, *4 fire 5. Ferrothorn, The only wall??? Calm EVs: HP 252 / Def 44 / Sp.Def 212 Iron Brabs Shed Shell Gyro Ball / Stealth Rock / Protect / Leech Seed My own thoughts: The only wall inside the team for now, also the only Spikes/Stealth Rock Pokemon. People always say that a rain team Ferrothorn is usually special defense wall. Gyro Ball is definitely a must-bring move for it, and I changed Bulldoze to Leech Seed because the chances are you're not gonna meet a Magnezone that commonly and it doesn't worth it to waste a move on this. But I brought Shed Shell just in case, we meet our good old friend Magnezone :P Note: Be careful for Magnezone, *2 Fighting, *4 Fire ———————————— I'm still not so sure for the sixth pokemon in my team because I don't know what I'm missing for this team set yet. I do have some Pokemons in my mind, just not so sure what to bring. After finishing this team, I will be actively playing on OU PVP matches (not the rated one). So If you meet this team in the future, Please teach me a lesson and crush my team! (If you're a stall team I am most likely gonna forfeit) Offer me tips! I'm really really excited about this whole PVP concept that I'm gonna chase after. Everything about PVP is kinda new to me, and I have no practical experience on PVP yet. Once again, thank you for reading this long damn thing!
  16. 423=0 我说什么了吗(泪目)梦想也就是闪青绵了
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