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Everything posted by Casssandra

  1. [quote name='Xiren' timestamp='1364584564' post='253240'] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/1373cc14af0f580c420cebbe4ea0da98/tumblr_mfcmm3F7wo1r5yidjo1_500.png[/img] [/quote] *Squeels loudly* Leeeeeaffffffffeeeeeeeeeeonnnnnnnnnnnn~<3333333333333 [quote name='Iziksquirel' timestamp='1364625115' post='254294'] [img]http://s3.zerochan.net/Furret.600.1111389.jpg[/img] how... how did you forget Furret? [/quote] SUDDENLY FURRET ORGY!
  2. also might want to put the pics in a spoiler thing, cause even scrolling down i can still see them XD
  3. None of the girls, either the dumb and dumber vehicle or the pokemon one XD
  4. Hrmm...for some reason i cant make a new paragraph anymore....Anyways...So your doing the offline village quests? there pretty fast to do :3 its good for new players to do the moga village story before coming online, the online quests get you right into the action, unlike in tri where the quests were relatively the same, and key quests were boring gathering quests, no you get to fight the rathian straight away! so getting yourself geared and used to the game offline is a good idea...also DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE + RANK ONLINE!!! Seriously, i went in there with only 110 armour fighting a rathalos, i was like, yea i will be fine, i just dodge everything....no...i wasnt fine, one enraged fireball easily took ALL my hp from 150 to 0 Q3Q be sure to upgrade your armour with armour stones if you want to keep your armour in + rank! X3
  5. [quote name='TheOriginal' timestamp='1364522882' post='252113'] Slime? [/quote] A New element that has been added to monster hunter ultiamate 3, Its only obtained from one monster, attacking monsters builds up slime charges, when it reaches a point, it causes a explosion which from my understanding, no monster is immune to all monsters take the same amount from it, the explosion can also be buffed with bomb skills like felyne bomber (food) and bombadier (armour) also all slime weapons stack with each other, if 4 people use a slime weapon then they all count towards the slime explosion count, thats why its overused so much its a cheap little exploit that i feel takes the fun out of the game, i'll have a slime weapon, but i will rarely use it unless im the only one using it or say i dont have a good elemental weapon for a monster (which will rarely happen XD)
  6. [img]http://furry.1d4.us/_images/c34812fc3061dfd3548aa80143d8d7e9/19931%20-%20avian-bird-bone-coffee-comic-dark_souls-dragon-gwyn-gwynevere-human-humor-interspecies-oyster-seath-skeleton-taxi-unknown_artist-video_games.png[/img]
  7. Not saying slime is a bad element or anything, in fact its completely overpowered, but its because of that that everyone is using it.
  8. Slime is overused in my opinion, all the streams i have seen there all using slime weapons, i hate them, i like diversity in my hunting party, not all use the one element weapon on EVERYTHING >.>
  9. hehe pricilla and Sif look so adorable~<3
  10. [quote name='jakeypoo44' timestamp='1364518519' post='252008'] I was asking what it was like in this game as I have only played tri Sounds a lot better than tris infinite ranks system [/quote] Tri's Ranking system only went to 999 X3 but yes it sounds a lot better, especially since in tri i was only HR 56 and my hunting skills were better then people with a HR of 600+
  11. [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/16/163828/2372465-1327358901013.png[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/35d0ddcdba04af75a8ce61a029e2a862/tumblr_mjohjue4631rnyeudo1_500.jpg[/img]
  12. The legs should be taken care of with those short range weapons, like the Duel swords and the sword and shield, as they cannot reach the tail very easily, also it frustrates me greatly when people clump together when hunting a monster X3 your supposed to diverse, i had some idiots who would run up to the head when im attacking it with a hammer, and get sent flying from my hammer, and then they complain that hammers are stupid! what the fuck was the long-sword user doing at the head when the tail was still intact? And yes, it goes back to unites HR system of 1-9 ( i believe) when you reach the highest hunter rank you then get a Hunter Rating which supposedly measures your skill as a hunter and then gives you a number depending how skilled you are, i have no idea what factors into this but i wish it takes into account if you used cheap methods to kill a monster quickly, like headlocking it, Sleep bombing or Flash bomb spamming and trap spamming And not sure if your asking what HR means or what my HR is...so ima explain both XD HR Means hunter rank or Hunter Rating, my hunter rank is 2, will be 3-4 by the end of the day
  13. Currently working on getting my HR to 3, been screwing around to much in HR2....WHY DONT PEOPLE KNOW WHERE THERE SUPPOSED TO BE ATTACKING WITH THERE WEAPONS!!! D: seriously, its like Hammer/impact weapons, go for the head, Long swords, GS users go for the bloody tail!
  14. [quote name='jakeypoo44' timestamp='1364486807' post='251159'] I'm finding evading to be really awkward in this version compared to the old one... Also i'm pretty sure they nerfed low rank, I'm on 5 star village quests and I haven't needed to upgrade from leather armour yet [/quote] They havnt nerfed low rank monsters, they buffed the hunters natural defence rating, instead of having a defence rating of 0 they have a natural defence of 50, im guessing they did this for the G rank quests, you wont have to worry about defence till a lot later XD
  15. i have Great wroggi arrmour, but thats because i got the Duel sword's all upgraded first, that sharpness is beautiful on them~<3 it all also depends on what your after, a GS user i would recomend something with sheathing and attack up, Long sword, Evasion up is nice, Hammer, some tremor and wind resist so you can charge that hammer for days, SnS depending on what it is, i would say either element attack up or status attack up :3
  16. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwUm_S1fedw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwUm_S1fedw[/url] The ending of this video....it needs to be an optional ending!!!
  17. planning on studying game design when life gets back on track, probably lean more on character/concept art side of things, but i'll see whats avalable to me when shit gets sorted out XD
  18. [quote name='ArmisticeAcropolis' timestamp='1364261882' post='246117'] [spoiler][img]http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/1122/puffcynda.png[/img][/spoiler] /thread [/quote] Yes...Eat them alllll~<3
  19. War is the reason why we have the amazing technolodgy that we have nowadays, as sad as it is but it really gets people to make new things to outsmart the other side, Computers are a good example for this.
  20. need more praise D: [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2013/002/1/7/praise_the_sun__by_inexsus-d5q699n.png[/img]
  21. All the people complaining about the camera controls....there the same as the psp version XD just reversed so to speak i can work the camera fine XD (will admit i do hold the 3ds diffrently but its doable)
  22. [quote name='TheOriginal' timestamp='1364168328' post='244472'] Better get a circle pad pro. Can't wait to get to higher lvl quests only at lvl 2 Edit Is the Gigginox easier or harder to kill than a Khezu? [/quote] IMO Khezu was a hell of a lot worse then the gigginox XD it could coat itself in a electrical charge which made it risky to fight it close range, had good electrical moves long range, and was a lot more unpredictable then the gigginox, granted i havnt fought the gigginox khezu love child yet X3
  23. [quote name='jakeypoo44' timestamp='1364145104' post='243876'] If you're good at the game you wont hit your team mates. Ill probably just have one dual swords weapon for status but I usually use switch axe/ lance. Does anyone main bowgun/bow by the way? I hardly ever saw any decent bowgunners in tri [/quote] I used the bowgun quite a lot in unite and the bow, its not to hard to be a gunner, if you can do naked runs on monsters you should be fine being a gunner, the only problem i have is that there very costly (except bows which is why i went with it more then the bowgun XD)
  24. a skilled Hunter will not hit there teammates, the only time i ever EVER hit my teammates with a weapon is when there dumb enough to run into my sword mid combo OR the enemy is to small for four people to be wailing on, but in saying that Kuma, ALL weapons in monster hunter cause flinching, the sword and shield is the worst offender, especially after they buffed it with a shield bash, that thing sends people flying! great swords can be a good offender as well...and EVERYONE hates it when i decide to bring a hammer cause practicly all its moves send you flying. but skilled hunters rarely see the issue, if you take a hit, change your positioning, you all shouldnt be clumped up anyway XD you need to spread so the monster has to pick one person to target, while that person is the decoy, everyone else lays into him :3
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