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Posts posted by enochtheprophet

  1. I like this idea, I even like the idea of using pokedollars (assuming the amount of pokedollars needed to obtain a lucky egg would accurately reflect how rare lucky eggs are and the time needed to obtain\farm them) As long as it doesnt stray away from the idea of giving a good constant way to asses Item and TM values. I like the idea of using supply and demand to asses the value of these items, however I also feel like there isn't a good way to measure that. With retail stores they can accurately see suply and demand based on sales and available inventory. Maybe if there were multiple shops that competed and had to fluctuate prices on eggs based on supply demand. But without a "limited supply" you can't asses either one accurately, so i think that value should remain constant. Maybe pokedollars would be more desirable if you obtained less of them during battles. If the cost of normal cost of items were lowered based on how much the amount of pokedollars recieved would decrease then normal game items would remain affordable, and getting 100,000 would be much harder even with selling items (assuming their pokedollar value also decreased)

  2. I heard the Illuminati were aliens that genetically engineered human beings as a slave race to mine precious materials out of the earth, and have had control since the dawn of civilization.

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