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Everything posted by Mariah

  1. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    Did somebody say Satan? I'm here.~
  2. Except you forgot to acknowledge the fact that nothing you even say matters, the fact I appeared in 2013 makes your existence yet alone the hate irrelevant. [Narcissism intensifies] You're just that annoying kid that's proud of spamming, congratulations.~
  3. If i was born in Russia, being full Russian and such. Considering how bad poverty is in Russia I would probably try joining the Russia Mafia. Wouldn't be too difficult to make a name for myself either. Being ruthless and a woman would blow their minds. i think i would fit perfectly if it wasn't for the circumstance of being born in America and only being half Russian. Haha. Ohhhh wellllll. Maybe i should be an assassin. ;o But everyone hates you, i think.~
  4. I would luvluvluv to have one of those. But i have this knife, with a little like window breaker on the opposite end of the blade for shattering glass and stuff. But i'd use it to smash someone's teeth one by one, slowly and individually.
  5. Taking away all the things, but most importantly every drop of blood in your body.~
  6. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    I would be the best drug dealer.~ My bags would be the prettiest.
  7. Tmi, but i'm so happy my boobs have gotten smaller 'cause now I can wear cute things like bandeaus and strapless dresses without living in fear.~ None of you will understand my joy..
  8. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    You're the ugliest.~
  9. At least i have you to embrace the luv of tumblr with. e.e; As for artsy stuff, I think the only other website for beautiful imagery would be Deviantart but not nearly as easy to navigate as tumblr.~ Better than facebook, reddit, 9gag, twitter, myspace, etc. At this point tumblr is the least cancerous and best social media site. Also, the only one that allows pornography and other graphic content. Plus, it's also the most customizable out of any other, if you're knowledgeable in html or css what you can do with a tumblr is essentially limitless you don't even have to use it as intended, with the customization you can literally use your tumblr account as an actual website for whatever reason you'd need one. They even offer domain hosting. (cheap too) So no, tumblr is not shit. You just aren't nearly as sophisticated enough to use it. Instead you generalize it with the rest of the shitty websites.~ The internet in general is a special type of cancer. Human made cancer.~
  10. But 2013 is the age of Mariah, therefore you should all rejoice that 2013 happened or i wouldn't exist. n.~;
  11. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    I don't see why the samething wouldn't happen.~ Also, just keep an eye on her, monitor her actions. Keep her away from anything lethal. Don't allow her anymore drugs.
  12. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    I wouldn't personally use that method, i'm really fond of the idea of drowning myself some where beautiful. Like in an Oasis in the middle of the Egyptian deserts, or a spring in some jungle. I feel like it would be a really peaceful but suffering death.~ Also; i really really can't sleep, i don't know what the fuck is wrong with me...
  13. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    You stole that from Nick Swardson.~ Also, it was an Airport. ;o [spoiler]This is why i delay the waffle maker...[/spoiler]
  14. Mariah

    Spooky stuff.~

    On topic; Something some what similar to sleep paralysis happened to me one time; I was just getting out of the shower, and drying off. I started to have these really suggestive thoughts. Going on about "you're worthless, you'll never amount to anything, you should just kill yourself, your family despises you, so on and so forth" and whenever i would try to direct my thoughts else where, my mind felt like it was forced back to those suggestive thoughts. I start to panic, and being the only one home i run out of my bathroom. Next thing i know as i'm running out, my arms are forced across my chest (like how the arms of a mummy are.) Completely unable to move my arms, I just kept panicking in absolute terror, pacing across my living room in literally tears muttering to myself "This isn't really happening... I'm okay... Just make it stop... Why won't it stop... I'm fucked... We're fucked" It eventually stopped, and i ran into my room and violently sobbed myself to sleep, and when i woke up, it was one of those times where I apparently had a nose bleed in my sleep. To me, it was like imaginative forces attacked me, and had me in a bind. Except unlike sleep paralysis this happened while i was awake. I didn't feel alone, i still don't feel alone. It's like i lost total control of myself, to myself. To this day i have no idea what happened, or why. I probably never will, so i don't think about it. Just figured i'd share, since it's spooky.~
  15. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    What can i say? apparently i make a fantastic (psychopath) impression.~
  16. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    Why does suicide need to be subjective? What if you're just curious about what happens after you die so badly that you kill yourself? Curiosity isn't an emotion. ;o
  17. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    What the fuck is wrong with you, mister; "i never thought about suicide" it's not like we're contemplating it. Haha
  18. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    Which is exactly why it's the best, there will never be a moment in your life as peaceful as the moment of death. Even if you were brutally murdered, Dimethyltryptamine will make it okay.~
  19. Mariah

    Laidback Zone

    Dying is however, the best day of our lives.~ We just refuse to acknowledge something as grim as that. Prove me wrong. >;o
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