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Posts posted by MrSeverO

  1. How it is: For some reason I bred my 31 spdef spheal with a diglett in Kanto (I braced the spdef) and for some reason the baby doesnt have 31 spdef.


    How it should be: I brace an IV and I get that IV in the baby.


    Plz fix braces!

  2. Its cool, I'm taking a summer class so I won't be on from 2-5:30 PM EST.

    I might try go on today since my dad is going to bed soon (or so he says) but i cant pass 9:00 pm est or dad can catch me >.>

  3. So wait, is that a yes or no to me joining?

    if this guys dont answer you aim your focus on finishing the story and then try again :) maybe with a team on pokemmo who knows :P

    i can try and help you get some comps if you need, just ask me if you need anything :)

  4. SkyBeat and someone else said that that's what they did hue

    EDIT: Besides, the test is only to see if I know what I'm doing so it shouldn't matter if I know how to do comp, or at least that's what Hassan told me.

    I was joking i dont care about it :P but gl dude hope you make it ^-^
  5. Hello again teamplayers :) sorry for not being online for sooooooooo long but... League of legends got me T^T (HALP!!!!)... and I also need to pass my math exam (happening 23rd June) but I'll try go back to MMO soon.

    I also want to apologize for not saying nothing all this time but was kinda (idk) embarrassed!? and bad for it :I but yeah I'm gonna try C:

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