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Everything posted by Zoubek

  1. No problem, there should be psd file included for easier edits.
  2. Zoubek

    Desktop Thread

    [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  3. This is temporary solution for those who don't like current look of trainer card, until it gets officially changed. Before: [spoiler] [/spoiler] After: [hr] 1. Download: default + T Card.rar 2. Unpack into \PokeMMO-Client mods\data\themes 3. In game go to seetings - video - theme and select "default + T Card"
  4. Most of it is outdated now, but it still should give you idea what to do. Ill update it when I have some time.
  5. I am getting multiple similar errors anytime i try to do something with it, I think i broke something... I will start from scratch (with those new sprites)
  6. Whenever I try to edit Pidgeotto i get this: [img]http://i.imgur.com/1s4fLZL.png[/img] If I click on continue it crashes, if I click on end it closes. Any idea?
  7. Yes, in fact almost all of them were somehow damaged so I used sprites from different sources (server-islands.com) (only first 100 so far) [spoiler] [img]http://i.imgur.com/j2oxeZg.png[/img] [/spoiler]
  8. Used new sprites for pokemons up to 101, it looks much better now.
  9. You need to edit login.xlm (PokeMMO-Client\data\gui\login.xml - open with notepad). Here look for: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><area name="monster-slot-green" xywh="42,59,23,25" tint="#a040c955" sizeOverwriteH="40"/> - this is for green [b]tint= color[/b] [spoiler] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><area name="monster-slot-orange" xywh="42,59,23,25" tint="#a0f7b529"/> - [b]orange[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><area name="monster-slot-red" xywh="42,59,23,25" tint="#a0f7635a"/> - [b]red[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><area name="monster-slot-purple" xywh="42,59,23,25" tint="#a09781cf"/> - [b]purple[/b] [/spoiler] [b]for arrows: find this:[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><select name="vscrollbar.upbutton.background" center="true"> <area tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" xywh="5,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#5A5A5A" if="hover" xywh="5,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#000000" xywh="5,1,7,7"/> </select> [b](^that is black arrow up)[/b] <area tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" - here change tint. [spoiler] [b]black arrow down:[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><select name="vscrollbar.downbutton.background" center="true"> <area tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" xywh="14,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#5A5A5A" if="hover" xywh="14,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#000000" xywh="14,1,7,7"/> [b]black slider:[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><select name="vscrollbar.thumb.background"> <area splity="T2,T5" tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" xywh="22,1,7,7"/> <area splity="T3,T4" tint="#5A5A5A" if="hover" xywh="22,1,7,7"/> <area splity="T3,T6" tint="#000000" xywh="22,1,7,7"/> </select> [b]white slider:[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><select name="vscrollbar-white.thumb.background"> <area splity="T2,T5" tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" xywh="22,1,7,7"/> <area splity="T3,T4" tint="#999999" if="hover" xywh="22,1,7,7"/> <area splity="T3,T6" tint="#FFFFFF" xywh="22,1,7,7"/> </select> [b]white arrow up:[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><select name="vscrollbar-white.upbutton.background" center="true"> <area tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" xywh="5,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#999999" if="hover" xywh="5,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#FFFFFF" xywh="5,1,7,7"/> </select> [b]white arrow down:[/b] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><select name="vscrollbar-white.downbutton.background" center="true"> <area tint="#b34cbf" if="pressed" xywh="14,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#999999" if="hover" xywh="14,1,7,7"/> <area tint="#FFFFFF" xywh="14,1,7,7"/> </select> [/spoiler] Backup that file before you edit it, just to be sure.
  10. First 50 should be perfect now, its not much, but better than nothing , i should have more free time this week so i will probably make some actual progress on this.
  11. Meowth should be fixed now. This "new method" is working, but its even slower then i imagined, just Bulbasaur took like 5 minutes. But it works. (and I need bigger monitor for that lol) [spoiler] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VRUlAhO.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
  12. I realized how I can fix them almost perfectly, but it will probably take some time... Now when I am thinking about it I should have done it in first place.
  13. [quote name='Conker' timestamp='1364790592' post='258475']Ps: The list of pokemon I reported, how do you know you didnt move them too far down or something? If you need to check pokemon you dont own just try what I tried.... I noticed a lot of these from specing battles, for pokemon I dont have.[/quote] I have moved all by same amount of pixels down, so far it works on those i can check, on rest I need to find them to confirm, but it should be ok. new version up.
  14. [quote name='Conker' timestamp='1364531754' post='252298'] [b]Machamp, Dodrio, etc...[/b][/quote] All done, though I cant check pokemons I don't have in game, so maybe something isn't moved enough. Cant see anything wrong on tangela ----> [img]http://i.imgur.com/3qvkbms.png[/img] Also, Ivysaur/metapod issue was really caused by 8bit patch, now it should be compatible. First install 8bit then this (on clean rom of course).
  15. [quote name='Niklebust' timestamp='1364638855' post='254513'] using gen 2 tiles/map patch. [/quote] Can you point me to that patch? I will try to make this compatible with it.
  16. [quote name='Conker' timestamp='1363981586' post='241475'] Fearow, Steelex, Umbreon, Crobat, Kingdra, Gyarados, Cloyster, Pikachu, Exeggutor (by a small bit), and Skarmory, back sprites needs to be lowered. The Forretress back sprite needs to be higher, its way too low. [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9xh1cNn.png[/img] Done
  17. [spoiler] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/260/3/e/eevee_pokemon_by_cristianac-d5eyz5o.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/267/f/6/charmander__pokemon__by_cristianac-d5fr7bd.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/227/6/e/leafeon_by_cristianac-d5b9oko.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
  18. alakazam, magikarp - done. I still don't get why some of them are too up while others too down...
  19. Pidgeot and Unowns fixed
  20. Rapidash, Venomoth, Dragonair, Dragonite, Gyarados, Hoothoot fixed. Thank you guys. Don't forget to use fresh rom.
  21. [quote name='Conker' timestamp='1363360961' post='230016'] EDIT: Rapidash, back sprite is way too high up...please fix it when you can? EDIT 2: Something is wrong with the unknowns, they are fully black, did you use the right color palette? Edit 3: Venomoth back sprite is still a little too high up. Edit 4: Dragonior back sprite is too high as well, as well as dragonite, and gyardos [/quote] I have problem with Unowns, there is only A to edit and I cant find way to edit others... [quote name='Cifer44' timestamp='1363544433' post='232949'] I'll look through the dex and see if anyone is switched [/quote] Thank you very much.
  22. Fixed backsprites: Venomoth, Charizard, Onix, Perisan, Jolteon, Flareon, Psyduck And Spearow is now Spearow not Pidgey... If you find anything else let me know. There is probably more. Dont forget to apply it on clean ROM.
  23. Eehh sorry for those errors guys.
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