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Everything posted by Gamer2020

  1. The source code for this has been released. While I may not be the best programmer, I hope that other can learn from the code or maybe even provide improvements. I plan for this to be replaced by a different project in the future. Link: https://github.com/PokeMMOZone/pokemmo-team-builder
  2. I don't think anyone is actually using this but I recently realized that I never enabled the Legendary Birds. They have been added. I have plans for something that will replace this in the future but will leave the site available in the meantime.
  3. Yeah should be back to 1.5 if I'm not mistaken? If it isn't let me know.
  4. I've updated the code to bring in updates from the latest version of the calculator. Most notable thing is that Neutralizing Gas/Reactive Gas now properly negates the damage from damage boosting abilities. CRTL + F5 on Chrome to refresh your cache. I plan to do a V2 of this at some point so that the modifications made are done more professionally. (This won't concern most people as that is just about code maintenance.)
  5. Hi,


    Crazy random question, I used to know a Darkshade years ago on Pokecommunity. By any chance was that you?

  6. Sharpness has been updated to 1.5 in the calculator to match the latest update.
  7. Sharpness has been updated to 1.4 in the calculator.
  8. Changes mentioned in the below thread have been applied. Ctrl-F5 or whatever shortcut is used in your browser to force a refresh and see the changes.
  9. Thank you for your words. I think it's because the thread was moved to client customization but weirdly enough the damage calculator wasn't moved. Credits are at the bottom of the page 🙂
  10. Since this is pretty much usable I have made the source code public. I will continue to work on this in the future. If anyone wishes to send any pull requests I will review them. Source Code: https://github.com/Gamer2020/pokemmo-calc
  11. The below has been updated. Crtl-F5 to update the cache. Evolutions missing egg moves. All egg moves should be up to date.
  12. Introduction A few weeks ago I got an idea to make a team builder specific to PokeMMO. Since I have a bad habit to not get ideas out of my head until I do them, here is the result of my work so far. (Please note that I do expect it to not look as good on mobile browsers. Some improvements need to be done there.) Since this was made from scratch there are bound to be mistakes. Please feel free to let me know anything that I should fix. I am quite burned out on this at the moment so I may not add any of the bigger planned features anytime soon, but I will do my best to address quick fixes. I may need to think of a way to gather data on PokeMMO and have it in one place before starting any more projects, this was quite exhausting but hopefully some people find it useful or interesting. Link: https://pokemmotb.gamer2020.net/ Source Code: https://github.com/PokeMMOZone/pokemmo-team-builder What has been done? Item Explanation Save/Load Teams Local Storage in the web browser is used to save/load the teams. (I don't want to deal with accounts.) Import/Export Pokepastes You can import/export teams with the Showdown/Pokepaste format people are already used to. Only PokeMMO Pokemon Only the Pokemon in PokeMMO are selectable. I also did my best so they only have the moves they learn in PokeMMO. Only PokeMMO Items I did my best to only include the items available in PokeMMO. Hidden Power Type Selection Click on the type to change the Hidden Power Type. Alpha Toggle You can select if a Pokemon is Alpha. Evolutions missing egg moves. All egg moves should be up to date. What is planned/Needs fixing? Item Explanation Multiple attacks in one line support In the pastes you can have multiple attacks in one line to handle different attack options. This is currently not accounted for. Example: Water Gun/Surf Export/Upload to pokepast.es Seems like a useful feature. I need to look into adding this. Add Happiness field. Realized this one late in development. I should add it but I like how the page looks like right now. Improve Default Gender If a gender is not specified Male is used. This doesn't work with Pokemon that can't be Male and you then have to select a Gender. Team Analysis I want to add a tab with generated info about the imported team. Like what type weaknesses the team has and stuff like that. Make it look better on mobile The great thing about a website is that most people can access it but the issue is that there are so many mobile screen sizes. I need to improve the appearance of the site on mobile. Reported/Suggested that has been addressed. Item Explanation Nothing yet... Nothing yet... Reported/Suggested that need to be addressed. Item Explanation Nothing yet... Nothing yet...
  13. The below has been addressed but originals are left in to support sets imported from Showdown. This is done to support tools that use the PokeMMO names for sets. *Wink* Snow Plow Ability Fixed. PokeMMO name for Slush Rush. Should be added while still retaining the original for compatibility with other tools. Reactive Gas Fixed. PokeMMO name for Neutralizing Gas. Should be added while still retaining the original for compatibility with other tools. Assault Gear Fixed. PokeMMO name for Assault Vest. Should be added while still retaining the original for compatibility with other tools. Thank you.
  14. It's nice to see other people working on tools for the game. Congrats on your work as I understand how much time must have been put into this since gathering the data is not easy.
  15. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, I will look into this. I would think I would want it to show the accurate number so I your example I would want it to show 19.38%
  16. Blank sets should now be level 50. Here is a small teaser of my next project that I am working on. It is taking a while because it's being done from scratch.
  17. Thank you. Ah I must have missed that. I'll take a look at it. The repository for this is private for now.
  18. Yes, I am aware. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Probably something that overlays on screen like the counters but you click it and it brings up a mini web browser. Would probably be too big and would need it's own styling. Cool idea though.
  19. Below has been looked into and addressed. Sharpness' damage modifier for slicing moves has been reduced from 1.5x to 1.3x Fixed! Competitive ability Not a damage modifier. Just tick the boost in the calculator. Nothing to do. Competitive causes Special Attack to boost by 2 stages if a stat drop is caused by a foe This ability is available for Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Igglybuff, Milotic, Gothita, Gothorita, and Gothitelle Snow Plow ability? Use Slush Rush. You can set any ability in the calculator. Name not changed to keep compatibility with team builders. Snow Plow causes Speed to double in Hail This ability is available for Cubchoo and Beartic Reactive Gas ability Use Neutralizing Gas. You can set any ability in the calculator. Name not changed to keep compatibility with team builders. Reactive Gas suppresses all other abilities on the field, except for Reactive Gas, Multitype, and Zen Mode This ability is available for Koffing and Weezing Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken's Hidden Ability has been removed Calculator lets you select any ability so nothing to do here. Just don't use the ability.
  20. Fixed the below. You may need to force a refresh to update browser cache. (CTRL-F5 on Chrome.) Gem Calcs need to be BW Fixed! Knock off should be 20 BP Fixed! Outrage should be 90 BP Fixed!
  21. Oh I get you. I should be able to add that. I added a suggested features list.
  22. Thank you. Was easier than I thought once I studied the code 🙂 Thank you. I didn't see this when looking through Github. (I only found a calculator for Blaze Black) You only did sets? I will take a look and credit you if I use anything. I need to think of a good way to regularly update sets but figured will use the lastest BW for now. I started a list of reported issues and will look to fix that. Thank you. Thank you. I started a list of reported issues and will look to fix those. The issue with the randoms is that I'm not sure where to get the data. I removed the randoms page because I think the randoms are built from the sets but since the sets are from showdown they would be inaccurate. lol lol
  23. Introduction As someone who has been enjoying PokeMMO lately, I noticed something that the players of the game need. A damage calculator specifically for PokeMMO. While the Showdown Calculator is perfect, it is intended for the main games. Since the Showdown Calculator is open source, I decided to make a version that is adapted for PokeMMO. My hope is that this will be useful to people. Please feel free to respond with anything that I should fix. Link: https://pokemmocalc.gamer2020.net Source Code: https://github.com/PokeMMOZone/pokemmo-calc What has been done? Item Explanation Gen 9 Mechanics used. Calculator is set to generation 9 behind the scenes and adjustments are made where needed. BW sets used with levels set to 50. The latest Black and White Smogon sets are used for Pokemon. These have all been set to level 50. Pokemon introduced after Gen 5 removed. Any Pokemon after generation 5 has been removed. Stat changes introduced in later games are kept. If a Pokemon received a stat change after generation 5, it has been kept. PokeMMO seems to follow this. Uses Gen 5 typing. The type chart used for weakness and resistance is the one introduce in Generation 5. Pokemon who received the Fairy type in later games have had their original types restored. Links to BW Smogon Analysis pages. When you click the Analysis page you are taken to the Black and White page for that Pokemon opposed to the generation 9 one. Unneeded options removed. Options in the calculator that don’t exist in PokeMMO have been removed. One example is terrains. Comb through PokeMMO patch notes for changes and apply them. The patch notes for PokeMMO have been reviewed and any mentioned changes related to damage have been applied. (Example: Sharpness) What is planned? Item Explanation Remove Post Gen 5 moves. Remove moves that are not available in PokeMMO. Remove Post Gen 5 items. Remove Items that are not available in PokeMMO Remove Post Gen 5 abilities. Remove Abilities that are not available in PokeMMO Add sets provided by Scorpioni. https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/160440-pokemmo-damage-calculator/&do=findComment&comment=2028083 Reported/Suggested that has been addressed. Item Explanation Gem Calcs should be BW damage Fixed. The damage modifier for Gems has been changed to the BW one. Knock Off should be 20 BP Fixed. Outrage should be 90 BP. Fixed. Blank sets weren’t level 50. Fixed. Snow Plow Ability Fixed. PokeMMO name for Slush Rush. Should be added while still retaining the original for compatibility with other tools. Reactive Gas Fixed. PokeMMO name for Neutralizing Gas. Should be added while still retaining the original for compatibility with other tools. Assault Gear Fixed. PokeMMO name for Assault Vest. Should be added while still retaining the original for compatibility with other tools. Reported/Suggested that need to be addressed. Item Explanation Button to set all EVs to 85. To make calcs for random battles easier.
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