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Posts posted by Lolleh

  1. I've stopped playing due to the breeding failure. I was a paying customer too, so it really is a shame the Devs didn't just ask our opinions and then take our advice. The game may have sucked in the distant future due to inflation but with this solution they just brought the demise of this game a hell of a lot nearer.

  2. Yeah, good discussion lol. Just what we need...another thread for people to whine about a free game and threaten not to play it anymore.


    Some people invest irl dolla in to this game and have been shafted. It does kinda matter that they don't leave or there'll be no more happy money for devs, only decay and shed snakeskin all round.

  3. They should make it so we only lose one parent. Both is just stupid.


    If we just lost females (because everyone has males already) and the gender selection was off again then this game would be playable after storyline.

  4. gender selection is shit, but its been stated before.





    don't tell me its easy, cause its not.

    they would have to grind for 20 years straight to get anywhere near.


    ^Not even just new players. Older players, like myself, who bred but released anything up to 3x31 so as not to flood the market.

  5. Well munya, gilly, and myself all drew charts for this new breeding system and confirmed our numbers. I didn't see anyone else do that. My understanding was that the three of us who put out 100% effort to analyze this new system all wanted gender selection ON. My interpretation of doing all of that was not because we're hungry to spam 6x 31's - no no no! If you read what we wrote you would see how long it would take - an almost ridiculous amount of time. We drew out the paths and gave rough guesstimations because we were trying to help everyone find the proper balance for the economy and for comp players both (<-again, my interpretation).


    If you think you understand the breeding system really well, I would very much appreciate it if you reply to this question: Is the unknown amount of increased trade in the trade box worth bottle necking the breeding system for everyone? By Bottle necking I mean that it's not worth hunting or planning for breeding chains with gender selection OFF.


    The reason I am dragging this out is because I am bitter towards it as you can tell and I am hoping someone can change my perspective on this and spin positive light for me on how this limitation is a good thing. I'd also appreciate something not vague like - "it increases trade." I'd like some real numbers or evidence or something rather than just a generic and vague statement.


    75/25 split at max isn't that bad...

  6. Let me ask something. Why should a shiny's higher evolution be worth less than the lower one? I mean, it's always kind of been like that, but why? In the past, it was because once you evolved a shiny, it's lowe evolution was taken completely out of the picture. Lower evolution shinies had more "potential" because a potential buyer had more options when it was a lower evo.

    I'm genuinely interested to see if anyone has good thoughts on this. Why should evolving a shiny decrease its value substantially, even when the higher evo is worse looking (subjectively) than the lower one? Other than "it's how it has always been" I can't think of a good reason to punish someone for evolving a Pokemon. with the new mechanics, the values of higher evos should rise, and I see nothing wrong with this


    I was always under the impression lower evos were cheaper simply because they have the potential to be one of two or even three different shinies depending on your preference.

  7. What'd be great would be if it was really easy to make 3x31s so that everyone could comp (free braces etc. up until this point), but really hard to go higher than that, so previous players still have some kind of reward for their loyalty (crazy expensive braces etc. up until this point.)

  8. It just seems like the game is now full on single player with the ability to battle whenever you want with this update...What is even the point to sell pokemon when payday is now a much faster way for everyone. Breeding to get these 31 ivs and such will be more expensive and time consuming than just payday a bunch..


    And when no one bothers breeding all the people with leftover 3x31s+ will be rich! Yay!

  9. I wish this poll actually reflected the reality of what will happen. I know the devs said we complained about breeding, but who is "we?" 25% of the community? I know I didn't...


    I never heard anyone mention any problems with breeding until this update was announced.

  10. Considering most of the people I've seen have learned how to breed just by reading the dev blogs it can't be that hard to understand.  Once a proper guide is made on the subject on how to get comps (I'm not talking about 6x31s like gilians guide), I think new players aren't going to find it that difficult.  The biggest worry I have is that old breeders aren't going to want to learn something new, and simply wont breed. 

    I think if everyone kept an open mind about this update the initial response to it would have been better, but most of the people I've talked to that didn't want this update had reasoning mainly tied with greed and fear.  Some are afraid their breeders that they paid in the millions for are going to be worthless, but that's going to happen anyways with pre-update breeding.  At some point down the line, if we aren't already there, there's going to be too many 6x31s on the market and the price will drop significantly.  
    One example of this is back in the day I bred this poke and sold it for a shiny nidoqueen and 1.5m [spoiler] 8LDg0b5.png

    more recently I bred this and couldn't get an offer above 300k for it
    [spoiler] 5MPpXxZ.png


    Keep in mind I didn't breed these more than 6 months apart in time from each other, but the market had become flooded with better breeders during the time I was gone and caused the second splush to be not even worth selling.  The idea of this isn't to show off my OT breeders or compare them though, it's to show that the ability to sell breeders for a high price has gone down substantially while I was away from this game.  Is that really the kind of game people want to play, where they quit for a few months and come back and everything they own had dropped in price by a large amount?
    The pre-update breeding may have been more user friendly in the short run, but in the long run it is bad for an MMO.  Money sinks, item sinks, and all kinds of sinks are necessary to an MMO and I think everyone should read up on these kinds of mechanics before saying new breeding is an awful thing.  All games are hard to learn at first and new players to any MMO are going to have trouble, but at some point this update had to happen to guarantee that the future of this games economy is a bright future. 


    But also the first wooper was a female.


    EDIT: And HP Fire.

  11. For a 6x in the new breeding:

    You would have to eventually start from scratch using only breeders like this [spoiler]



    where you are passing your 31's one at a time. At 25k per brace, it would cost you $2,775,000 in braces to create a 6x 31 with the correct nature.


    Still a hell of a lot cheaper than a 6x31 previously would've been (other than super common Eevee scum etc.)

  12. As someone pointed out, thats 32 caught semi-specific(as I said, you can change the amount of 31's in a specific stat around so it requires more of some less of others) 31 in one stat IV pokemon.  That doesn't even include the nature passing which adds an additional 31 required pokemon(63 total for a 6 iv perfect nature pokemon).   That all adds up, and costs quite a bit of money, the braces on the 6x31 alone costs 1.55mil, no idea what it would cost in pokeballs.


    That reassures me a smidge. Although doesn't that mean it only takes 8 alternating 3x31s for a 6x31? I guess that'll close the middle-upper class gap. Still, the poor are left in the dirt though hue.


    Maybe it should just cost more to created a poke with any more than 2 or 3x31s or an RNG should be introduced at that point.

  13. So, with a little bit of planning and work, i did a spreadsheet on what it would take using only 1x31 pokemon as bases to get a 6x31.  If people are interested, it would take 32 caught pokemon to get to that point, and you would be GUARANTEED, the 6x31




    Blue/red is what is being/was braced.


    Something will have to be changed or anyone with money will do this over and over (going completely against what the devs created the new system for). Creating a 6x31 must contain some kind of amazing luck IMO...

  14. like i said .starting breeding from refinement would possibly be a good idea but change its sharply and leave some old comp player with like 6 or even more full box of comps isnt really fair.

    yeah maybe we have to suck it and "mark is healing over time",but do we ever ask for change in breed system?if devs didnt make it so easy in last several update we would still far away from 6*31 and all people still get something to fight for and still get motivation to hunt poke in wild.


    The real question is, do you want everyone to have 6x31s or not? The devs say not but I think so. The game'd still totally different to Pokemon Showdown; we'd still have a virtual world that brings us nostalgia while we meet up and fight or chat. Also storyline/nuzlocking and other challenges.

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