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Everything posted by Siege

  1. [img]http://memecrunch.com/meme/5ETG/pink-sock/image.png[/img]
  2. Page 28 will go down in history as the poopiest page [img]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/444256_o.gif[/img]
  3. Sick idea. Hope the competitive pokemon are actually competitive. I know most competitive players are trustworthy but how are you going to deal with people stealing the pokemon?
  4. when you queef with diabeetus you have diaqueefus
  5. I'm bootlegging bullets, you can still get a copy.

  6. I wish Blastoise was my dad. He wouldn't beat my mom like what her boyfriend, Johnny does. If Blastoise was my dad things would be different around here.

  7. Can you randomize who battles who within the teams this time?
  8. [img]http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/482842_10151804471504966_996529182_n.jpg[/img]
  9. The gamecorner is a viable way to get items and pokemon. The current timesink is just too big for it to warrant much use unless you really need a move. You can do an alt run and get an eevee quicker than getting the coins for it. And porygon just simply isn't worth a full set of coins right now.
  10. Feel better soon Jorcal!!! hang in there
  11. [img]http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/31961965/Chamillionaire+Chamilllionaire+Lil+Flip+GIF.gif[/img]
  12. Seems like the world so chopped and screwed. Good parents don't get proper dues. Who taught little kids how to uguu and shoot?

  13. [img]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/444256_o.gif[/img]
  14. Ahhhh there goes any chance of an update this week
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i44dnljEnK4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A08dscNRFDk
  16. [quote name='timmyboi' timestamp='1362517453' post='219193'] how about you get off ch 1 and go to a later ch where theres not crappy lag. [/quote] I do go to other channels bro. No need to get angry.
  17. [quote name='timmyboi' timestamp='1362517282' post='219183'] im getting them in 1-2 hours. [/quote] You aren't keeping an accurate track of time because unless you get 7's every 10 minutes, that's not happening.
  18. [quote name='iSmashbro' timestamp='1362491880' post='218755'] Still has a valid point. I personally listen to podcasts while I coin grind, but most other people just sit there for hours (only takes an hour for me) just doing nothing but mashing Z praying for a triple 7 [/quote] There is no way you're getting max coins in an hour.
  19. The casino has been out long enough. We've all spent our fair share of time pressing two buttons over and over. Lets get back to playing the game they spent so much time making. It doesn't eliminate the casino, just gives us some options.
  20. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/14812-option-to-remove-all-held-items-from-all-pc-boxes/
  21. [quote name='Govictory' timestamp='1362439169' post='218313'] The hour or two to find the mystery pokemon to get some coins is based on luck just like the casino ad the time limit I said was something I thought of on the spot but I am not saying this a bad idea it is just to easy to exploit and get out of the casino that was just added. I would love to instead of farming the slots train another Umbreon and gyrados but really it is to early for this idea unless it has some drawbacks for the user like you can do coin betting for with this idea with a hour timer or so. (Example: 100 coin bet income if win 500 coins) could be more idc but still my opinion. [/quote] I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say. How is a set number of quests a day, exploitable? This is an OPTION.
  22. [quote name='Govictory' timestamp='1362436891' post='218266'] Not trying to troll but why should this even be implemented? I know you said this is probally never going to be intergrated into the game but this would be a counter to the 1000 coin max then go grind way the casino works in game. I would agree with this idea if the extra coins have a cap say 250 extra coins max? So it doesn't counter the casino set up and lowers grinding a little. Also the "quests" should have a timer to make the person have the uncertainty of getting the bonus coins or not. Timer can be 5-10 minutes? That prevents mindless catching for coins. This is my opinion on this matter I know this is probally going to ignored, but oh well. [/quote] How is getting a limit of maybe a few thousand coins per day from these quests breaking the GC? It would still take less time overall to just do the slots. This gives people the option to spend an hour or two looking for a pokemon with nature to get some extra coin. Some people don't like having to press two buttons in order to win. Spend 3-4 hours maxing out your account but want to kill yourself while doing it? Or spend an hour or two a day and get half way there and finish in about two days. It takes more time to do it this way but it makes the game a game again.
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