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Everything posted by BunnyBite

  1. Hello! Welcome to the forums! :) I'm bunny.
  2. Whalecum on the forums? Ew lol. Someone needs to clean that up
  3. What is your in game name? Welcome!
  4. What are you having trouble with?
  5. such beautiful poetry :') I cried.
  6. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNq_SpKih2I[/youtube] fuck it. the whole album.
  7. I would have never checked out your profile. Thanks for letting me know, Miss Waffles.
  8. His hair reminds me of for some odd reason...
  9. Well if Dahaka was her boyfriend.... I'm just trying to understand.
  10. So OrangeSlash is a girl?
  11. I don't get this reddit talk. Sorry.
  12. is that what you look like?
  13. this idiot and his "pranks" grind my gears [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYUtNdFwMuQ[/youtube]
  14. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eMyAbg6CWQ[/youtube]
  15. Time for new unbiased moderation. BunnyBite for mod 2014
  16. BunnyBite

    Laidback Zone

    those are some pretty good chocolate bunny drawings. do you do art professionally?
  17. BunnyBite


    I used to bully kids a lot in school. I was not only mean, but got other kids to be mean, too. There wasn't any real reason for it besides thinking it was "fun". I was a cheerleader from elementary school all the way up to highschool and would make fun of anyone who wasn't apart of the "cool kids click". Looking back on it, I can see how some of the things I did and said were pretty hurtful. I'm not proud of what I did. I've learned that some things you say to people could stick with them for their entire lives, even if you've forgotten about it a minute later after you've said it. It's important to understand that not everyone is strong-willed. They just don't have it in them to brush things off easily and that's okay. You need to help them grow stronger, not attack them... so they become weaker. This isn't survival of the fittest. If I could turn back time understanding what I do now, maybe I could have prevented certain.. sad things.. from happening to other people :unsure:
  18. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op9BGuNjrVM[/youtube]
  19. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NiKPkLpx3k[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5UU1LIXX_4[/youtube]
  20. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpCxXLvIfbE[/youtube]
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