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Everything posted by Misfire33

  1. Jojo's Bizarre Sales Event.
  2. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    More like "Half of you will fail in life, one of you punched two windows yesterday, one third of you already have a drinking problem, one of you threatened suicide because daddy took your bong, five of you are going to chew tobacco until your mouth resembles raw beef with corn kernels in it, one of you almost killed someone backing up their car, two of you aren't even graduating, and the only person that isn't here for it is getting a sex change." Of course, that'd be horribly mean to say in front of their parents, so it's all optimistic and "u can acheef ur dreems" and so on. I really hope they do, but... he punched two windows. two. Because sometimes one just isn't enough.
  3. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    I'm doing the speech for graduation today. My nose is stuffed as fuck, my eyes feel like someone's tickling them from inside my eye socket, and I can't stop sneezing. I'm sure it'll be a good speech. -_-
  4. Got absolutely merc'd buy a guy playing Sheik and ZSS online. Can't even get mad, he was just that good. Combos, carrying me offstage, perfect reads, everything. His Mario was an annoying little twit, though. Just kept grabbing me and doing combos off that, and since Falcon's a fast faller... I got rekt. I was almost salty, but then I broke his shield as DK. Praise the dong. I basically only have Falcon as my main, though. Was thinking of DK as a secondary because he's just so fun, but i don't think he's a very good match against Sheik either. Anyone wanna suggest a character for me to try? My only preference is no projectile spammers, that's not fun for me.
  5. Whereas in Skyrim, Alduin went down like a sack of potatoes under my unbeatable mage fireball spam. The story of Vorred's life.
  6. Misfire33

    Cringe Phase

    I was the only kid on the playground who actually knew how to play Yugioh, so I would intentionally ref the games so that my friends would win.
  7. Dysentery is a helluva diet.
  8. Misfire33

    Cringe Phase

    I like Yugioh more, and even still I'd have to say it seems like a definite second. From what admittedly little I know of MTG, it seems a lot more balanced and a lot less "buy this new set immediately, your month-old one is useless now."
  9. Misfire33

    Cringe Phase

    That, uh. Hate to discourage anyone, but that might just take the cringe trophy, Whether you want it or not. It's made out of paper mache and tears. That's not cringe, that's just fuckin' scary. u better step back else i sumon my blue eyes m8
  10. Them's fightin' words. All I can say is that it begins with a goat and ends with you being chased by Illinois N@zis. Yeah, because the only three body shapes in 17th century Europe were fat, meaning they had enough money to eat a lot, skinny, meaning they didn't, and corpse.
  11. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    Los Angeles International Airport has nothing to do with this
  12. Misfire33

    Cringe Phase

    That's priceless. Did you listen to Sweet Home Alabama all the time, too?
  13. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    Kudasai Prefecture? Darkshadesville? Desu City? Kyutown? I'm sorry, I need someone to point at angrily.
  14. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    You shouldn't have said that. They don't like alts 'round here in Daft County.
  15. Misfire33


    Yes it is, Melee.
  16. Misfire33


    I THOUGHT THAT WAS WEIRD ~ Sincerely, Misfrie33
  17. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    Free pinball and Bonzi Buddy, let's go! "You now have 3,477 viruses. Deal with it."
  18. Okay, shit. Heavy topic we have here. Prepare for the multiquote. I ate seven cookies yesterday, just because they were there. Oops. Jack Black, Chris Farley. [media]https://youtu.be/9S3YXXp6bOM[/media] You put that really well, Deejaye. :) I define it as moderately to severely unhealthy based on height and genetic predisposition. Like, if you're one of those 6'2" mountain men that have arms like tree trunks, you're good, but if you're 5'3" and weigh 300 pounds, that's another story. I get the feeling certain people were looking for the excuse to judge them anyways. As for enabling self-destructive behavior, you have a point. I think "condone" would be a better word, though, because "enable" implies we can turn off the ham switch and stop that shite right quick. All right, time for the impromptu essay. First of all, I don't hate fat people. I don't dislike them. I don't judge them, because who is my 120-pound stick figure ass to judge someone for their lifestyle choices? I couldn't get fat if I literally ate lard for three weeks, and my exercise routine consists of walking my dog, running to the fridge, and sweating off the calories when I get nervous in online games. The only thing I wouldn't do is date them, because I have ridiculously high standards for someone who looks like a future Dilbert character and carries all the social charisma of a heavily sedated Stephen Harper. I can, however, share some of the reasons why I think overweight people are overweight. I'm not talking about medical reasons, I'm talking about emotional/motivational reasons; what most of you just refer to as laziness. And yes, some of it IS just laziness. I won't deny that. But just marking it down as a lack of motivation is shortchanging things a little. Consider their point of view; they have to invest a large amount of time and effort to a thing that won't show immediate results. That thing is hard as fuck for them because of their weight. It's not fun. It requires a large change in lifestyle, something that I'm sure you can agree isn't easy. Most of all, though, I think a lot of them are afraid of being judged. What do you usually think when you see a rather large lady gasping her way through a slow jog? Do you look away in disgust, or do you think good for her, she's trying to change herself for the better. Whichever one it is (maybe both), I'll bet you a twenty she thinks that you're judging her. She's out on the road feeling sweaty and gross and useless and terrible at this thing she's doing. Every person that looks is just another doubt in her mind. Some people really care about what others think, and going out in public, clearly out of shape and doing physical activities can be embarrassing as all hell. It can be scary. It's like a person with dyslexia going on Wheel of Fortune; everyone involved is uncomfortable. That's not to say that hypothetical lady shouldn't try. It's just to say that maybe you should have some sympathy for people in her situation. All those difficulties and nasty thoughts when trying to improve yourself really make it easy to just go back inside, sit back down on the computer where no one can judge you by how you look, and feel comfortable again. It's not healthy, no, but neither is smoking or drinking or staring at a screen for four hours in a row. A lot of things we do aren't healthy. What I'm seeing in this thread is less genuine concern for their health--or you'd be flicking verbal pennies at smokers and heavy drinkers, too. What I'm seeing (not from everyone, and this is just my point of view) is a few people using that supposed concern for their health to look at them and laugh. To sneer. To judge. To feel better about their own failures because HAHA, FAT PEOPLE! No, it's not fun standing next to a smelly, overweight dude on the bus. Maybe he just forgot his deodorant and feels even worse than you do. Have a little leniency and don't shit on people for their vices, alright? If you know someone personally who's trying to lose weight, encourage the fuck out of them, because that's what will get them to keep doing it; when they see someone look at all 350 pounds of them shuffling along a sidewalk and smile, really smile, instead of snickering. As for the Tumblr ladies shrieking about skinny girls not being healthy, they can fuck right off because girls with abs are the hottest goddamn thing and if you disagree you have worse taste than King. :^) EDIT: I don't mean to sound standoffish. You guys are some of the funniest, most entertaining, shitpostingest people I've met on the internet, and that's great. This thread just seems a little... angry and a tad hateful, at times. :\
  19. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    We could start an off-topic RP thread. I hear Gilga likes to do that sort of thing. :^)
  20. Misfire33

    Cringe Phase

    I briefly thought of online RPing as an interesting way to co-operatively tell stories, similar to the tabletop games. Designated antagonists, protagonists, GM-type people who would move the plot along... I was hyped. Unfortunately, it's mostly just sup4r sp3c1al snowflakes and their 10,000 year-old anthro weredalmations sitting in a big pile and licking each other. Even at its best, free-form text RP is not fun for me because I prefer systems with a statistical base. Otherwise, you have uberpowerful gods and average joe policemen coexisting in the same story, rendering one of them useless. Play-by-post ones with people playing bad guys and moving the plot along might be alright, but chatroom ones... meh. Not for me.
  21. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    It would have been much faster for me to just post that instead But that's actually really nice, what happened? :0
  22. Misfire33

    Laidback Zone

    14 year-old character sheets be like Name: Kuwasara Ninjaki Class: Half-demon ninja warrior magemonk Race: Nascar Str: 20 Dex: 20 Int: 20 Wis: 19 (says this makes character balanced) Con: 20 Alignment: Vertical Background: Kuwasara was born on one of the many islands of Japan and trained in krav maga from a very young age with his karate master, Jesus Sensei. One day while he was writing poetry about how leaves fall, his parents were murdered by Lord Badguy, Kuwasara's long-lost evil brother. Now he sets out on a quest to defeat him. His dad was King Arthur and his mom was Hatsune Miku. Personality: Kuwasara is very withdrawn due to his tragic past. Those who cross him have very little time to live. Those who he considers friends are bros 4 lyfe. He enjoys reading, applying eyeshadow, staring dramatically off into the distance and raising his pet demonbatfox. Even though he is listed chaotic good, Kuwasara can be evil sometimes which allows me to do whatever the fuck I want in the story and screw character consistency. He also has the power to attract any woman he wants, and i will use that to make female players very uncomfortable as i try to grope them during combat.
  23. Misfire33

    Cringe Phase

    It's fine, my elementary school nickname varied between "spaz" and "anus." To be fair, I was both of those. Jeez, Dark_Plague. That's so "I watched 90's anime gorn OVAs and think they make me cool." At least it's better than Xxx_Pr0Sn1p3z_xxX or something, right? Haha, that makes me think of all the times I yelled at people for using aimbots on CoD. They weren't using aimbots, I just sucked. Did you miss an n, or was that intentional. Walrus, can you imagine how much rage you inspired in people who tried to play with you? The Walrussian Healing Brigade must've been the ultimate troll.
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