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Everything posted by Elkaroo

  1. The amount of people was a tad unexpected, and threw off the original plan/reason for the location. This also caused and issue of the letters being backwards, in the future the location will be changed to better accommodate this. As for the hints they were made to start off easy, and end harder, which I think it did as the last few words took longer for people to guess. Reminder this was the first time the event was run so it is something that hopefully improve and return again in the future
  2. Event is now over. Congratulations to InsanityX
  3. Elkaroo

    Wurm Online

    You're free to talk about the game, just don't link it please.
  4. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    Orangeslash, the only reason people would post in this thread.
  5. To answer your question it will grow in size if you take screen shost, have custom themes and after updates. Mines currently 176 mb
  6. I like the old you better.

    1. Fabel


      No one else did QQ

  7. Seen below: Everyone else in the tourney after misc destroys [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  8. Thats a to much, you can edited it down before the 25 and it will still count
  9. [quote name="XelaKebert" post="464630" timestamp="1375986001"] Can we go over 1000 words as long as it's only by a few words?[/quote] Sure, but only within reason don't go over by like 100+ [quote name="ThinkNice" post="464254" timestamp="1375964754"] Does the story have to be canon or can I make shit up? Like Team Rocket helicopters bombing my house and me calling my homeboy Rambo to take back Pallet Town.[/quote] You can make stuff up.
  10. "Bump - often seen as an acronym for 'bring up my post" [spoiler] you learn something new every day [/spoiler]
  11. I talked a lot on ch 2, then posted a lot on the forums, then became a CM and talked a lot in global and spammed the support forum. I just liked seeing my avatar on the forums when i started. [spoiler][/spoiler]
  12. This format Title [Spoiler] Story goes here [/spoiler] IGN EDIT: Added to Event thread.
  13. This thread has been created for discussion and feed back on the Writing Contest: Journey To Pewter. I ( Elkaroo) will be your host, for this event.
  14. Host: Elkaroo Judges: Archnix Hisagi Prize: 500 DP item + Pinned in Creative Media Date: Due date August 25th Overview: Users will write a story based on what happened to them from the start of their journey to the time they reached Pewter city. Rules: -All submissions must will be made in the Contest thread. (This one) -1 Submission per person. -All submissions must include IGN & title -No Sexual content. -Maximum 1000 word -Minimum 250 -Submissions start immediately. Submission Format: Title [spoiler] story goes here [/spoiler] IGN Discussion Thread
  15. Yes, running two team match ups is the preferred method at the moment. We can change it and up it to 5v5 and only one team match at a time, but i think the loss of the 2nd match being run would slow the tournament down alot.
  16. The only thing with 5v5 is it does go slower if we cant get enough staff free on the same day. Currently the last team tourney had 7 refs so it was 2 matches on at once and a back up ref. With 5v5 we'd need 10 refs to run 2 match ups at once which is just hard to organize. Is it a possibility for the future but for now one change at a time.
  17. On the note of Team tourneys , what do people think of this: Currently each match up consist of 3 battles. What if we made one match UU, one OU, and one doubles. That or just make the entire thing UU. Looking for feedback/ other suggestions.
  18. Elkaroo

    Laidback Zone

    Now I can go back to removing the fun.
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