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Everything posted by CaptainSpectacular

  1. That's very odd. It works for me, as long as it is put onto a fresh Pokemon Ruby (USA) ROM... I'll continue to look into it. The problem is that I have no idea what the problem could be. Maybe you should try the 1.0 Patch to see if that loads at all. If not, I'll reinsert all of the sprites and post that for testing...
  2. How so? @Asakano Alright, so this could be (and probably is) a problem with your emulator. I say this because it runs fine on mine, I just tested the patch and it's ok. The reason yours is just a white screen (that is what I am assuming is the problem) is because your emulator's save type is 64k, not 128k. Now, I have no idea why this results in a white screen, but it does. All you have to do is go into Options>Emulator>Save Type>128k, then reload the ROM, it should work fine.
  3. I named an Eevee Dax one time when I was like 8... Every single eevee from then on I named Dax. I named a scyther Lawnmower too. Soooooooo creative.
  4. Basically, if it was that easy, I wouldn't have made the thread. Obvious answer is obvious. The short answer to both of those questions is no. The long answer is: No, because the coding for R/S is different than the coding of FR/LG. And the Emerald coding is different from both of those. Trust me, if the FR patch worked on R/S/E, I would not have gone through the effort exporting and reinserting 411 sprites for the hell of it. If you are really dying for proof that the code is different for each, FR and LG run on BPRE (BPR being the code and E being English, the language) and R/S run on AXVE (AXV = code, E = English) and Emerald runs on something different from both of those. What happens when you try to use the FR patch on a Ruby game, is that you will have a lot of crashing and sadness. Oh and all the sprites will be very messed up. Hope that cleared it up for you :)
  5. :D In a perfect world I would have Emerald done too, but hey, 411 sprites is a lot of sprites to make
  6. In Celebration of the PST Sever being launched, I finally decided to get up and finish the Emerald patch! Expect a more updated patch later in the week! Rejoice again moe fans! Through the efforts of a whole bunch of artists, Moetal, and myself, I've converted the Moemon Revival Patch for Fire Red over to Ruby, Sapphire, and, Emerald! Lets show some of my favorite sprites: Pictured Moemon are not necessarily in the latest patch Important! If the game shows a white screen when launching the ROM, this is not at the fault of the patch! Read the Installation Instructions below to solve the problem. Original Thread By Moetal: Moemon Revival Project Fire Red Downloads (Current Version): Moemon Revival Ruby 2.0.0: Download Moemon Revival Emerald 1.1.0: Download Old Versions: Change Log: Known Bugs: Installation: 1. Download Lunar IPS. Or don't. 2. Download a Pokemon Ruby/Emerald ROM 3. Download this patch from the Downloads section. 4. Open up Lunar IPS and click apply patch. 5. Select the ROM and patch, and click OK when it tells you it was successful. 6. Make sure you set the Save Type on your emulator to 128k, or else the game will not start. To do this on VBA, go to Options>Emulator>Save Type>128k 7. Play Pokemon Ruby/Emerald with the ADORABLE new sprites! Boring Read Me: This patch is a conversion of the latest version of the Moemon Revival Patch and will continue to be as long as I am on the forums. I may pass it on to anyone that is willing to do so once I inevitably get tired of creating this. Every version I release follows this version patten: conversion edition(1 being the first conversion 2 being the next, etc.).Additions.changes to the file. So the current 1.2.1 patch is the first conversion, with 2 additions, and 1 change. I will only update my patch as a new one from the original thread is released, other then Edits, which are my favorite variations of the current sprites. If asked, I will convert an old version of the original patch (any version before 1.3). But do not post those requests on this forum thread, just message me and I will get right to it. Credits: Moetal Numerous Japanese sprite artists BakaSchwarz RacheLucario McMagister DiaryProduct Eggplant and other spriters and updaters. (Please let me know if I missed your name) Try out my ROM Hack! (Serious WIP) Pokemon Ruby + v1.1D2 alpha: Download Check out my art! My Art Page I'd like to thank you all again for 1,000 downloads in the first month this patch has been out! You guys make my lazy efforts to sometimes update this well worth it! You guys are the best, and I really do appreciate it!
  7. To all of you that want this as an IPS for Ruby/Emerald I am currently creating one thanks to the permission of Moetal. Give me a couple if days and I will have a new thread containing those patches. :) EDIT: Ruby Patch: Download
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