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Posts posted by Dumuzid

  1. As said in the Topic Title , Ether were not functional last time i tried to use one. I can not tell you if i tried to use an ether before the last update so if the bug is still there you gotta correct it in the next Update. Thanks for reading my post !

    Catch'Em'All !


    Ethers and it's successive tiers (Super, Max, etc.) are not functioning right now. They'll be implemented at a later date.

  2. And yet this thread isn't going anywhere, so a suggestion can be filed away and looked at when there's time. Not to mention there are several suggestions added to that megathread up there that could fall under "wait until Kanto is done". I don't exactly see what makes my suggestion different, except maybe that it doesn't require anything tougher codewise than the chat box we already have.

  3. Following that logic, we shouldn't suggest anything not kanto related until it is done. Again, the tournament was used as an illustation of why a CM only announcement system or news feed would be useful, and again, I did state that this is a quality of life feature. Nowhere did I say 'hey do this now thanks in advance'.

  4. But what is the purpose of swarms if everyone is notified where every swarm is happening as it is happening? I wouldn't want them to be farmed within moments of it appearing in the news feed.

    But for other things, such as CM/GM run events, it would be a tremendous help for those players that do not visit the forums often. I only participated in the GM run Hide and Seek (That I won a round of) because it was an announcement sent to everyone as I did not have Global open. So in theory I like this, but it would need to be implemented right the first time.


    The swarm thing is merely an example to help illustrate how an instant news announcement can help players, the goal of this thread isn't to determine whether or not swarm should be an announcement, but rather, to illustrate how it 'can' be useful. There are other in-game events, I'm sure, that won't be 'farmed out' but would require an instant notification to other players.

    e: Another option would be a News tab in the chat box that only CM/Mods can post to.

  5. Who would be able to post to this news feed? If its just anybody than I probably wouldn't read it either due to the massive amount of trolling that would occur. And if it's just mods/CMs that would be better, but I don't see how this could be incorporated into the game yet.

    No, I don't think player-contributed news feeds would be useful at all. I was under the assumption that if the swarm system was added, it would be server side and not client-side (so, if a swarm occurs the server would also shoot out the quick announcement 'pokemon swarm at route x').

    It would be a mod/CM only thing. I don't feel it would be terribly hard to code at all (I mean, we have a chat system in place, after all). It would likely be something to think about after the more important stuff is taken care of, hence, QoL.

  6. Forums

    While yes, searching the forums for major events would be good, you have to consider that not everyone goes to the forums. They should, but not everyone does.

    Also, not all in-game events (that may or may not be incorporated) would be posted on the forums. Take the swarm idea from the suggestion list, for instance. Let's assume that it's implemented. Is someone going to post 'hey guys there's a lot of ditto in route x, go go go' every time a swarm lands? Not likely. It may be posted in Global chat, but again, not everyone has global turned on.

    The general idea is for the banner or news feed to be malleable and used for multiple things. It's quality-of-life, sure, but still useful I'd think.

  7. Today, a tournament started. The only way I really noticed it is a CM mentioning a stream amongst the general spam of Global; when I went to look for the link a few minutes later, I couldn't find it.

    An Announcement Banner or News Feed would solve this issue (as well as make important topics known to players that have chat turned off)! I remember reading about a newspaper/tv/thing for leaderboards, and that's fantastic, but for events that are more instantaeous, an instant news feed would be useful.

    So, in the above example, if I missed the chat link I could just wait for the news feed to show it or, better yet, open up a 'News' tab and find it there!

    It could be just for server announcements (We're shutting down the servers in X hours, please log out...) or, you could work it into something else (Professors everywhere are noticing a swarm of Mewtwo at Route 1! Trainers are needed to thin out the swarm.)

    I feel this would incorporate many of the ideas already suggested by other players quite well. It's a malleable tool of information!

    This wouldn't replace the newspaper idea, as I wouldn't want leaderboard/pvp/etc stats on the message feed (unless it was like 'Player Dumuzid defeated Danii in the Fight-a-CM Tournament Finals! Congratulations!' type messages)

    Finally, a neat toggle for the news feed/radio/whatever you want to call it would be welcomed, as I'm sure there are players that don't want scrolling words across their screen all the time.

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