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Everything posted by Yugi

  1. Yugi

    Uproar move

    Hey, could anybody please confirm that if uproar should be always a 3 turns move ? i think it should be random from 2 to 5 turns move but i used it 19 times and all of them were 3 turns only so could it be my bad luck or is it bugged ?
  2. Yugi

    PTS Discussion

    Is it possible to let the PTS running for while for strategy experiments purposes pls ?
  3. Yugi

    #Trash this pls

    I think thats out of my league Well .. why are we playing an MMO then ? and why would anybody care about the economy in that case ? maybe (AND I SAY MAYBE) before the update the economy wasn't so great .. but at least ppl bought things back then instead of 1x31s all over the chat now
  4. Yugi

    #Trash this pls

    2 Days and not a single offer .. and they say economy is booming can someone tell how much is it worth ? i want to offer but don't know its value range
  5. Nice rebound and thanks :) i wouldn't really argue about the PVE part though cause we all have to grind the TT for some reason or another but yeah let's save it for another day :D We all here to play for fun and hanging out .. comp players, breeders and casual players as well but anyway i understand so point taken :)
  6. I'm really enjoying seen you guys here trying to make sense to the staff and devs with no decent argument on their side the same way we did at the new breeding discussion without any results as well ;) anyway back to the topic .. I'm stating before anything that I'm NOT a comp player so i wouldn't actually have any business being here but here goes : Tournaments IS A Competitive event so its rewards should have meaning to comp players more than it should to non-comp players by any means necessary. another point is that any participant in the tournament should be considered a comp player even if he isn't .. because he actually showed an interest by joining right ? so the prize should help them in next events if they liked it enough to join more. next point is what are you afraid of ? it is non-tradable so it is basicly worth nothing except the different color .. so to show off with it i would have to use it in the up-coming tournaments .. so it has to be at least decent comp ( from what devs said in other threads it could be 25+ in all except speed ) and also have a comp moves otherwise its a worthless junk in my team or pc. Finally if you really care about non-comp players then balance the events between both sides .. like the safari zone hunt and stuff like that to give them an equally worthy prize (money-BPs-RPs-rare untradable shines .. etc ) not the other way around by cutting comp event prizes. on a side note though : that is very wrong since most breeders like myself are non-comp players yet we aim for the best of the best of that ivs for perfection & the sense of accomplishment maybe even more than you do ( since many of you stated that you would be satisfied with just 25+ in most cases)
  7. If you are a developer you would know that you can ... anyway back to topic .. just waiting for the update or an answer
  8. Even better .. why is the delay of the exact IVs ? apparently battle frontier is not done ready yet so why there is no hot-fix or something like that for the other parts ?
  9. Yugi


    well, considering that he can actually be bought infinite time in a known place i wouldn't really call it the most rare pokemon .. dratini is rarer than him anyway :) waiting for confirm from devs or any game master since all other pokemon are in the wild now including fossils, eevee, starters, mr. mime and snorlax and thanks for both of you for answering me
  10. Yugi


    Hey guys, just wanted to know if porygon is on the wild now since all others are .. can anybody tell me where ?
  11. Found macargo @mt emper (ruby path) from rock smash on 3rd/4th floor Screen shot :
  12. Thx a lot ... didn't know it was sold there and also didn't know it has to be female only for this to work .. many thanks to you you may close this now please
  13. Hi, I was breeding Wobbuffet male with ditto holding lax incense (the ditto) but they game me a wobbuffet egg not wynaut as it should be .. i remember reading here somewhere that the female who should be having the incense not the male so what did i do wrong ? and where can i find another lax incense because mine just got consumed in the process.
  14. Higher prices is not and never were my problem at all .. in-fact as i said pre-update was higher in each tire above 2x31 so this isn't what i mean by broken economy, but it is that the higher tires 4x and up now is not a seller at all now .. nobody buy except very very very few and rich people. thats because they didn't have to exist at all .. its not necessity that we have to get our comps from scratch so we didn't have to wild catch as much as now and as i said that shouldn't be a problem unless you are trying to force wild catching and self-made comps only. otherwise we just replace wild catch with the breeders we get. yes i would have unlimited supply of breeders before so i won't have to catch .. so where is the problem in that ? i already have now unlimited supply but from wild catches thats all. so instead of making all new players buy pre-comps to breed or wild catches they would have bought a higher tire comp that they can afford like 3x so again why is this a problem to you ? i could be making an entire army with my breeders for a fees to sink money and sell them over to new players as i mentioned also your solution dosn't make comp sink because there is not such a thing until player quit or durability get implemented .. there is however a pre-comp sink like you said but thats now applies to wild catch .. so wild catch come wild catch go and thats it. pre-update didn't have such a thing yes but we had space limit so if i breed a better parent i would have to sell or release it myself which would lead to the same result but with much less boring way. I admit one thing is that in hypothetically we could have more comps than player IF only the comps coming to the scene was more than the new players coming which wasn't the case at all. much like your chocolate bar example .. the factories constantly making large quantities way more than people can buy or eat .. but they are still selling because we never know how much people wants.. the same goes here the comp isn't a one time only need, but due to various movesets, new players, new tastes and even new combinations we constantly need more and that should save the economy from getting broken any time soon. In addition if fees applied there would be a limit to how much low price can get in any given moment and thats should be more than enough to achieve your overall goal regarding the economy .. let's say dratini for example no matter how many have been bread so far will always have a fee of 400k for the egg .. so if I'm willing to pay that i would be desperately needing it either for sell or for use. so the value will be always no matter what higher than 400k. see my point ? EDIT : I have a feeling that i failed to be reasoning enough to you so i think i'll stop my argument now. you gave the old breeding a year experiment so let's try this for the next 6 months as well. I really have to thank you DarkShade for continuing this conversation on despite our disagreement but for the first time i feel like you are actually listening instead of sitting silently while some others jump to defend what they think is right. one more thing to add it is that this method not only differs from what it should be but it is the most boring thing i have ever faced. some called those who wants the old breeding back being lazy or wants it the easy way but for some of those whom actually cared enough to read, write and argue about it shouldn't considered lazy at all. the thing is that tedious grinding and cycling around like mad isn't a way of playing at all .. i don't know how can someone like cody call it fun while we play this game as a way to relax and scape from life's stress not to get more stress .. i have been through ev training, money grinding, battle point grinding and didn't complain about any of them because i was actually doing something but to circle around for hours and days for each pokemon i make ? i can't even begin to tell you how much i hate it. anyway we all have our own minds and our own decisions and that one is definitely not mine to call.
  15. As i said there are better ways to slow things down as i mentioned in my last post if thats the case. as for space i don't really think that is the case because we are not allowed multi-instance of the game per PC so we can't trade between our alts and even more i thought alts was discouraged not the other way around. I don't pretend i know whats the best for the game .. at the end i didn't make it so no .. i don't .. but as i said also there alot more people agrees with me than those who agrees with you am i correct ? I didn't disagree with the cause nor with the reasons i disagree with the method and thats all. Finally i don't really quite understand you .. some posts you make you agrees with me/us asking devs to reconsider their choice and other times you are totally against me and blindly defending their reasons as it means everything to you so could you please clear things up and clarify your position ? I'm myself not against the developers at all as i mention earlier they made a wonderful game which hard to get over it and thats why I'm begging them to think another way .. its after all my favorite game. its just the method to do it that is killing me
  16. You are both couldn't be more wrong. Comps isn't leaving the market with the new breeding system at all .. it is the pre-breeding is the one is leaving either in the old system or the new one. 5x and 6x isn't used to breed in the new system so its here to stay once its been breeded to its final form which is almost perfect comp. but the ones actually leaving the cycle is the poor wild catch and 2,3x ivs in order to get a more perfected one. so same old same old. what you are both missing is that we actually have limited space to store which means when we reach this limit we have either sell or release. the devs made it the same but instead of filling our pcs with lots of breaded pokemon we now store the wild catch it self and after checking each iv we either release it our self for not being worthy or give it to the day care man to release it for us. but it will use the same space as will. so we just replace the breaded with the wild and that's all. So regarding Darkshade's "Must leave" mechanism .. its not really working like you say at all. There is no solution to constant production of comps except preventing it at all meaning there wont be a breeding any more what you catch is what you get would be more appropriate in that matter. as for the rate of production there are various ways to do it for example limited count to breeding per pokemon or longer time to hatch or heck even limited count to breeding ability to the player themselves would be even more appropriate than this .. if i should or have to wait then i would rather search for something else to do than having to grind for 3 days to get one. at least it wont be as boring as it is now and i won't have to do everything from scratch like i have done nothing in the game yet each time i want to breed. please treat each problem separately and don't just combine them all in one and use it as excuse for defending the new system each and every time. Listing the problems you have said so far : economy (meaning the prices of wild catches, comps, and pre-comps which are 1x and 2x for example): and that should be fixed with fees on various aspects as i said earlier which would be included in the "best team" getting mechanism as obvious. comp production rate : also could be fixed by limiting eggs per day or pokemon which also would be included in breeding as well grinding as a must part of an MMO : i think we had enough grinding in the game as it is considering that we grind for battle points, shards, money and items so this is quit enough i might say did i miss something ? EDIT : I was wondering you have gone through so much trouble making this new mechanism in order to fix the economy which is still broken maybe even more than before, that you have created so much more troubles and made a whole lot more people angry about it and risking losing your community and at the end does it really worth it ? i mean the old breeding you say ruined the economy which is hard to believe considering 3x before the update was selling for 300,400k and maybe more and 6x was 2mil and people were actually buying it while they don't now not to mention ditto which was the star giving that 3x ditto was selling for 750k and 4x ditto may go even more than 2 comps together,the only thing that was not selling back then was wild catch (except ditto) and 1x so how come that you consider this a broken economy and in today's best selling is the wild catch and 1x, 2x only is considered a better economy ? the only way to this to be working as you hoped for is that you have hoped for every one to make their own comp and thats it.
  17. You love it .. i hate it .. so its my word against yours so we should be treated equally since we are both members of the same community .. so it should be the majority not anything else. If you have to pretend then he got what he wants not what you wants .. so this isn't really your strongest point. EDIT : Thats where you are missing the point .. breeding isn't just a thing to balance the economy or stabilising it. money sink isn't my issue at all in fact it should be there long time ago so money goes out as much as it goes in. before the update the only thing was worth paying for was either pokes or tms which both where player purchase only. so you should really applied money sink sooner or later. it is the way of how it should be done is what i'm arguing about. egg fees, iv fees, spices fees, re-purchasable tms, and so much more ways could actually achieve the same result or even better without destroying a beloved part of the game which was actually were all the fun before. so forgive me if i Don't understand you either. EDIT : One more time .. lets cut to the chase here and now. If your only concern was and still is the economy then this whole grinding and parent sacrificial thing is a shit way to do it .. we could raise the prices without those 2 for sure. BUT if thats only a part of the problem and your hidden problem is that the game is too easy and everybody was happy about it so lets make something about it " the whole grinding is what to be an MMO thing" is your problem so lets please not pretend any more that you have made all this just for the sake of economy. also there should be another way of grinding instead of the breeding but its all the same to me if thats the case.
  18. So you say but no one else does .. from what i have seen across all the posts regarding the system you don't care about economy itself but rather the ease of getting a desired comp. there were a lot of suggestions around that solve the economy problem without sacrificing a crucial and vital part as the breeding itself. easy ≠ (not necessarily) cheap so i really doubt that you have given the suggestions here a real thought instead of what's done is done and its here to stay in the name of economy and such. I really hoped you would have listened to what the community asks at least out of perspective of "the customer is always right" and if you didn't like the suggestions you could have thought about other solutions ... you devs have made a great game with no equal I might say and so many of us loved it so much that we would hate to leave it but so many of us as well would love the breeding as it should be not what it has to be for the sake of so called "Economy".
  19. Yugi

    Pokedex Pokemons

    thanks for replying me again but thats also not the answer i was looking for .. i can't really count each and every pokemon in this guide now .. can I ? :) would much rather one who actually completed their pokedex to answer so it would save me so much time
  20. Yugi

    Pokedex Pokemons

    thanks for fast response but i didn't mean the number on pokedex .. i already know that but i meant how many available to catch ? and feebas is in the game al right i got my self one already it was available in the past during an event and now it can be traded for other players only.
  21. Yugi

    Pokedex Pokemons

    I was just wondering how many pokemons exists in the game now to catch including even pokemon like feebas and others does anybody know ?
  22. Yugi

    confirmed IV

    that doesn't answer any of my questions but thanks for passing by it wouldn't hurt if the devs also came by and gave us some answers. I would really really appreciate it .
  23. Yugi

    confirmed IV

    Hey guys .. just wanted to ask is it possible to have like a hot-fix patch or something for IV confirmation part ? if not can i ask when will the next patch - which includes iv confirmation - will be released ? cuz i really hate grinding specially if i have to confirm 100 pokemon or so thanks in advance
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