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Posts posted by TheRioter

  1. 9 hours ago, Gunthug said:

    You have to realize that this same complaint has been made several times on forums alone, not to mention how often it's been brought up in game. I myself have already gotten impatient with the superfluous complaints on forums so hopefully you can forgive others as well. What did you expect to gain by posting your hyperbolic thread here simply whining about an issue the devs already know about? 

    I tried not to make them seem like a post I was just uguuing on. I'm not at all mad at the devs and I'm really just depressed over this whole thing.

  2. 1 hour ago, Raichu4u said:

    It seems stupid that the only advice even admins can offer is just "Sucks, might as well get other Pokemon".


    I'm going to take a guess too that this guy simply just overleveled some Pokemon over the cap in Kanto/Hoenn too, it's funny people are thinking he's using sort of team of level 100's and he should be punished accordingly.


    Seriously though, this was a massive oversight though with the recent level cap change. Were the developers even thinking about what would happen to players that had Pokemon overleveled over the cap? It's made the game pretty much unplayable for some people, and kudos to this guy for attempting to stay.



    Thank you, people seem to think I want these changes gone completely or that I hate the devs or anything else crazy. I love this MMO as it truly is a well-made project that deserves more players and attention. I meeting loads of other people who have had this happen, and people have aside from this forum been really nice about it. It looks likely though that they really can't do much, and I'll just have to start over someday in a new region.

  3. I can relate my whole team is leveled too high I would need to beat the E4 to get them back, and I've got a team of level 20s and 30s to do it with. At least for your situation it's not too hard to get the next badge regardless I hope they at least throw older players a bone if they got caught in the middle of the story when the update hit.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

    I like the obedience caps. Like before if your mon goes over the cap u couldn't use it. Now it'll stay on the cap till next badge which is cool. It's better this way cause you basically go out with a team instead of a fcking over leveled God mon from the previous regions. Made the gamplay fair for everyone imo.

    I'm not against the caps, but I was shafted by the way it was added. That's what the post is about. Plus I don't intend to use my team in the other regions regardless of how this goes.

  5. 5 hours ago, Desu said:

    Not that this helps your current situation, but this issue shoudn't happen with any new players due to the level up limitations to prevent over leveling obedience levels.


    Unfortunately older players who had already over leveled their obedience caps are problematic.


    How did you manage to get your party so far over leveled to level 70 before the 7th badge anyway?

    I played long before this new system was added. I'm not really sure how my Pokemon even listened to me, but regardless here I am. Its a more particular issue yes both me and my friend were affected as we both trained the same way. basically, we would train on wild Pokemon up to a threshold, and use the versus seeker to level. We said that every gym we beat we had to level up by 10 to make the grind challenging. If somehow this is fixed I'm happy to play it again it's an amazing MMO, but this crushed my desire to play it as I had grown attached to my team, and I'd rather not build a new one at least for this region the other ones obviously I'd start over.


    2 hours ago, TheChampionMike said:

    Have you been told to start in another region? And then use the pokemon from there to finish up your current region?Because that is pretty much the advice any of us could give.


    Like Desu said it is a bit shitty for people who were in the middle of doing the storyline. But it will be a system that will be perfect for what the future of the game is trying to bring to the table. The story is meant to be as a tutorial for the future end game content that's gonna be in this game. Hopefully it will teach players how to properly play vs AI and learn a little bit of predicting along the way. And just a general knowledge of the game. In my personal opinion it does. 


    Yes it's very unfortunate you happen to run through the game while the update hit. Is it the end of the world? Not really. If you haven't started Unova yet do that first and come back to the other regions to finish that up. Maybe switch between regions so you don't level over the cap for one or the other region. It's a bit of a hassle. But it's better than nothing.

    True its a fair bit of advice. I'm kinda burned out by it is my issue, but for new players the system is good. I don't like that it forces a certain playstyle, but for trying to make the ai more of a challenge and stop people from abusing the story it's a good idea. I posted in the hopes that maybe something could be done for the players who got the raw end of this as I know that it was not just me and my friend who were affected in this way. I'll probably take your advice when I feel up to it or when I feel the nostalgia.

  6. 6 hours ago, bareblar03 said:

    I had no real issues with this system, sure, I did have to occasionally buy new mons for certain gym leaders but I did not even come close to "running out of money" using only what the game provided me. Yes, it was more challenging and at times more frustrating but it felt good to finally give Skyla and the Elite 4 the big D after struggling to figure out who to use and what to use when, but once I got it I breezed through. I think the challenge inherently forces people to be better players, learn about type effectiveness and not just mash the same move until things die because the opponent using a super effective means at least half your health pool.

    I don't buy the reasoning behind this post if I am honest.

    My reasoning is I've lost my starting team, and the only solution being offered is simply, "get better" lol or start over. I bought tons of Pokemon that were level 40s in order to get back into the game each at least 25k that's how my money is gone plus considering the potions, and revives. My reasoning is to state why I think this was a bad idea, and how it affected me personally. Both I and my friend lost our whole team, and have to either quit or start over. I worked for days grinding to make my team, and now I don't even get to use them on the E4 let alone the gym leaders. Do we really deserve to have to restart because we wanted to grind our teams to be tough and enjoyed doing so? 


    4 hours ago, Otulp said:

    People complaining about this make no sense. Play the game. Story only takes a couple days. You should have no problems with lvling or gyms. And if you picked snivy as your starter that's your fault.

    I lost my team didn't you read the post? Or are you suggesting I completely start over because I'm sorry I don't see the point. Why is it fair to build a team only to log in and not be able to use them? I'm on the last gym my dude lol like you play it all for these last satisfying moments, and you expect me to just want to keep playing after my whole character is left high and dry no team basically starting from the bottom to build one I put care into? I in truth am not sure why people are so hostile to my post I never even attacked the people who support the system, nor did I insult the MMO I stated it has been ruined for me the whole team I played with for hours is behind a wall I can't do anything about without spending the rest of my money on more items and Pokemon who I didn't even catch to 'win' the game. 

  7. This MMO was one of me and my friend's favorite games to play together but recently rejoining after the update I've had my whole team locked away behind a level cap and I've spent half my money trying to get my cap high enough only to realize I'm nowhere close. My whole team, I spent hours on its gone until I beat the elite four and then I won't get to use them anywhere else anyway. I understand the purpose behind the feature but I can't play with it like this I will go broke before I reach the end of the game buying new Pokemon at my level, or attempting to battle with weaker ones to retrain a new team I don't even care about. I can understand some will say that I should just get tough about it and just start training a new team on this account but I don't really see the point if I'm hating playing because of it. I really hope this can be fixed because I don't plan on playing anymore unless something changes. I'd like a discussion on the topic here though, and I'm curious what everyone will say. 

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