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Posts posted by Tenzeko

  1. Hi, same problem for myself at sometimes. ^^ But it's not really a big problem.

    My secret: Spam the "Login" button. Then, after 5 times, I restart the PokeMMO Client.

    If you can't be online it's cause an error in your Password (or your Username).


    *Edited Post Reason: I've added "(or your Username)".


    Text:  Tito - PkéL Team Officer

    Pokemon: Sceptile  

    Background: Something Dark or Choose   :D 

    Anything Else: Effects (optional)

    Thnx ^^




    Text: [VVVV] TRichie

    Character/Pokemon/Whatever: Kiba Inuzuka 

    Background: hm surprise me

    Anything else?: make the text animated if that's not a problem




    request for girlfriend.






    background:Ur choice but needs to be pink lol


    anything else:ur choice again



    Feel free to ask another signature, guys.

  3. Wanted to try something with pidgey.  I don't like the wing in the back, to big not gonna try to fix.


    God of Pidgeys ^^ (explanation for the "big wings")


    P.S.: The right wing of your Pidgey is like a lot of leafs



  4. text: SharkMachineGun

    pokemon: sharpedo

    background:deep ocean or deep ocean color

    anything else?: a machinegun 

    Hello, your request is done but it was hard for the "machine gun", I hope you like it:






    Text: ItzPhil

    Character/Pokemon/Whatever: Sneasel

    Background: something dark


    Your request is done, I hope you like it:




    Feel free to ask another request. when you need another signature. ;)

  5. Hello, why not add a function to choose the generation of our character? This can be so cool.
    For example, if I want the style of character used around 2012 I can pay it in the Gift Shop with Rewards Points.
    How's my idea?
    Edit: 2013 ---> 2012.
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