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Everything posted by XelaKebert

  1. [quote name='TheOriginal' timestamp='1364594737' post='253577'] Radiation poisoning is fine [/quote] They'll just turn it into another Space Mountain...
  2. It appears as though we may have to start the IV calculator first, then start the MMO client. Though it does work with weather rendering, which is a big plus.
  3. [quote name='TheOriginal' timestamp='1364526576' post='252187'] What are the positives of having a java version? [/quote] Java is a more stable language for software development and it is supported on multiple operating systems. Not to mention Java tends to have decent memory management, and the fact that the game is programmed using Java.
  4. [quote name='Archalias' timestamp='1364521841' post='252082'] Working on the final touches ^ ^ Folder system has been a real pain! DarkShade is helping keep the bugs out/preparing to approve [/quote] Will the Java version be able to work with weather rendering on?
  5. [quote name='Plague' timestamp='1364473484' post='250833'] Just going to go ahead and bump this again before Saturday's draft. We managed 8 teams, awesome! [/quote] [s]Go ahead and link me to the league.[/s] On second thought, I'm going to sit this out. Just for future reference, I'd be up for co-commissioning a Fantasy Football League for PokeMMO peeps if they want to play.
  6. "I wanna be a good man. Is there any good left in me?" ~Devour the Day: Good Man

  7. [quote name='Strychnine' timestamp='1364423881' post='249526'] [size=5]Players will be given 1 hour from starting time to catch the worst possible Dunsparce and submit it to our judges.[/size] The player who catches the Dunsparce with the lowest average IVs wins. The Dunsparce must be caught at [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]≥ level 15.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Dunsparce[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] submitted must have the OT of the player submitting it and must have been caught in the event time-frame.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Only one Dunsparce can be submitted per player.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Pokemon also must not have any EVs or Exp.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Players do not get a submitted pokemon back. [/font][/color] [size=5][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We'll be waiting in One Island Pokemon Center to accept submissions.[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] 1) The Dunsparce that is caught must be level 15 or higher? 2) Which staff will be waiting in the One Island Pokemon Center
  8. [quote name='XelaKebert' timestamp='1364344548' post='247701'] [img]http://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r636/beetboots/animals/3068707w9oxyj8n93_zps0aaf541e.gif[/img] [/quote] A napping Mew, your argument is invalid.
  9. [quote name='Soothe' timestamp='1364427195' post='249625'] didn't that sandy hook guy have military-grade weapons? if so, why are people allowed to buy stuff like that? [/quote] Actually, he used a 9mm pistol, which is also a civilian grade weapon. Which, I might add, he obtained illegally by murdering his mother and stealing her's. The "military grade" weapons you speak of were found in his car and NEVER used in the actual incident. In addition, if the weapons in his car were ACTUALLY military grade, they would have included a 3 round burst firing mode instead of just Safe and Semi-Automatic. While we're discussing the differences of weapons. By definition, ALL weapons are semi-automatic capable. That pump-action 12 gauge shotgun, is semi-automatic. That bolt action rifle you use for deer hunting, also semi-automatic. That 9mm magazine fed pistol you take to the shooting range, semi-automatic. Semi-automatic weapons are named such because one trigger squeeze fires only ONE round. Semi-automatic weapons are either bolt-action, gas-powered, or pump-action. A bolt-action weapon requires the intervention of the user to pull the bolt to the rear in order to eject the round from the chamber and then feed a new round, and while I'm at it, I might add that the military does employ bolt action rifles as well. A pump-action weapon is the same as a bolt action, except the mechanism for charging it is on the barrel and not the bolt itself. The military also employs some of these as well. A gas-powered weapon requires no user intervention to chamber a new round. The gas created from the powder combustion is recycled through a tube to push the bolt to the rear, ejecting the spent round and feeding a new one into the chamber. So now here's the fun part. Did you know that the reason any weapon is considered "military grade" or classified as an "assault weapon" is because of what it looks like and not how it actually functions? Yeah, I bet that part slipped past you didn't it. There are .22 caliber rifles that look like "assault rifles" but carry very little power to them (a BB gun has about as much kick as a .22 caliber), but yet are considered "assault rifles" because they LOOK like a military weapon. In fact, I bet if I were to show you two AR-15 style weapons, you wouldn't be able to tell me which one is the military platform and which is the civilian platform. Now, here's the even more fun part. A normal civilian actually CAN'T own a military weapon legally WITHOUT first obtaining a class 3 firearms license in the US. For more information on what the class 3 registry is, Google it, but I will give you a little tid-bit from it. Any weapon that has a firing mode other than Safe and Semi is considered a class 3 weapon. The AK-47 is a class 3 weapon, the military M4 is a class 3 weapon, and a .50 cal machine gun is a class 3 weapon. If it is capable of firing more than one round per trigger squeeze, it's a class 3 weapon. There are also many other items classified under the class 3 registry, again, you can look it up and see for yourself.
  10. Well it's cloudy and kind of cold.
  11. Guns are nothing more than a tool. Limiting rounds per magazine and what not will not make any difference. If a person wants to go on a killing spree they can do it just as well with any other weapon. The weapon of choice is not the problem, it's the person. That's something that has always bugged me about society. It's the constant blame shifting. "It's not his fault he's not doing the homework, it's your fault for assigning him too much." "My child has ADHD and is a genius so she should get an A." "It's not their lifestyle or genetics that made them fat, it's those damn spoons." Violence has always been in existence. Cain murdered Abel out of jealousy with a rock, not a knife or rope, a rock. As a society, we have gotten to the point where individual responsibility does not exist. If you want to own a gun, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that it is stored in a safe manner. If you have problems with your health that are attributed to your diet, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make the appropriate changes. People now expect others to make changes for them. The same goes with violence. People want to see less violence, but instead of looking at what factors can lead a person to violence (mental health, living conditions, etc.) they look to the TOOLS. As if somehow the mere presence and access to a certain tool leads to a problem. Getting rid of a tool is not the solution to the problem. Without or without guns, people will still find ways to hurt each other. Some will revert back to older methods, others will get creative and think of more brutal ways to cause harm. In the end, getting rid of guns does nothing to change the actual problem. Gun control itself is more about controlling the population than it is keeping people safe. Feel free to correct me on this, but didn't Britain's crime rate for burglaries and other crimes get worse after the stricter gun laws were passed?
  12. [img]http://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r636/beetboots/animals/3068707w9oxyj8n93_zps0aaf541e.gif[/img]
  13. [quote name='Jag' timestamp='1364332564' post='247288'] Welcome! Wish you luck on being one of the select few to get a shiny before 300 hours of playing time [/quote] Thanks, I'm sitting at 69 hours so far. We'll see how long it takes me to find one.
  14. I'm all up in the forums lurking and stuff.

  15. [quote name='Emlee' timestamp='1364305970' post='246732'] Hello, I'm pretty sure I've seen you around Global Chat So Welcome, officially. I hope to continue seeing you around. [/quote] Indeed you have. ICE CREAM! [quote name='CipherWeston' timestamp='1364305218' post='246719'] Welcome! (Somewhat) You should really look into playing Emerald, it's my favorite Pokemon game, by far. [size=2]Oh, and I've never made an introduction thread either if that makes you feel better.[/size] [/quote] I've thought about it, but it just doesn't interest me right now.
  16. So yeah, I've been here for a while, but I never really got around to introducing myself. So here it goes. I am XelaKebert (yes I know it's a botched Family Guy reference, and no I don't care because I don't care to let peeps know my real name). I have played all the main series games from Red/Blue/Yellow all the way up to Black/White (except Emerald and Platinum, but those are just extensions of R/S and D/P). I've never really been a competitive player, until recently. Yes, you all corrupted me because I needed something to do in the meantime while we wait for more fun from the devs. I am also somewhat attempting to shiny hunt because OH SHINY. Well, that's about it. [img]http://www.deviantart.com/download/200659790/oh__look_a_shiny_box_by_kuragirl13-d3bgu32.jpg[/img]
  17. [quote name='NiceGuy' timestamp='1364302445' post='246663'] Amazing program, unfortunately I have a few errors small thingy this pops up whenever I open the program: [url="http://imgur.com/qSani1Y"]http://imgur.com/qSani1Y[/url] Further when I run the program by pressing '~' , it starts to read but stops at 60% also where do I open the debugdata.txt, its not in my pokemmo folder [/quote] That message is telling you that Windows Aero has been disabled so the program can run. The 60% thing is because the program is very finicky right now. I'm not using it anymore because I had it working and now it stops. Arch is working on a Java version that should have less issues.
  18. [img]http://www.totalprosports.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Riot_cop_drummed.gif[/img]
  19. [img]http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj144/kimmie1964/drumroll.gif[/img]
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