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Posts posted by Lilyfromanimove

  1. would be nice if we could preview the colors on our cloth before actually buying them in the Shop.


    In fact it would generally be nice if a chosen preview stays instead of getting overwritten if we preview another item.


    That way we can preview some combinations and colors added to them to make a buy decisions, because spending BP on try and error isn't exactly the way I like to shop. maybe others think so too.

  2. Could you please stop thinking like that ? I mean yeah okay Dragonite is OP but Hidden Power Ice or just Ice Beam is pretty common. Just see the potentional i didn't said that if you make that pokemon you will be champion. Did you even read the text ? lol


    well, sry but if you want something competitive you need to think competitive. And that means compete and comppare with the others. Otherwise you just want to make a good Butterfree. But competition is competition and doesn't happens without taking the other into account.


    Which leads to the fact realism that there is no competitive butterfree. Thats not  amatter about thinking, Its a matter about realism of the environment.


    Yes it's kinda sad that in pokemon many are useless form a competitve point of view, it would require entirely changing many pokemon to make them viable. But thinking a pokemon is good while its just bad will not make it perform better, it will sitll perform bad. I know the anime differs a lot about that because hard training is makign them better, but in the games every pokemon just has its maximum it can reach and those maximum differ so much that some are just doomed to be dead, no matter what we like to have. I like beedrill, I will breed a maxed one, but I will never try to think of it "competitive" because it simply isn't and never will be.


    Also one question about Supersonic, is there something different in pokemmo with its values? because afaik, 55% accuracy with the compoundeye make 71,5% accuracy 55%*1.3 = 71,5. Thats at least how the calculation were in the games. Not sure about pokemmo.

  3. Half the legendaries are irrelevant to the meta, and they are not breedable. I really don't see why they don't include them as catchable pokemons.


    they could make them cloned ones by saying but later their stats down to a degree to reduce the Op-ness. Also not able to use in competition. I guess some players just want some of them for the style of having them.


    I mean when mewtwo was a changed clone and every fossile is also cloned, why not allowing such a thing.


    Interetsing mechanic would  be:


    every legendary can appear. when someone catches it it will be with the owner for like 6 hours (one ingame day) thne leave him (or when he goes offline). during this time the pokemon cna be brought to a cloning machine and make a weaker pffspring of it.

  4. across all pokemon in your party that have the move....was this necessary?


    looks like, still EV farming with an AoE attack loaded pokemon works nice at locations with a pokecenter around to refill it quickly.


    sp attack for example in the pokemon tower next to the sacred circle lol goes quick ^^

  5. yeah all those 30 pages in the market to go through the shinies.


    cmon how many shinies are there? like in for real?


    dafuq, Why can I never sweet scent on water -.- This is starting to piss me off, wish the "has no effect" message was a little more detailed.

     try another area


    i currently EV in vermillion city  because i wat some spec defense for soem crappy pve pokemon. works nice with earthquacke to easily kill those toxicools. also greta in the powerplant for speed ev farming

  6. ok, sweet scent only works in hoenn, also if you have multiple pokemons in your team owing the skill using it drains 5PP from EVERY pokemon having sweet scent


    is thats working as intended?


    ok  strange it works in kanto ont he water, but at some palces still not. (route 24, 4)

  7. lets make it easy:

    in real life if you want a car, and you dont own a car factory your ONLY way to get one is buying it. So you have no other option than buying the cheaper one

    in pokemmo, if I want a comp I can buy it or do it myself.... wich means that I wont buy something if I think I can get it myself at a "cheaper price"

    you wont buy a 3*31 comp for a 2millions even if it´s the only one in the GTL, you gonna breed it yourself.... supply and demands works the way you say only if the buyers CANT get it by themselves

    the problem is that you dont even know what capitalism is: having a currensy and a market is not enought... those existed before capitalism and will exist after it. Here you dont have private property, capital acumulation logic or wage labour = its no capitalism

    wrong it is ALL about money and its value,

    private property, what is this? It's the ressources available belonging to a private person. thats is in pokeMMO your time. Its your most private property. it also is every plot to plant a berry tree. But in PokeMMo, everyone has the same private proerty in value when it comes to the planting plots. Only time differs. And so a usual need for "production" will start.


    here you have basicvally 2 options: spent your time you own on making money or making products. Ther eis porduction in MMO, its transforming time into pokedollars or pokemon, or berries or items or whatever activity you do.


    Why would you breed that pokemon on your own? only because its easier aka (cheaper in time/money) to do it on your own. Or only because youw ant to be the labelled OT. If you wan tto be the OT you hve to breed at least the last stage. But if you are goal oriented you will just have to consider:


    (I) What costs the GTL pokemon in pokedollar

    (II) How long will I need to farm this money

    (III) How long will I expect to need to catch and breed it on my own.


    II and III is what you compare for a proper decision if you will buy that pokemon or breed it. Every clever economist will always breed it if the time spent on breeding is lower than the time needed to farm the money for the GTL priced pokemon. He will also decide to buy when the time needed to grind money is lower than the expected time to catch and breed it himself.


    That is capitalism, because Time = money (thats not just a funny phrase, its just true). And every action you do in pokeMMO costs time aka money. and you will always monetary compare what is the most efficient way to achieve your goals. At leats if you play the game clever and goal oriented.


    But this is what a majority of gamers lacks, a true feeling for time. They always totally falsely estimate or compare the time spent on various activities. And so they make very bad decisions clever people can make profit of.


    You clearly never played a proper MMO. Take World of Warcraft for example. If there wasn't any intention of making it a money grind people would just obtain gear and PvP all day. but that's not what happens, They obtain gear again so that they can sell it to buy other stuff. That's how anything that has some type of Currency works. This is no different. If you don't want to plant berries to place them on the market or for personal use, fine. But if you do want them without making them you have to pay someone. Just like the example i gave you. If you want gear in WoW but you don't want to do dungeons, you'll have to buy it. If MMO didn't had a capitalist feeling to it there would be no trading whatsoever, and everyone would farm stuff for their own use.

    Also i guess you don't realise that paying someone for the berries is better than paying a NPC for berries, even tho they're cheaper, because this way, few to no cash actually leaves the game. You'll give it to a player, which makes it usable cash, if you give it to a NPC that cash is gone.

    You must be very wise in your university. Are you actually taking an economy degree? Because i'm taking Computer Engineering and it seems i know more about it that you do, without wikis.

    well keeping the money in a plyer2player cycle can have quite a big impact on inflation of money.

  8. The goal is to avoid getting points lets say you have a pokemon with 23 points (combined from all iv) and it is a tentacool it will have 28 (23 + 5 for species) points while if it is a metapot it will only have 24 points with the same iv (23 + 1 point for species) and since it is the goal to get the fewest points metapod wins.
    And i think the lowest points will be -2 but I don't think anybody is gonna catch a 6x0 pokemon but if you do congrats you won.

    I know thats supertheoretical, but then the thing is just I doubt people will go and hunt for tentacools, becaus they are just already 4 score in disadvantage. Even if you can ctach more on oceanic encounters.
  9. useless pokemon prank without magicarps?
    Im a bit confused about the scores

    So a tentacool will be 5 +IVsum? while a metapod will be 1 +IVsum
    Also, can negative score happen, in case one would catch a 0IV metapod of a neutral nature, which would be 1-3 =-2?

    also, can you nad out badges to this pokemon? like

    Event badge: "this pokemon was winner of a previous event"

    That way you just don't end up with the most useless shiny possible :P

    Also, another question: what is the entry closing time? When we have one hour time to catch them, I guess the the last chance to submit the entry will also be past that time.


    the new poopemon its ugly, brown and follows you.

    If Desu made my follower a Latias, then I would be happy. But I ask for it every year and no cigar. ;)

    because you shouldn't smoke, thats why.
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