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Posts posted by DaEpic

  1. Loyalty Program


    To be developed. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I will list all buyers with point values here, 1 purchase in a 24 hour time span is = 1 point on the scale. (this is so you can't make multiple purchases and say it is 1 purchase). I will also give 1 point for every 100k spent in a single purchase (I will be lenient and round up if I feel it is close enough, do not feel compelled to round up to make sure you meet the 100k threshold) 

  2. What I am buying Shop

    Current Balance: 372k


    I am buying:


    7 Day Donator Status Passes: 600k


    All ocarinas: 200k


    Amnesia Brace: offer


    If I do not have the funds to afford please let me know if you are offering and I will notify you when I do come up with the funds.

  3. Breeding Shop


    Nothing set in stone yet for breeding, I am capable of doing so. I am asking for down payments for breeding to afford the breeding items. Please post offers bellow and do note that it takes a min of 600k to breed a perfect poke and take into account how rare is it to catch and any eggs moves you want. Please post request in this format instead of the part of "What I am buying" in the order section.


    Pokemon Name:


    Requested IV's:

    Egg moves




  4. Ev training/leveling shop


    EV training 


    1 stat 252 EVs-15k

    2 stats 252 EVs-25k


    (Any levels acquired from EV training are on the house)



    Level 50- 10k

    Level 100-50k 


    I am not ATM, EV training for little cup, if you got an amnesia brace please let me know and I will see if I can afford it.

  5. Berry Shop



    Leppa Berry: 2k per- Instock: 217




    Plain seeds= 100 per Very seeds= 2k per


    Traiding seeds:


    My plain for your very= 20-1

    My plain for your plain= 1 - 2

    My very for your plain= 1-50

    My very for your very= 1-2 




    Plain Bitter: 53

    Plain Dry: 61

    Plain sour: 18

    Plain spicy: 251

    Plain Sweet: 59

    Very dry: 6

    Very sour: 6

    Very Spicy:22


    Powder: 71 -500


    If you are requesting berries please keep in mind the time it will take to grow plus the space I may need to make to accommodate these berries.

  6. Item Shop


    Lucky egg- 650k - Instock:0 

    Everstone- 20k - Instock: 1


    I can and will hunt for items via theif and pickup. Please post offers and quantities bellow.




  7. Pokemon Shop





    Timid: 31/15/20/6/31/23 -80k

    Impish: 21/15/16/31/31/2 - 70k

    Lax- 20/8/30/31/30/28- Offer (Cant decide to count the 30s as 31 or not)



     Docile- 31/1/18/23/29/30- 25k

    Naive- 31/19/21/12/5/21-18k

    Timid- 31/1/24/25/30-25k

    Rash- 31/3/28/25/7/14 - 19k

    Naive- 31/1/10/7/28/25- 19k

    Lonely: 8/31/13/26/9/10- 15k

    Hardy- 9/31/25/16/4/28- 18k

    Careful- 18/31/21/11/23/4- 18k

    Docile- 23/31/11/8/2/21

    Hasty- 4/31/5/10/11/12

    Jolly- 9/31/16/22/22/29 - 20k

    Jolly: 25/16/31/25/3/28- 20k

    Gentle- 11/23/31/12/17/3- 15k

    Hardy- 6/25/31/19/5/13- 15k

    Naughty- 9/23/31/11/15/24- 15k

    Docile- 6/5/18/31/3/25- 15k

    Brave- 17/7/25/31/0/19- 15k

    Brave- 5/2/4/31/0/23- 15k

    Impish- 12/30/29/31/14/15- 18k

    Quiet- 10/5/0/31/25/28 - 18k

    Quiet- 21/7/2/31/9/17- 16k

    Mild- 25/25/25/31/18/12- 23k

    Adamant- 2/28/17/20/31/5 - 20k

    Rash- 16/30/15/3/31/19

    Rash- 3/11/4/16/31/27- 15k

    Bashful- 1/29/18/23/31/4- 18k

    Serious- 0/12/26/21/31/28- 20k

    Hardy- 3/30/5/8/31/26- 17k

    Naughty- 14/24/5/12/21/31 - 15k

    Naive- 7/16/4/28/6/31- 16k


    I do not atm want to list all the pokes I have. If you are requesting a certain pokemon I have not listed please request it and I will see if I have it/will try to acquire one. Please post what you are willing to offer for it so I can decide if I want to go hunt for it. Prices for breeding certain pokes will be listed bellow in the breeding shop.


  8. DaEpic's Shop of Stuff


    Please Read this before buying/selling from my shop


    Availability - Online


    (Offline means may take a while to respond due to sleep or other things, feel free to place orders though)


    Welcome to my shop, it has many things to buy and some things I am looking to buy, the shops are as following and are listed in order bellow.

    • Pokemon shop
    • Item shops
    • Berry shop
    • Ev Training/Leveling shop
    • Breeding shop
    • What I am buying area
    • Loyalty Program Area

    I try my best to list solid prices for things I list, if their is no solid price this means it is up for barter (please refrain from troll offers or blatant bad deals if in doubt try base it off the lowest price on market and we can go from their). I do reserve the right to deny any deals at any point, you do have the right to have a refund though if I back out of the deal and will be refunded your money/items. Please do not try to scam me, I will be keeping screenshots of your shop posts and of any in game chatter with me that deals with a deal we have struck in the case of this and will be given to staff when requested. 


    In any deal you wish to make use the following format



    What you are buying:

    Quantity Requested:


    Amount asked:

    Amount offered:

    Payment Method: 


    The In Game Name (IGN) is your ign and yours only. Please make it exact with capitalization and all, I will be sending the final product to that ign only. If you make a mistake please edit it and inform me that you did (Same goes for if you have multiple characters, I will only mail/deal with the specified In game Name).

    Postage is if you want your pokemon/item/money in game mailed to you, if you do please post with 1k after postage, if you want to trade to avoid said fee mark it as 0

    Amount asked is what my shop price is listed at IE 2 sets of 252 full EV training for 15k each for total amount asked of 30k

    Amount offered is if you want to try barter IE instead of 30k, you want to try see if I will do it for 25k

    Payment method is for 3 different reasons: A: you want to pay via traiding for other things IE Breeding pokes,items. B:Partial Payment: Pay half before the completion of your order and half afterwards or C:Full payment: This will be mainly for breeding pokes, due to the fact I may not have the funds to breed the poke on hand for expenses like braces or everstones. If you are pre-ordering the item (or anything that has no cost for me if you back out) or I have it in stock just leave it blank or note it their.


    After you posted your request I will reply to it saying either A: Accepted which means once you sent the payment or we met up in game the deal is ready, B: Forum/whisper me to barter: I am interested in the offer but would like to make it more fair so we will take it to private to finish the deal (If we do this please edit your post with our final agreement and I will update my comment to accepted or denied if we can't come to an agreement).C: which is denied/declined means I cannot work in the confines of your offer/to time inefficient for your offer (AKA not work my time), if you modify your offer please put it in bold in the updated comment that you edited your offer on the top or bottom.


    After we have completed/backed out of the deal, please edit your comment to A: review my shop and/or B: Leave a space to make future request, if you do make a future request mark it in bold/different colored text that this is a new request so I can see it clearly while scrolling this shops post.


    In the event that you pre-baught an item or I cannot contact you with your product I will contact a member of the staff and request them hold onto it until they deem fit/to give to you.


    Prices/stock is subject to change, I will honor all prices that are listed at the point of post (IE if you post before I change EV training to 20k I will give you the 15k deal even after the change for that 1 time deal.)


    Thank you for checking out my shop and its rules. If you have any comments or concerns please post them bellow or message me via forums/ingame whisper/mail. Have a good day.


    *Side note-I will not being an time frames, this in the case something happens, somethings will naturally take a while IE berries have a min amount of time to grow on top of the ones currently growing. You may request a prefered time frame that I may try to keep, in the end you have the right to pull out of the deal if you are worried about how long it is taking me but I will do my best to complete your order as efficiently. You may request updates via forum/in game pms and I will give you whatever info I got. 



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