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Everything posted by ThePrettyPetard

  1. this idea sound more like a joke to me almost feel like you don't want to work at all to be a trader wich even if you didn't said you wanted to why would you study the market otherwise. if it's easier to study the market then everyone would be a trader wich would just be a pain in the ass for those that had to actually work to learn the market. also if you just want to farm stuff to sell everyone would tell you that the best thing is everstones or leppa berries if you want to be a berry farmer. even if i know this is a thing since quite a while i am still confused about who the fuck buy overpriced pokeball
  2. who knows how hard it will be to implement (the devs oviously) since it isn't that big of an idea it might just take them 10 minutes to do or 10 hours if it's not hard to do why not take a few extra minute to put a little nice feature. also this idea isn't only meant for the pokemon you breed and fuck up the ball but also those that you buy that aren't in a ball of your taste
  3. he don't mind at all that people disagree with me but if they do and their reason seem weak and don't even show weakness in the base idea then i will question the purpose of that disagreement becaus for now his criticism just seems like a: i don't want it becaus i want to see those people suffer (suffer is a bit big for this but didn't had a better word in mind but i guess it might still fit for people with ocd). feel free to correct me if i am wrong on the interpretation of your argument @Kite
  4. first thing i never said i never said a pokemon is useless becaus it's not it the ball wanted, second i never said this was a mistake i made and that i want the dev to fix it for me and third i saw a few people that made that mistake while breeding which is one of the reasons i made this suggestion in the first place. btw the other reasons are that this also aply to a pokemon you buy that isn't in the ball you would like, changing it's ball might help make it feel a bit more like your own pokemon, and that people can move from home but why would pokemon not be able to do the same? in my opinion this suggestion page isn't here to tell the devs what to do but rather to give them idea of thing we would like to see last thing to quote the rules of the suguestion box "Do not leave posts that state your agreement/disagreement with the Original Post without providing an explanation, or critique; These posts will be removed. You can simply like a post to state your agreement or post as a reason why you do not."
  5. i almost feel like your agument is limited to: you shouldn't be able to do it becaus it's not in the main game. i don't think you should reject an idea just becaus you don't like change
  6. if you want people remember you masterballed a karp you could just keep it in it's original ball then noting force you to change it's ball i don't really see why that shouldn't allow you to do it with that argument
  7. getting rid of the original ball is allready part of the base idea btw
  8. i don't think there is much need to have a cost to balance this (even if i wouldn't mind to much) the only 2 exploit that could be happeneing is 1 switching to a luxury on happiness evolution pokemon but that would only be an exploit for the wild pokemon (becaus you didn't take the risk of loosing some of these more expensive ball) since we can allready choose the ball of those we breed and 2 switching to a heal ball to heal your pokemon away from the pc but that one can be prevented by disableing that feature for changing the ball i guess there could aslo be the premier ball that you wouldn't need to risk on a wild pokemon but i doubt this would be much of an issue.
  9. let's say you fuck up the pokeball your pokemon you just spent hundred thousand breeding and it's in a pokeball insted of a luxary or premier ball why would it need to be stuck to that pokeball for it's whole life the same could be said for a pokemon you bought but isn't in a ball you like we should just be able to give the pokemon an new ball and get rid of the last one (to avoid exploit of higher tier ball) the way to make the change would be simple just go to your bag and click use on the ball you want then use it on the pokemon you want to have a new ball
  10. i don't curently have much breeder to get those exact iv but i could still get the hp you want (31/x/30/31/30/30) and for the cost yes it would be slightly easier but the cost would be about the same so the price of 1m would stay the same edit: forgot to say that with this way of doing it it could be your OT if you wish
  11. i love eeveelution so i make a bunch of them but since i don't need them all i want to share the love for eeveelution! curently in stock (1m per eevee) note: all eevee come with the egg move wish and curse also the final breed of most of them isn't done yet so i can give you the 2 parent for it to be your OT if you don't mind the * next to your name eevee for a perfect jolteon 30/x/30/31/31/31 timid. (hp ice allready on it) availible has your OT now availible with syncronoise eevee for an unova build for Umbreon 31/31/31/x/31/0 sassy. (curse build) availible has your OT eevee for a glaceon or a jolteon or even an espeon 31/x/31/30/30/31 timid. ( hp ground allready on it) availible has your OT. also include the egg move syncronoise my IGN is the same has my name here if you want to whisper or if you wish you can also send a mail with the money and telling me wich one you want and i'll send it the next time i come online (i at least logg once a day)
  12. i think the devs realised their mistake on a time way to short for specific market and they increased the time to 30 day now wich in my opinion give a more fair chance to those more specific market that don't sell has much, some might still need more time to sell but at least it's a good step in the right way side note the number of listing total for pokemon droped by around 40k and the item one by around 8k so we might have lost some choice on stuff to buy
  13. what if the npc payout/lvl wasn't related to the region now but insted to your progress in all region to make those that truly have done everything earn more?
  14. i feel like that 10 day listing will hurt a lot those selling and wanting to buy specific breeder becaus specialized thing even if they are at a really good price can take a long time to sell it, it might also hurt other market and turn off a bit people from using gtl
  15. if you can't accept people with other opinion than yours @wonderlandyou might be the one that needs to leave
  16. if you want to have a low level mon to use thief and don't want to get fucked by wild encouter either switch the place of the mon in your party when you are in front of the rock or go to island 7 for rocks insted. issue fixed!
  17. it would matther becaus it would give you something else to do on your main than pvp/breeding/money farming
  18. yes it would probably be easier that way but that would leave a charater pretty much useless once your done with the challenge since you will most likely come back to your main once it's done and you wouldn't have a much of a reward for it on your main
  19. i think pretty much everyone know what a nuzzlock is but for those who don't know it's just 2 rules added to the base game to make it more challenging 1. you can only capture the first pokemon you encouter at each route/location 1,5. there is the duplication close that if you encouter on a new route/location a pokemon from a specie you allready caught you get another try (optional) 2. when a pokemon faint it's dead and you can't use it anymore wich mean item like revive are useles the way i think would be the best for pokemmo would be to add this mode has a post story mode that you could access by talking to a npc or someting else 1. it would set you back to the begining of the story while keeping all your pokemon/item/money in a spareted place not accessible while in the nuzzlock 2.you can set your nuzzlock to pause at any moment ( as long as you are in a pokecenter to avoid abuse) to go back to your usual stuff then start back at anytime by going back to the pokecenter where you left your nuzzlock to pause 3. you will be able to give up the nuzzlock at any point and take the pokemon you wish to keep to your starting character but the item you get from the story like those you find on the ground /get has a gift from npc will be destroyed to avoid exploit while still leaving those that bought/got lucky with a catch/had a pick up pokemon able to keep those item (maybe have like a box or 2 with your nuzzluck pokemon for a limited amout of time to carry over the pokemon you wish to keep in case the box is full at the moment) 4. pokemon that fainted in combat will be sent to a pc box named graveyard and won't be able to move from there until you either finished the story or gave up the nuzzlock 5. in case of a shiny encouter that isn't your first one on the route you could be allowed to catch it but it will be put in the graveyard box as using that pokemon would be cheating ( this is to prevent people from raging for not being able to catch a shiny) 6. those that beat the nuzzlock could be rewarded with a badge to show to everyone (maybe one for each region) feel free to let me know what you think about it or if you see a way to improve the idea
  20. well the OT rule and catch time make it pretty obvious that you cannot buy pokemon from gtl but i guess human stupidity will allways find a way to surprise me, but in that case you should probably change the word "locate" in case someone actually wanting to bend the rule try to play with the meaning of the word since that one only mean to find and not to obtain/acquire/get, if someone managed to think he could just buy the require pokemon on gtl because it didn't said you couldn't then it's only a matter of time before someone try to play with words.
  21. i get your point that you need to be the OT and have caught the mon after the anoucement but the rule before the one that is bugging me allready made it pretty clear so that little extra just seems like an extra rule. honestly only the word locate mess up the meaning i think, but english is only my second language so i might be wrong even if i doubt it.
  22. i would like 42 please IGN: same has here
  23. the only detail is that the rule says locate and not get or acquire wich sounds like you are not allowed to look on gtl for where pokemon are found if you didn't saw that pokemon yet
  24. wtf is this rule of not being allowed to use gtl to locate the pokemon??? so your just trying to force people to complete their dex?
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