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Everything posted by YoshidoriForum

  1. mmh yes i can try that thanks smeargle is a good advice too with spore + fly but still no good for matches
  2. isn't annoying that every time you have to change place for something you have to use a pokemon with fly? for example i was ev training and then ehy let's go to the league - use fly - change the fly pokemon every time - finish and then oh i don't have fly D: especially when that pokemon is not even a little comp and right now even 1 bad move can ruin the team yes i know ocarina exist but cmon is too expansive, just let the player click a flying type pokemon and choose use fly please (also makes wayyy more sense)
  3. gyms are good, maybe remove the puzzles after the first time hordes? i'm talking about leveling up a 60-70 pokemons
  4. even if the classic one won't give you battle points?
  5. Let the players choose between classic league and the rematch one, this way we can stil use it for exp without many worries
  6. can you tell me exactly where? PokeMMO\data\themes\default\ui then inventory and pc?
  7. well sorry if i find a bit stupid spend so much time and ingame money for a "perfect ivs" this is just give priority to competitive and not to the actual enjoyment of a game if you choose that path good for you but im not that kind of player, i usually do a 2x31 + nature\move max an try it for fun i tried
  8. damn you are so serious about this so even a chance break the whole economy? like...how many people play pokemmo? let's say 2000 half of them (if good) will lose only 1 parent so 1000 "good ivs" are still around ok but i doubt in the second round they will be the same mmh actually you can do 1 thing, mark a pokemon how many times it hatched second time it's 25% the third 5% and then boom he dies
  9. i know it's a bad argument but srsly guys, with the new hidden abilities system (what i read at least) is kinda hard to lose both parents every time you breed can we have a 50% chance to not lose them? or at least 1? pls
  10. yep maybe with some other trainers too
  11. Yeah and with that epic title i mean let's create some special area where famous famous trainer from the main games, anime and the mangas are there fight to meet you! and with cool prizes too?
  12. well dunno it feels slow, i think a 2x speed up would make everyone happy or at least like showdown
  13. no is a bit longer, the animations are good and all just..slow
  14. i mean with this new 3D, zooms and animations the battles are a bit annoying there's no way too speed up shit?
  15. i mean, that's the only thing one have to go check bulbapedia lol
  16. yes it's true, but it's not like this thing affect the chance of finding good ivs you just don't waste time\pokeballs but as i said is a mmo and this it's maybe too much i understand
  17. as i thought is too drastic, yes the main thing is the time but as a mmo it's normal even with an item would be a problem uh
  18. Maybe is a little to much but sure is handful make it so that when a wild pokemon appear we can see the IVs like this: less waste of pokeball can be a problem?
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