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[Art] Dumb Custom Art


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Well I didnt mean the color. I get that.

I mean, why does his face stick out to the side.

...because I drew it like that?

How do you do these? :o

I draw them in Paint Tool SAI. I'm not really trying, though. I could do so much better if there were more reason to, but there isn't so I'll draw things quickly, badly and stupidly.


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I'd like for you to draw a picture of my team and all, but what exactly would you like? Is there anything in particular you're looking for?

There's nothing I'm particuarly looking for :> Ill tell you if you offer something I already have, but I'm not catching alot so It's unlikely I will have it/ have already been offered it.

Wish I could draw like that :(

this is amazing!!

I'm flattered! (◡////◡✿)

I'd like to do illustration for an actual job one day, but I'm still in school so that's a long way off yet :D

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Awesome! I'll try and not take up a lot of space with the short little description.

Could you draw the basic female trainer with long sleeved shirt and jeans (basically dressed for more cold weather or something), with this team of pokemon?

Venusaur (M) being all snooty and condescending.

Fearow (M) Just being all chill with Primeape.

Primeape (F) with reading glasses, since she's relaxed and pretty chill.

Kadabra (F) being all serious.

Vaporeon (M) with a purple starfish on his face?

Really sorry about being all specific and stuff. If you're annoyed or just kinda gave a frustrated sigh at these specific conditions, just let me know and you can just do what you want, or ask for another pokemon, like a machoke or something. But yeah, since I'm being all nitpicky I'll try to make this the best Haunter ever. It's a Modest Nature, so I'll EV train properly.

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Record your next one! :D I wanna see one made. :)

Its not very interesting, and I tend to do it in bits and do more serious drawings in between. It breaks stuff up and I have other projects on that require effort;;;; Actually, I probably wont have any more drawings until the end of the week, it depends.



Jolteon's had enough of these unclassy peasants.

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I'm gonna make a request. This character GilgameshUC.png With

Shiny Caterpie (preferably on his shoulder(s)/around his neck)

Beedrill (With the stingers actually looking like drills as opposed to spikes)




and Scizor.

All of them with sparkly golden shutter shades. As for the style, make em look swag I guess. Just let me know what Pokemon you want and I'll get it for you.

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Hey! I really enjoy your work, and your stuff is really fun to look at. I recently saw one of your responses to someone reacting to your "Dangerous" request. I just wanted to give you a heads up that your definition of the "Rule of Thirds" is incorrect, but that the figures are sticking out primarily because they are in the center and the other figures to the sides are less saturated!

Keep up the good work! : >

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Dude you should make customs for the official PokeMMO website

You are talented

u///u I'd honestly loooooooove to be able to help in someting this big, but I'm currently digging for an actual paying job as opposed to helping for free. I didn't think I'd even shit the free requests here, tbh. oops.

Oh my, these pictures are hilarious.

I'd request one, but I don't have much of a team right now, and I definitely don't have any semi-cool Pokemon you don't have. :P

But what I will do is compliment you on your fantastic pictures!

Thank you! I'm actually planning on stopping after I finish these, however. Sorry D;

Hey! I really enjoy your work, and your stuff is really fun to look at. I recently saw one of your responses to someone reacting to your "Dangerous" request. I just wanted to give you a heads up that your definition of the "Rule of Thirds" is incorrect, but that the figures are sticking out primarily because they are in the center and the other figures to the sides are less saturated!

Keep up the good work! : >

-Shhh! People will realise i'm inexperienced!

But thank you <3 I probably should have looked it up properly before yammering;;;

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Ok so so sorry for the delays. If people still want theirs then PM me, but my hnads are very much tied with my current project and I'm only half way done (The progress of which is here , but I still need to preoduce various other elements of teh project aie aie aie)



Is this ok? so sorry to make you wait;;; Have some dumb-looking arcanines too (Which look better than what I did here sorry...)


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