Creative Media Moderators: Darkshade, Zacc
1.) All global forum rules apply, they can be seen here; Link
2.) If you're going to be negative, always give constructive criticism as to why you feel that way. Criticizing work just for the sake of criticizing it/being rude will result in your post being hidden.
3.) In relation to rule 2, if you are on the recieving end of negative constructive feedback, please try not to take offense, use it as a tool to help you improve.
4.) Do not post somebody elses work without their permission, doing so will result in the thread/post being removed, be sure to make sure that what you do use is free of use/you have asked to use such first, and credit accordingly.
5.) No request threads, if you wish to request a user make you something, PM them personally, or find a [shop] that fits the specifications of what you'd like.
6.) Always keep thread titles accurate, and free of inappropriate language. Self-censored curse words will be considered as inappropriate. If a thread's title does not meet these guidelines it will be changed.
7.) Only owners of the thread can double post, and the conditions for them doing so must be to display new artwork. Try to make use of the edit button provided to you if you feel that you left something out.
8.) Do not make threads, or post in threads asking how to do something, if you can't find a tutorial elsewhere, send a PM to someone in this section who may know.
9.) The only person who can "bump" a thread which has not been posted in awhile is the original creator of the topic, and only once it has reached page 2. Bumping another persons thread will likely result in your post being hidden/deleted.
10.) Posting a thread for the sole purpose of showing a screenshot is not acceptable. Unless the screenshot is useful in some manner, or brings up a topic of discussion, do not make a thread for it. Use this thread instead LINK
11.) All users must keep their work within a single thread, this applies to all types of Media.
12.) All types of Creative Media is welcome here
13.) Posting team-only shop is not allowed, it can be done in clubs section.
However there are some exceptions to this rule, explicit content that contains things such as;
Excessive Gore
Sexual activity/'Dirty' Bodily functions
Drug references
Threads that mock or harrass other users
Any media that you yourself, have not created
13.) All threads must be tagged appropriately. Look at any similar threads if you are not sure which tag to use, or consult the moderators via PM.
[Animation] - For any threads that contain animation work
[Art] - For drawing related threads, whether it's digital or non-digital - this includes photo manipulation.
[Avatar] - For threads that contain avatar work.
[shop] - For any threads that wish to create something upon a users request.
[sprite] - For any sprite related work.
[sig] - For any threads that contain signature work.
[screenshot] - For any threads that contain screenshots.
[Tutorial] For any threads that exist for sharing your techniques and knowledge to other users.