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Hide and Seek #7

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\\ Team AiR Hide and Seek //

Can u Guess the spot?


Rules and Info

To Join this Event u have to be an  Air Team Member 

The activity will take place at All 4 Regions

there will be 20 rounds total

(5 rounds per region)

that the host (Masterkeyys) will given time to hide 

and u will be called to search for him 

via clues that will be given

(the more the time passes searching the more the clues)

to win a round u gotta find the host and trade him 

( first who trade wins in case of multiple player spots the host at the same time)

after every round there will be a small prep time to change hiding position

more info and details during event will be given

Max Wins per person cap will be set at 5  times

for terms of Fair competition 


Date and Time


Starting Region wil be hoend channel 1

Sunday 19th of March

6 PM EET time 




Please be at Slaterport at channel 1 at least 5 minutes before hide and seek starts 

at the end of every round the prize will be given to the winner

there will be multiple rounds so every members has good chance to win

(each round wins a prize)

the hiding spots are random and clues will be given at spot by the host

when u notice the host u need to trade him in order to claim the round/win




250.000 pokeyen for per Round


Hope u have Fun and Enjoy




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